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東方実在相 ~ Dream Logical World/角色设定
博丽的巫女 | 博丽灵梦 |
Species: Human Ability: Flying in the air | 种族:人类 能力:在空中飞行程度的能力 |
The all-too-familiar shrine maiden of the Hakurei Shrine. She lacks training, but possesses innate spiritual power. | 大家都很熟悉的,博丽神社的巫女。虽然疏于修行,但拥有天生的灵力。 |
To Reimu, the clearest sign of the incident was finally running a profitable shrine, so she felt little need to investigate. After all, no one had any idea what was actually going on. For all she knew, resolving the incident would erase that profit. | 除了神社变得繁盛以外,灵梦没有见到其他异变的影响,所以她不觉得有太多调查的必要。谁也不知道这异变的本质,就她所知的来看,一旦解决的话,神社的繁盛就得消散了。 |
After Kasen talked to her, though, Reimu's conscience began to tell her she should do what was best for all of Gensokyo, not just her shrine. More than reluctant duty, actually, she wanted to help. | 不过,受到华扇的说教后,她醒悟到不应该只考虑自己的神社,而是要为整个幻想乡的利益而行动。不是出于职责所迫,她确实发自内心地想要帮助他人。 |
Why would she have that feeling now, of all times? Maybe the dream logic really did need investigating. | 为什么事到如今才开始这么想……梦逻辑果然需要好好研究研究啊。 |
茨木之仙人 | 茨木华扇 |
Species: Hermit? Ability: Guiding animals | 种族:仙人? 能力:引导动物程度的能力 |
A mysterious but apparently good-natured hermit who lives on the Youkai Mountain. She regularly visits the Hakurei Shrine and Human Village to dispense knowledge and advice. | 居住在妖怪之山,有些神秘但十分友善的仙人。为了分享自己的智慧,提出建议,时常前往博丽神社和人类村落。 |
With the shrine being successful for the first time in who knew how long, Kasen knew she'd have to nag Reimu to do her incident-resolving duty, but she didn't expect to be asked to help. Reimu seemed to actually want her around. | 虽然神社史无前例地变得繁盛,但华扇明白她得说服灵梦肩负起解决异变的责任,却没想到自己也被拜托帮忙,有些意外。灵梦似乎真的希望和她一道出发。 |
Could the dream logic really even affect people's actions? If so, this incident could use someone like Kasen. | 梦逻辑真能够影响到人的行为吗?如果是那样的话,就更加需要自己这样的人了。 |
激光与爆炸的欣赏者 | 雾雨魔理沙 |
Species: Human Ability: Using magic | 种族:人类 能力:使用魔法程度的能力 |
A self-described "ordinary magician" living in the Forest of Magic. She has a mania for collecting things. | 居住在魔法森林,自称为“普通的魔法使”。她有种收集癖。 |
Many new, exotic plants and other environmental features seem to have been placed in Gensokyo. Because of the dream logic, Marisa had believed they were always there, so she didn't take note of properties they might have that could aid in her magic techniques. | 最近,幻想乡各处涌现出了神奇的植物和其他新的地貌。因为受到梦逻辑的影响,魔理沙一开始觉得它们理所应当存在,也就没有发现它们有助于提升自己的魔法。 |
Now that the dream logic's been unmasked, she's eager to find materials from which she could unlock yet-unheard-of power. Oh, and save her reality from being rewritten at the whim of someone apparently more powerful than anyone she's ever heard of...but first, that other thing. | 但梦逻辑的面纱已被揭开的现在,她渴望找到一些新素材,以从中解锁前所未有的力量。哦,阻止某个强得出格的家伙任意改写现实也很重要……不过,还是先考虑另外那件事吧。 |
绚烂芳华的欣赏者 | 风见幽香 |
Species: Youkai Ability: Manipulating flowers | 种族:妖怪 能力:操纵花程度的能力 |
A youkai that has lived in Gensokyo for a long time. She loves seasonal flowers, so throughout the year she moves to the respective places where the flowers grow. | 从很久以前就居住在幻想乡的妖怪。她深爱着应季的花朵,因此一年四季都在追随着当季鲜花盛开的场所。 |
