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東方実在相 ~ Dream Logical World/设定与剧情/readme
東方実在相 ~ Dream Logical World (Touhou Jitsuzaisou ~ Dream Logical World, lit. "Eastern Aspects of Existence") Version 1.02a www.analoguereverie.com ====================================================== I. INTRODUCTION II. GETTING STARTED III. VERSION HISTORY IV. STAFF V. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES VI. OMAKE AND EXTRAS VII. DISCLAIMERS ====================================================== I. INTRODUCTION ====================================================== Thank you for downloading Dream Logical World. This game is a derivative work ("fan game") of Team Shanghai Alice's Touhou Project, made by Analogue Reverie. ====================================================== II. GETTING STARTED ====================================================== Q: How do I install/uninstall the game? A: The included file th_dlw.exe is the game. No separate installation is needed. To uninstall the game, simply delete this folder, or if you downloaded the game through Steam, uninstall there. Q: How do I change the game settings? A: The config.exe menu includes options for starting up the game such as the window size and keyboard/pad controls. Other options like the BGM and SFX volume can be adjusted in the game's Options menu. Q: Where can I learn how to play the game? A: For a basic introduction to the gameplay, select the Library option on the title screen and then select Manual. A detailed explanation of the gameplay and scoring mechanics can be found in the included "Gameplay and Strategy" document. Q: The game is too hard! How can I improve? A: Very few people can clear on their first try! Danmaku games are designed to be played repeatedly so you can memorize the stages and build strategies. In Practice and Scene Practice modes, you have several options to practice specific sections of the game you have trouble with. Q: Where is my save data located? A: Data will automatically be saved in a folder called "data" in the main directory. Q: How can I move/share replay files? A: Replays are saved in the "replay" folder in the main directory. These files have a name format of "DLW_replayXX.dat", where XX is any number from 01 to 99. Putting replay files into this folder will allow them to be viewed in the Replay menu. ====================================================== III. VERSION HISTORY ====================================================== Version 1.02a (2022-7-20) -Expanded Stage Practice with more locations to choose from. -Added a "Chapter Auto-Repeat" option to the stage practice menu. -Miscellaneous bugfixes and adjustments. Version 1.01a (2022-4-22) -Further light adjustments to danmaku patterns. -Reimu's AS now makes your hitbox even smaller in addition to its other effect. -Slightly increased Kasen and Seija's damage output. -Added a ranking system on the Lucid Mode character selection screen indicating the different teams' ease of use. -Added an option to set the BG opacity. -Added an option to turn on/off the AS music distortion. -Miscellaneous bugfixes and adjustments. Version 1.00b (2022-2-9) -The language patch system is now fully-functional. See the "languages" folder for instructions. -Revised the Japanese script slightly, thanks to MSLabo. -Fixed typos. -Made slight balance changes to danmaku patterns, primarily in stages 4-6. -Relaxed a few of the more stringent Last Word unlock conditions and fixed the broken ones. -Fixed Learning Curve and effect setting-related replay desyncs. -The Music Room now loops properly. -Improved joypad support and fixed a bug where the Q/R/Ctrl hotkeys would malfunction under certain circumstances. -Miscellaneous bugfixes and adjustments. Version 