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日文名青草 実夕(あおくさ みゆ)
英文名Miyu Aokusa
能力Creating artwork
東方実在相 ~ Dream Logical WorldEX面BOSS游戏Creative and Interpretive Artist
Colorful Canvas of Love ~ Romantic Apricity
多彩的爱之画布 ~ Romantic Apricity



A girl from the Human Village who happened to find herself caught in the crosshairs of the dream logic incident.
She enjoys creating visual art based on everyday experiences, using traditional methods like painting and also more unconventional ones like danmaku.
Miyu has a high emotional intelligence and draws inspiration for her art from the experiences of both herself and others. These traits are what endeared Rikuto Akigiri to her. Miyu understood that Rikuto's anxious personality and unusual ways of thinking made it hard for others to connect with him, but also gave him a unique perspective on things. She wanted to be someone he could rely on and provide her art as a way for him to express himself.
While Miyu wasn't happy with how Rikuto had treated Aimi and had talked about it with Aimi once or twice, she didn't know Aimi that well and wasn't aware that she was spending her days pruning tree branches while dreaming of remaking the world and being together with Miyu's now-significant-other. And just like everyone else, Miyu and Rikuto were oblivious to Gensokyo's transformation into a dream-logical world. Once the truth of the dream logic became known, though, the two of them couldn't help but notice something familiar about how the world had been changed. All of it seemed to be related in some way to Aimi's hopes and dreams. Could she be related to the incident somehow? They had no idea how someone from the village could cause an incident on that kind of scale, but they couldn't dismiss the possibility.
Then, a while after the incident had been resolved, Miyu noticed a large group of Gensokyo's famous incident-resolvers investigating the village near the area where she and Rikuto lived. Miyu quickly put the pieces together and deduced they were probably looking for someone or something related to the incident. And indeed, they were—Rikuto, to be specific. Aimi had asked them to see how he was doing and make sure he hadn't been harmed by her reality-bending, personality-altering machinations. After a spell card battle that Miyu declared because she thought it'd be fun, Aimi finally approached them, anticipating that Miyu would be understandably angry with her. But there wasn't much room for anger among the sheer awe Miyu felt. She couldn't help but admire how Aimi was so determined that she rewrote reality to try and make her dreams come true. And since Aimi was sincerely remorseful for how she'd messed up the world, Miyu found it in her heart to forgive her. She also promised she and Rikuto would keep Aimi's identity as the mastermind a secret from the rest of the village, since who knew how they would react to that.
Aimi has a lot to explain to Miyu and Rikuto about how she caused the incident, but Miyu thinks it'll go over just fine.



新开端「多彩黎明」New Beginnings"Colorful Dawn"Easy Extra/Extra/Elite Extra
自然美「雪花六瓣对称」Beauty of Nature"Six-Sided Snowflake Symmetry"Easy Extra/Extra/Elite Extra
蓝图「建筑的结构与功能」Blueprint"Architectural Structure and Function"Easy Extra/Extra/Elite Extra
先驱「自辟蹊径」Trailblazer"Desire Path"1Easy Extra/Extra/Elite Extra
水务「雨落之声」Waterworks2"Sound of Falling Rain"Easy Extra/Extra/Elite Extra
喵呜「与大猫小猫共度时光」Meow"Spending Some Time with Cats and Kittens"Easy Extra/Extra/Elite Extra
满足「精致大餐」Gratification"A Meal Well Cooked"Easy Extra/Extra/Elite Extra
韵律「牵情盈心之乐」Rhythm"Soul-Filling, Mood-Evoking Music"Easy Extra/Extra/Elite Extra
「浮游于奇迹闪烁的夜空」"Adrift in a Night Sky of Glowing Wonders"Easy Extra/Extra/Elite Extra
「平凡而美好的一天」"An Ordinary, Beautiful Day"Easy Extra/Extra/Elite Extra
「再次唤醒的世界」"Reawakened World"3Last Word


  1. Desire Path,意为在草地郊野上因人、兽之长期来往而踏成的小道。与本符卡的弹幕表现相似。
  2. Waterworks,也就是关乎水的收集、处理与供应的系统,另外,也可以指人造泉或者是喻指哭泣。
  3. 本游戏的1面道中主题曲名Awakening of the Dream-logical World