When she found out Gensokyo had become a dream-logical world, her flower-viewing hobby was thrown into disarray. These purple glass flowers were the ones that always sprouted in late autumn, right? Or had they never existed until now? Well, they were certainly beautiful regardless. | 当她发现幻想乡已成了梦逻辑的世界时,她赏花的爱好顿时走向了迷茫。那些紫色玻璃花时常开在晚秋,是吗?还是说它们此前从来不曾存在?不管怎么说,它们确实很美就是。 |
As Yuuka pondered this unusual situation, she ran into Marisa, who herself was looking for new and exotic plants to use for her magic. Together they could certainly figure out the dream-logical mystery. And see some gorgeous sights while they were at it. | 就在幽香思考这异常情况时,她偶遇了正在收集新植物作为魔法素材的魔理沙。如果两人齐心协力,一定能解决这梦逻辑异变吧。她也期盼着在异变解决之时看到绝美的景色。 |
潇洒的超光速子 | 十六夜咲夜 |
Species: Human Ability: Manipulating time | 种族:人类 能力:操纵时间程度的能力 |
The head maid that lives in the Scarlet Devil Mansion. Since her powers allow her to control time and space, Sakuya was one of the first to notice that something was amiss with existence. | 居住在红魔馆的女仆长。幸亏她拥有操纵时空的能力,得以在较早阶段注意到世界的违和感。 |
She was particularly unnerved by the fact that the path from the village to the shrine had become much shorter, but their actual geographical locations hadn't changed. It was as if a slice of spacetime on the path had simply been excised from reality. | 特别让她在意的是,连接人类村落与博丽神社的道路变短了,但两者的位置没有任何变化。仿佛是这条道路时空的一部分被从现实中削去了一样…… |
Feeling in her heart that something had to be done, she went to find Reisen. Their abilities combined could surely let them pinpoint the mastermind's location. | 她觉得自己必须去做点什么,于是找到了铃仙。凭借两人的能力,一定很快能找到黑幕的所在之处。 |
毛绒绒的磁星 | 铃仙·优昙华院·因幡 |
Species: Moon rabbit Ability: Manipulating waves | 种族:月兔 能力:操纵波长程度的能力 |
A moon rabbit living in the mansion Eientei deep within the Bamboo Forest of the Lost. | 居住在迷途竹林深处永远亭的月兔。 |
Reisen's control over wavelengths made her one of the first to pick up something wrong with existence, but like everyone else, she couldn't tell what it was until the dream logic was unveiled. | 凭借操纵波长的能力她比大多数人更早注意到了世界的违和感,但直到众人都意识到梦论理异变的发生时,依旧没能抓住其正体。 |
The altered wavelengths from people and the environment were suspicious enough, but more fundamentally, all the changed waves appeared to be pointing to one location—the Tree of Aspects. | 光是人类与自然的波长就变得很诡异了,更奇特的是,所有变异的波动都在向“相之树”聚集。 |
Thus Reisen, along with Sakuya, put that location first on her investigation list. But with dream logic corrupting their perception of reality, can they discern what the Tree's significance is? | 于是,铃仙决定和咲夜一起先去调查那棵树。然而,在自己的现实也受到梦论理影响的情况下,她们真的能找出那棵树的意义吗? |
侍奉二神的人类 | 东风谷早苗 |
Species: Human Ability: Causing miracles | 种族:人类 能力:引发奇迹程度的能力 |
The shrine maiden living at the Moriya Shrine on the Youkai Mountain. She's becoming used to youkai extermination after moving to Gensokyo from the Outside World. | 妖怪之山上守矢神社风祝。早苗来幻想乡有一段时间了,已经开始习惯退治妖怪这种工作。 |
Sanae was one of several humans and youkai who attempted to capture Seija the amanojaku after she caused an incident and attempted to turn Gensokyo's society upside-down. With the entire world going berserk again, Seija ran right to the top of Sanae's suspect list. | 之前的下克上异变,正邪成为了大家的捕捉对象,这次又逢幻想乡大乱,早苗一下子就想到了正邪。 |
Well, that was mostly an excuse to go youkai-hunting again since Sanae hadn't participated in a major incident in a while. But hey, what if she really could stop the dream logic that easily? | 其实也许是她很久没解决大异变有点手痒,想去拿妖怪练练手,而且要是真的顺手解决了梦逻辑异变,可不谓一石二鸟? |