1.00a (2022-1-20) -Full release, containing six stages and an Extra stage. -Implemented a language patch system allowing for third-party translations. -The last two difficulties for the main game have been renamed "Lunatic" and "Overdrive" to better match the official games. -A few miscellaneous bugfixes and adjustments. Trial 0.10a (2021-8-26) -The language can now be set to Chinese thanks to Redmisty's translation, and the Japanese translation has also been revised. -Gave the game a visual makeover, with a new menu style, STG frame, Aspect Shift effect, and some new backgrounds. Various visual effects have also been added or changed. -Added some new indicators such as a bar that shows an AS's height above the screen and a partially-colored heart icon that shows how close you are to the score needed for the next extra life. -Rebalanced the trial version's difficulty, replacing or adjusting several bullet patterns, and added a new Intense difficulty that fits between Hard and Lunatic. -Gave Tetsuko's final spell card a name so people will stop thinking it's a bug. -Raised the maximum power to 5.00, allowing players at full power to use an Aspect Shift without losing attack strength. Marisa and Yuuka's maximum power is now 6.00 to compensate for their ability. -Grazing bullets during an AS now adds a different amount of time to the AS depending on the difficulty setting, with the value being lower on higher difficulties. -Several new options have been added to Stage Practice. You can choose to start the stage from the beginning, before or after the midboss, or before the boss. You can also set your starting power and lives, including an option for infinite lives. -Spell Practice is now Scene Practice. You can practice any attack in the game, including nonspells. -The keyboard and pad controls can now be set more easily with config.exe. -Various settings for backgrounds, particle effects, and shader effects can now be adjusted in the Options menu to improve game performance if needed. -A "Scene Auto-Retry" setting has been added. If set to On, dying in Scene Practice will immediately restart the scene. -A "Shot Controls" setting has been added. If set to Inverted, you'll shoot when the SHOT key is released rather than held down. Trial 0.01b (2019-8-11) -The language can now be set to Japanese, thanks to Gilde's translation. -Slight danmaku balance adjustments have been made. -Nerfed a couple of the Aspect Shifts that were too overpowered. -Added the boss names that appear when you're fighting them and the music track names that appear when they start playing. -Lowered the render priority of items so they appear behind bullets. -Made HUD elements at the top of the screen fade out if you get close to them. -Added some decorative falling leaves to the stage 2 background. -Fixed a bug where Yuuka's option shots would behave erratically if you had exactly 1.00 power. -Fixed a bug where starting a new stage would sometimes randomly give you extra lives. -A few miscellaneous bugfixes and adjustments. Trial 0.01a (2019-7-14) -Initial release, containing the first three stages. ====================================================== IV. STAFF ====================================================== VYCM Project lead, Concept, Lead programming, Level design, Graphic design, Music, Scenario, Characters yeashie Lead playtesting, Assistant level design, Assistant programming, Graphic design, Additional artwork WishMakers Assistant programming, Assistant level design, Engine programming Adam Assistant level design Fraz Assistant level design Ramtoi Character art, Character design PeppermintCandy Assistant scenario writing, Assistant character design Lu Assistant scenario writing KoishiKo Assistant character design