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日文名雪村 布返1(ゆきむら ぬのかえ)
英文名Nunokae Yukimura
能力Returning favors
東方実在相 ~ Dream Logical World一面中BOSS
游戏Good Fortune for Altruistic Souls
Discernment ~ Trial of the Pure Heart
Discernment ~ 纯粹之心的试炼



A friendly youkai whose origin is a red-crowned crane.
She can normally be found traveling the land carefreely, but if someone happens to do something kind for her, Nunokae's instinct will guide her back to them in order to return the favor. To other cranes their own, but Nunokae doesn't return favors paid out of selfishness, only genuine acts of kindness. She does, however, take her favor-returning duty so seriously that she occasionally forgets about her own safety.
Just recently, Nunokae's favor instinct kicked in without any visible reason, and she was guided toward the Tree of Aspects. Something was not quite right this time: the instinct was definitely there, but at only partial strength, as if she'd been paid a favor by half a person, and she couldn't find who she was supposed to return the favor to. While searching around, Nunokae ended up having a few chats and danmaku duels with some girls who had gone out to investigate the dream logic.
Performing better in the duels than she anticipated, she realized she'd been noticing and correcting her recklessness more often, and hypothesized that the dream logic had increased people's self-awareness. No one came to a solid conclusion about why she'd been led here, though. It was just the Tree of Aspects; what would that have to do with anything? Once the incident-resolvers had finished their business with her and continued on their way, Nunokae ascended the tree just to make sure.
在决斗中布返感觉自己超常发挥,这种轻松的感觉向布返表明,最近的她说话做事更加地求稳求重,并且启发她提出了梦逻辑可以让人更加自省的猜测。可是依然没人明白布返为什么会被引导到这里。如果只是区区相之树,会和什么事情扯上关系呢? 等那些解决异变的少女们离开后,雪村再次爬上这相之树开始了自己的调查。
Nunokae discovered the truth: Aimi and Kiseki, the masterminds of the dream logic, had granted greater self-awareness to everyone living in Gensokyo.
Aimi's honest desire to create a friendlier world was enough to count as a favor Nunokae could return, but her romantic desires also played a part in her motivation, meaning it was only partially a true favor.
Still, seeing that the masterminds truly did something kind for her, Nunokae offered to return their favor. The reality-rewriting girls had noticed the incident-resolvers' activity near the Tree of Aspects and were concerned their location would be found out, so they asked Nunokae to stay a while and guard the Tree in case they returned. Naturally, Gensokyo's heroes eventually figured out that dream logic had prevented their minds from recognizing the Tree's importance and promptly went to investigate it. Nunokae didn't want to prevent them from resolving the incident, but neither did she want to disrespect Aimi's favor, so she engaged them in a halfhearted battle, purposely losing and letting them reach the masterminds.
After Aimi and Kiseki's schemes had been put to an end and a meeting to restore Gensokyo scheduled, Kasen invited Nunokae to describe her encounter with them.
Nunokae's genuine instinct to return their favor convinced the others in attendance that Aimi really wanted to help create a better world. Since she technically hadn't performed her duty,
Nunokae offered to return the favor in some other way. She and Reimu, at the latter's suggestion, decided to help Aimi and Kiseki catch up on spell card experience so they could journey outside the Human Village once the dream logic was no longer active.


鹤符「艺术的献身」Crane Sign「Artistic Devotion」Lunatic/Overdrive
还符「互惠互助」Return Sign「Reciprocity」Easy/Normal/Hard
还符「恩义之鹤」Return Sign「The Grateful Crane」Lunatic/Overdrive
鹤符「腾跃飞行」Crane Sign「Active Flight」Easy/Normal/Hard
鹤符「特技飞行」Crane Sign「Intentional Flight」Lunatic/Overdrive
本能「激光导向恩报」Instinct「Laser-Guided Karma」Easy/Normal/Hard
本能「热追踪恩报」Instinct「Heat-Seeking Karma」Lunatic/Overdrive
鹤之友「羽毛刺绣」Crane Friendship「Feather Embroidery」Easy/Normal/Hard
鹤之友「羽毛奉献」Crane Friendship「Feather Sacrifice」Lunatic
鹤之浪漫「没有牺牲没有爱」Crane Romance「No Love Without Sacrifice」Overdrive
鹤之浪漫「爱之毛衣的赐福」Crane Romance「Blessing of the Love Sweater」Last Word


  1. 在日本民间故事《仙鹤报恩》中,鹤为了报答老夫妇救助的恩情,用自己的羽毛织成布匹相赠。
  2. 取自日本民间故事《仙鹤报恩》。