善于欺诈之人 | 鬼人正邪 |
Species: Amanojaku Ability: Turning anything upside-down | 种族:天邪鬼 能力:让任何事物翻转过来程度的能力 |
An amanojaku who likes what others hate, hates what others like, likes when people hate her, and hates when people like her. | 喜爱他人厌恶之物、厌恶他人喜爱之物,为别人厌恶自己而高兴,为别人喜欢自己而讨厌,万事都与别人对着干的天邪鬼。 |
She was the troublemaker responsible for Gensokyo's previous incident, where she (indirectly) used the wish-granting Miracle Mallet in an attempt to overturn society and make the weak rule over the strong. | 正邪是幻想乡上一次异变的罪魁祸首,她(通过别人间接地)使用万宝锤试图以下克上、翻转社会。 |
Several of Gensokyo's residents attempted to bring her to justice, but true to her nature, Seija cheated her way out of their spell cards with the power of several magic items she'd gathered. | 幻想乡的异变解决能手到处追捕她,但是借助于自己的天然能力和偶然收集到的魔法道具,正邪从这些家伙的符卡下躲过一劫。 |
She hasn't acted up since then, but Sanae suspected her for the dream logic and dragged her out to investigate. She'll make absolute sure to give Sanae a hard time. | 正邪之后销声匿迹不敢有大动作,但是早苗怀疑她和梦逻辑异变有关,就把她拖去调查异变。这次,早苗算是遇到了一个难缠的家伙。 |
彷徨生死的半人半灵 | 魂魄妖梦 |
Species: Half-human, half-phantom Ability: Handling sword techniques | 种族:半人半灵 能力:使用剑术程度的能力 |
The gardener of the mansion Hakugyokurou, and the swordsmanship teacher for her mistress Yuyuko. | 白玉楼的庭师,幽幽子的剑术指导。 |
Hakugyokurou is located in the Netherworld, beyond death, so Youmu's home usually isn't affected by incidents in Gensokyo. When she caught wind that the fabric of Gensokyo's reality was being altered by something called "dream logic", however, she became intensely concerned. | 白玉楼坐落在冥界,超越了生与死,所以通常情况下这里不会被幻想乡的异变所影响。不过当妖梦听闻有一种叫做梦逻辑的东西正在侵蚀幻想乡的现实结构时,她还是不由地担心起来。 |
If it could control reality on this existential level, there was no reason to dismiss the possibility it could begin influencing Gensokyo's neighboring realms. The first thing she should do, Youmu thought, was find someone she knew and confirm what she knew about reality with them. Reimu could probably help... | 如果这个梦逻辑可以在人类世界的层级上侵蚀现实,那必然会影响到幻想乡的周边地区。直觉告诉妖梦,她应该先找自己的朋友们来确认她们对现实的认知是否已经被干扰了。灵梦也许可以帮上忙...... |
无法读心的读心者 | 古明地恋 |
Species: Satori Ability: Manipulating the subconscious | 种族:觉 能力:操纵无意识程度的能力 |
A satori who closed her mind-reading Third Eye because her ability made others fear and hate her. However, this closed off her own conscious mind, turning her into an empty, unnoticeable wanderer. | 因为他人的恐惧与厌恶而闭上了觉之瞳的觉妖怪。恋恋为此摒弃了自己的意识,成为了一个空洞的没有存在感的徘徊者。 |
Normally, no one can perceive Koishi unless she reveals herself to them, but it seemed lately that more people than usual had been noticing her. This had happened before when she'd found the Mask of Hope and gained its infused emotion. As far as she knew, though, there was nothing different about her personality this time. | 一般情况下,只有恋恋主动向别人展现自己的姿态时,别人才能注意到她的存在。不过好像最近注意到她的人变多了,这种情况在她找寻到希望之面并为其注入情感时有过。恋恋发觉到,这和她自己的属性井没有太大的关联。 |
While she wondered about this, she encountered Youmu, who was looking for Reimu to get her help figuring out the dream logic. Well! A search for the shrine maiden! Sure! She wasn't doing anything else today! | 她正疑惑此事之时遇到了妖梦,妖梦正在到处找灵梦,也许跟着妖梦可以知道些什么!好呀!巫女大搜捕!当然,恋恋今天什么都还没有开始做! |