Terraformer9x Graphic design DJThunderHeart Graphic design Cepukka Sound effects Sophietta Voice acting Gilde Japanese translation MSLabo102 (田路マサタカ/Masataka Toji) Japanese translation Mr. Blue Japanese translation Redmisty Chinese translation Komeiji Compiler Chinese translation UndertaleZ Chinese translation Addamelech Promotional art Boberon Promotional music Synthmusic Solstice Promotional music TOUHOU PROJECT ORIGINAL CREATOR ZUN TOUHOU DANMAKUFU CREATOR mkm TESTING CreepyNinja_ CrestedPeak9 Cure Flora Jaimers Naudiz Roka Enzaki superdreamcast64 Talguy21 Trickysticks Winter ZPS SPECIAL THANKS Petra Punderfullll Ephemeral Entertainment ====================================================== V. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES ====================================================== Ryann1908 zapsplat.com https://www.flickr.com/photos/28919608@N02/3119472976 https://www.flickr.com/photos/hlkljgk/2286463086 https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Fajerwerki_Krakow_010107_01.JPG https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Macro_detail_of_hand-blown_bowl_from_The_World_of_Glass.jpg https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:3-adic_integers_with_dual_colorings.svg https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Pecteilis_radiata_%27%E8%98%AD%E6%9C%88_-_Rangetsu%27_(Thunb.)_Raf.,_Fl._Tellur._2_38_(1837)_(48693332888).jpg https://www.freetousesounds.com/royalty-free-ocean-sounds-sand-beach-and-rocky-stones-1000-steps-beach-california/ ====================================================== VI. OMAKE AND EXTRAS ====================================================== To download a zip folder containing MP3 files of the game's soundtrack, as well as character profiles, full-size portraits, wallpapers and other bonuses, go to the following link and click on "th_dlw_omake.zip" (contains spoilers, of course): https://analogue-reverie.itch.io/dream-logical-world ====================================================== VII. DISCLAIMERS ====================================================== Touhou is the intellectual property of Team Shanghai Alice/ZUN. Analogue Reverie has no affiliation with and is not endorsed by Team Shanghai Alice. This software is provided "as is". Analogue Reverie waives all responsibility for any issues that may occur as a result of its use or presence. The "youkai virus" character first appeared in the July 2019 trial version and has no relation to the viral pandemic that occurred during this game's development. Any and all statements made or content shared by the individuals listed in "STAFF" is their sole responsibility and represents neither any other individual nor Analogue Reverie as a whole. | 东方实在相 ~ Dream Logical World 正式版 1.02a www.analoguereverie.com ====================================================== I. 介绍 II. 简要问答 III. 版本历史 IV. 制作者名单 V. 额外材料 VI. 额外事项 VII. 免责声明 ====================================================== I. 介绍 ====================================================== 感谢您下载东方实在相,本游戏有Analogue Reverie团队制作,为上海爱丽丝幻乐团的东方Project的二次创作同人游戏。 ====================================================== II. 简要问答 ====================================================== 问:如何安装/卸载游戏? 答:下载之后,包含在文件夹中的 th_dlw.exe 即是游戏。如果您想卸载,直接删除文件夹即可;如果您通过 Steam 下载,请通过 Steam 进行卸载。 问:如何修改游戏设定? 答:窗口尺寸和键位可以在 config.exe 中进行调整,音效音量之类的可以在游戏中进行调整。 问:在哪里可以了解到如何玩这个游戏? 答:若您在寻找游戏玩法的基本说明,可在开始页面选择大图书馆再选择说明;若您想阅读更细节的说明,请在游戏附带的“Gameplay and Strategy(游戏玩法与技巧说明)“文件中阅读更详细的版本。 问:游戏太难了!如何快速上手? 答:弹幕射击类的游戏,就是要反复进行游玩才有趣的。您可以通过多次反复进行游戏来熟悉敌人的套路,并且总结经验。俗话说,熟能生巧哦!祝你能够感受到弹幕同人独特的魅力! 问:我的存档在哪里? 答:存档都会自动保存在根目录下的“data”文件夹中。 问:如何转移/分享录像? 答:录像全都在根目录下的“replay”文件夹中,全部以保存顺序,以“DLW_replayXX.dat”命名,会按照 01 到 99 的顺序排布。把录像文件放入此文件夹中即可在录像菜单中观看该录像。 ====================================================== III. 版本历史 ====================================================== 正式版 1.02a (2022-7-20) -单面练习增加了章节系统。 -单面练习增加了章节自动重复选项。 -修复和调整了各种其他项目。 正式版 1.01a (2022-4-22) -对弹幕进行了微调。 -灵梦的相位转换增加将判定点缩小的功能。 -稍微增加了灵梦和茨木自机的伤害。 -明晰梦模式的自机选择菜单上添加了“自机使用难度”。 -添加了调整背景透明度的选项。 -添加了相位转换音乐的选项。 -修复和调整了各种其他项目。 正式版 1.00b (2022-2-9) -自定义语言系统已上线,详情请参考languages文件夹。 -稍微修改了日语翻译,感谢MsLabo。 -修正了错别字。(但截至2023-8对话中还有少量错别字) -稍微调整了弹幕平衡,主要改动在4面到6面里。 -把某些繁琐的LW解锁条件减轻,并修复了某些LW不能解锁的bug。 -修复了小铃的相位转换和effect选项造成replay爆炸的bug。 -音乐室里歌曲播放加入循环。 -提升了手柄支持,并修复了q/r/ctrl快捷键有时失效的bug。 -修复和调整了各种其他项目。 正式版 1.00a (2022-1-19) -正式版发布,该版本包括六个关卡以及一个EX额外关卡。 -加入了一个可以添加第三方翻译的语言补丁。 -为和东方原作对应,最后两个难度被重命名为”Lunatic“和”Overdrive“。 -做了一些琐碎的弹幕和游戏玩法调整。 试玩版 0.10a (2021-8-26) -添加了月霜(Redmisty)翻译的简体中文的选项,日文的翻译也进行了进一步校对。 -添加了新的视觉装饰、菜单式样、边框、相位转换特效还有一些新的背景。其它视觉效果也有更新或者改动。 -添加了一些新的指示器,例如顶部显示相位转换判定高度的指示器和显示残机奖励的心形进度条。 -重新平衡了试玩版的难度,替换和调整了部分符卡图案,在传统的 H 和 L 难度之间添加了一个新的 Intense 难度。 -给铁子的终符添加了名字,这样就不会被当做是游戏出问题了。 -将火力最大值提升到了 5.0 ,现在在最高火力时发动相位转换不会减少攻击力。 -魔理沙和幽香的火力最大值提升到了 6.0 以匹配她们的能力。 -在相位转换期间擦弹会根据不通的游戏难度延长相位转换时间。 -关卡练习中添加了一些新选项。现在可以选择在游戏开始、道中前后、面前等时间段,同样也可以设置起始火力和残机数。 -符卡练习改为场景练习。现在可以在游戏中练习任何弹幕,包括非符弹幕。 -使用 config.exe 可以更加轻易设置键位。 -选项菜单中加入了背景、粒子效果和阴影效果的选项。 -添加了“自动重试”的功能,在被大破之后,如果开启该功能将会自动续关。 -添加了“射击控制”的选项,默认关闭,开启后会改为按键停止射击。 试玩版 0.01b (2019-8-11) -添加了 Gilde 翻译的日文选项。 -对弹幕平衡进行了微调。 -削弱了相位转换过于厉害的部分。 -在BOSS战的时候添加了角色名称,音乐播放时会显示音乐名。 -降低了得点道具的渲染层级,将会置于弹幕之下。 -修改了顶部的界面元素表现方式。 -二面背景添加了装饰性的落叶。 -修复了在拥有额外 1.0 的火力的情况下,幽香的副机输出不稳定的问题。 -修复了莫名其妙获得新残机的问题。 -修复了一些杂项,进行了一些调整。 试玩版 0.01a (2019-7-14) -最初版本,包含前三面。 ====================================================== IV. 制作者名单 ====================================================== VYCM 主催,文案,主程序,关卡设计,图形设计,音乐,场景,角色设计 yeashie 主测,副关卡设计,副程序,图形设计,额外的美工 WishMakers 副程序,副关卡设计,引擎开发 Adam 副关卡设计 Fraz 副关卡设计 Ramtoi 角色立绘,角色设计 PeppermintCandy 副文案,副角色设计 Lu 副文案 KoishiKo 副角色设计 Terraformer9x 图形设计 DJThunderHeart 图形设计 Cepukka 音效 Sophietta 语音表演 Gilde 日语翻译 MSLabo102 (田路マサタカ/Masataka Toji) 日语翻译 Mr. Blue 日语翻译 Redmisty 中文翻译 Komeiji Compiler 中文翻译 UndertaleZ 中文翻译 Addamelech 宣传美术 Boberon 宣传音乐 Synthmusic Solstice 宣传音乐 东方 Project 原作者 ZUN 东方弹幕风原作者 mkm 测试 CreepyNinja_ CrestedPeak9 Cure Flora DJThunderHeart Jaimers Naudiz Roka Enzaki superdreamcast64 Talguy21 Trickysticks Winter ZPS 特别感谢 Petra Punderfullll Ephemeral Entertainment (注:东方逆妙乱制作组) ====================================================== V. 额外材料 ====================================================== Ryann1908 zapsplat.com https://www.flickr.com/photos/28919608@N02/3119472976 https://www.flickr.com/photos/hlkljgk/2286463086 https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Fajerwerki_Krakow_010107_01.JPG https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Macro_detail_of_hand-blown_bowl_from_The_World_of_Glass.jpg https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:3-adic_integers_with_dual_colorings.svg https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Pecteilis_radiata_%27%E8%98%AD%E6%9C%88_-_Rangetsu%27_(Thunb.)_Raf.,_Fl._Tellur._2_38_(1837)_(48693332888).jpg https://www.freetousesounds.com/royalty-free-ocean-sounds-sand-beach-and-rocky-stones-1000-steps-beach-california/ (注:海声资源,于六面道中曲结束后,与爱美对话时播放) ====================================================== VI. 额外事项 ====================================================== 点击下方链接,在打开的页面中点击"th_dlw_omake.zip"下载包含MP3音轨,以及人物简介、立绘、墙纸和其他额外内容(当然包含剧透啦)的压缩包:(注:不含游戏本体!) https://analogue-reverie.itch.io/dream-logical-world ====================================================== VII. 免责声明 ====================================================== “东方Project”版权归上海爱丽丝幻乐团/ZUN所有。Analogue Reverie 与该社团没有任何关联,且不为其内容背书。 游戏程序按“原样”提供给玩家。Analogue Reverie 对使用过程中、复制、建立程序过程中可能发生的任何问题不负责任。 “病毒妖怪”的角色首次出现于 2019 年 7 月的试玩版中,与开发过程中的疫情没有任何关联。 制作者名单中的参加者将对其参与的部分负责。不代表其它参与者或整个 Analogue Reverie 组。 |