禁忌流言的传播者 | 射命丸文 |
Species: Crow tengu Ability: Manipulating wind | 种族:鸦天狗 能力:操纵风程度的能力 |
A tengu newspaper reporter who lives on the Youkai Mountain. | 居住于妖怪之山的天狗记者。 |
Dream logic that alters existence itself and causes everyone to believe it's always been like this, meaning no one can be sure what reality is actually supposed to be like?! This is the mother of all scoops! | 扭曲事实、让人以为一切假象都是理所应当的梦逻辑?!这是新闻报道的猛料啊! |
Aya was combing the Human Village for information when she learned from Akyuu that her friend Kosuzu wanted to help do something about this disturbing incident. Aya normally wouldn't do this, but on a moment's impulse she decided to take the inexperienced Kosuzu along for her info-gathering. | 文文原本正在人里收集情报,无意间从阿求那里得知,小铃也想给解决异变帮帮忙。文文一拍脑袋就决定带着没什么经验的小铃去收集情报。 |
What would make her do that? The dream logic? Well, Kosuzu already said yes. Too late now. | 文文这么做有什么目的?是被梦逻辑影响了吗?管他呢,小铃都已经答应啦。 |
禁忌知识的传播者 | 本居小铃 |
Species: Human Ability: Deciphering any book by touching it | 种族:人类 能力:接触后读懂任何书程度的能力 |
A young bibliophile who works at the Suzunaan book renter in the Human Village. She has a secret collection of rare and dangerous demon books. | 在人里的书屋铃奈庵工作的爱书少女,据说她私藏了不少既稀奇又危险的妖怪书。 |
Kosuzu does not fully understand the relationship between humans and youkai, and has never used spell cards before. When she found out the dream logic would greatly interfere with her friend Akyuu's duty of recording Gensokyo's history, she wanted to help but couldn't think of how to do so. | 小铃井不理解人类与妖怪之间微妙的关系,也从未使用过符卡。这一次,小铃得知梦逻辑异变可能会影响到阿求记录幻想乡的工作,想要帮帮忙,却不知道自己应该做什么。 |
That is, until Aya heard about her wish and offered to let Kosuzu help out on her investigation. Kosuzu's using a shot and Aspect Shift Aya helped her whip up on the spot. | 然后,文文提到了小铃想帮忙的诉求,就跟着她跟着自己一起开始调查异变。小铃的弹幕和相位转换符卡,是文文帮她临时搭配出来的。 |
She's nervous about leaving the village, but at the same time can hardly contain her excitement to help resolve a major incident! | 小铃一想到要离开人里,不由地有点紧张,但同时也是兴奋不已——要去解决大异变啦! |
一面道中 梦逻辑世界的苏醒 | 赠予利他之心的恩惠 | 雪村布返 | |
一面BOSS Discernment ~ 纯粹之心的试炼 | |||
二面道中 晚秋的 T.N.G. | 未尝动情的共感能力者 | 夜花铁子 | |
二面BOSS 微风中的白欧石楠 | |||
三面道中 被画定的存在 ~ Material Fear | 恐怖与异质的具象化 | 卡特琳娜·铃 | |
三面BOSS 不死的怨毒 | 衰老病死传说的具象化 | 埃塞托塔 | |
四A面道中 梦之谬误 | - | ||
四A面BOSS 永远的华狭间 | 博丽的巫女 | 博丽灵梦 | |
茨木之仙人 | 茨木华扇 | ||
四B面道中 梦之谬误 | - | ||
四B面BOSS 幽梦 ~ Dimensional Dream | 激光与爆炸爱好者 | 雾雨魔理沙 | |
花鸟风月爱好者 | 风见幽香 | ||
四C面道中 梦之谬误 | - | ||
四C面BOSS 月时计 ~ Invisible Full Moon | 潇洒的超光速子 | 十六夜咲夜 | |
毛绒绒的磁星 | 铃仙·优昙华院·因幡 | ||
四D面道中 梦之谬误 | - | ||
四D面BOSS 信仰是为了实在之人 | 侍奉二神的人类 | 东风谷早苗 | |
善于欺诈之人 | 鬼人正邪 | ||
四E面道中 梦之谬误 | - | ||
四E面BOSS 哈德曼的妖怪少女射怪鸟事 | 彷徨生死的半人半灵 | 魂魄妖梦 | |
无法读心的读心者 | 古明地恋 | ||
四F面道中 梦之谬误 | - | ||
四F面BOSS 识文解意的少女们 | 禁忌流言的传播者 | 射命丸文 | |
禁忌知识的传播者 | 本居小铃 | ||
五面道中 相之树上剪枝锯 | 赠予利他之心的恩惠 | 雪村布返 | |
五面BOSS 存在相位的思索 ~ Stream of Consciousness | 分割现实之锯 | 天白鹭剪世树 | |
六面道中 整之生之,等之期之 | - | ||
六面BOSS 东方爱美相 ~ Existential Humankind Reclamation of Eastern Story | 耽溺美梦的心碎姑娘 | 灯笼坂爱美 | |
EX面道中 加速中的形而上之冬 | 分割现实之锯 | 天白鹭剪世树 | |
耽溺美梦的心碎姑娘 | 灯笼坂爱美 | ||
EX面BOSS 多彩的爱之画布 ~ Romantic Apricity | 创造性、解释性、艺术家 | 青草实夕 |
暂无 图片 | 出现:设定文档 | 秋雾陆斗 |