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東方実在相 ~ Dream Logical World/符卡列表

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关卡 使用者 难度 编号 符卡原名 符卡译名
Stage 4A 博丽灵梦茨木华扇 Easy 62 Descent Sign "Tree of Life" 继符「生命演化树」
Normal 63
Hard 64
Lunatic 65 Descent Sign "Last Universal Common Ancestor" 继符「最近普适共同祖先」
Overdrive 66
Easy 67 Emergence "Collective Behavior" 涌现「集群行为」
Normal 68
Hard 69
Lunatic 70 Emergence "Enigmatic Murmuration" 涌现「神秘的椋鸟群」
Overdrive 71 Emergence "Auspicious Murmuration" 涌现「吉兆的椋鸟群」
Normal 72 "Hakurei Shrine Maiden's Game of Life" 「博丽的巫女生命游戏」
Hard 73
Lunatic 74 "Eternal Shrine Maiden's Game of Life" 「永远的巫女生命游戏」
Overdrive 75
Lunatic 76 Niche "Adaptive Radiation" 生态「辐射适应」
Overdrive 77 Niche "Extinction and Recovery" 生态「灭绝与恢复」
Easy 78 Aspect Shift "Border of Conditional Invincibility" 相位转换「条件式无敌结界」
Normal 79
Hard 80
Lunatic 81
Overdrive 82
Easy 83 Aspect Shift "At One With Nature" 相位转换「天人合一」
Normal 84
Hard 85
Lunatic 86
Overdrive 87
Stage 4B 雾雨魔理沙风见幽香 Easy 88 Aesthetic Sign "Fractal Mode" 美符「分形模式」
Normal 89
Hard 90
Lunatic 91 Aesthetic Sign "Fractal Recursion" 美符「分形递归」
Overdrive 92
Easy 93 Subjectivity "Lotus Laser" 主观「莲形魔炮」
Normal 94
Hard 95
Lunatic 96 Subjectivity "Breathtaking Destruction" 主观「窒息性破坏」
Overdrive 97 Subjectivity "Great and Terrible Destruction" 主观「终极大破坏」
Normal 98 "Magical Geometry" 「魔法几何学」
Hard 99
Lunatic 100 "Magical Trigonometry" 「魔法三角学」
Overdrive 101
Lunatic 102 Avant-garde "Danmaku Cubism" 前卫「弹幕立体主义」
Overdrive 103 Avant-garde "Danmaku Cubist Art" 前卫「弹幕立体主义艺术」
Easy 104 Aspect Shift "Dodge This!" 相位转换「好人不挡道!」
Normal 105
Hard 106
Lunatic 107
Overdrive 108
Easy 109 Aspect Shift "Seasonal Harvest" 相位转换「季节收割」
Normal 110
Hard 111
Lunatic 112
Overdrive 113
Stage 4C 十六夜咲夜铃仙·优昙华院·因幡 Easy 114 Theory Sign "Grand Unification" 论符「大统一」
Normal 115
Hard 116
Lunatic 117 Theory Sign "Unification of Everything" 论符「万物统一」
Overdrive 118
Easy 119 Mystery "Invisible Dark Matter" 未解「不可视之暗物质」
Normal 120
Hard 121
Lunatic 122 Mystery "Invisible Dark Energy" 未解「不可视之暗能量」
Overdrive 123 Mystery "Invisible Phantom Energy" 未解「不可视之幻能量」
Normal 124 "Coequal Reference Frames" 「等价参考系」
Hard 125
Lunatic 126 "Counterintuitive Reference Frames" 「反直觉参考系」
Overdrive 127
Lunatic 128 Epiphany "Connect the Discoveries" 顿悟「发现连结」
Overdrive 129 Epiphany "Secrets of the Universe" 顿悟「宇宙秘密」
Easy 130 Aspect Shift "Relative Velocity" 相位转换「相对速度」
Normal 131
Hard 132
Lunatic 133
Overdrive 134
Easy 135 Aspect Shift "Level 11 Miniature Black Hole" 相位转换「11级微型黑洞」
Normal 136
Hard 137
Lunatic 138
Overdrive 139
Stage 4D 东风谷早苗鬼人正邪 Easy 140 Value Sign "Goal Orientation" 价符「目标导向」
Normal 141
Hard 142
Lunatic 143 Value Sign "Desire Satisfaction" 价符「欲望满足」
Overdrive 144
Easy 145 Ambition "Overthrown Order" 野心「推翻秩序」
Normal 146
Hard 147
Lunatic 148 Ambition "Conquest of Gensokyo" 野心「征服幻想乡」
Overdrive 149 Ambition "Conquest of Fantasy" 野心「征服幻想世界」
Normal 150 "Normal No-Bomb No-Focus Clear" 「NNB低速封印通关」
Hard 151 "Hard No-Bomb No-Focus Clear" 「HNB低速封印通关」
Lunatic 152 "Lunatic No-Bomb No-Focus No-Vertical Clear" 「LNB低速封印上下封印通关」
Overdrive 153 "Overdrive No-Bomb No-Focus No-Vertical Clear" 「ODNB低速封印上下封印通关」
Lunatic 154 Catastrophe "Conflicting Desires" 困境「矛盾的愿望」
Overdrive 155 Catastrophe "Incongruous Desires" 困境「不一致的愿望」
Easy 156 Aspect Shift "Quantitative Invocation" 相位转换「数量化的祈祷」
Normal 157
Hard 158
Lunatic 159
Overdrive 160
Easy 161 Aspect Shift "Cheating Out of Bounds" 相位转换「僭越者的舞弊」
Normal 162
Hard 163
Lunatic 164
Overdrive 165
Stage 4E 魂魄妖梦古明地恋 Easy 166 Principle Sign "Tautological Truth" 律符「永真真理」
Normal 167
Hard 168
Lunatic 169 Principle Sign "This Sentence is False" 律符「此句非真」
Overdrive 170
Easy 171 Paradox "Predictor's Game" 悖论「预测者游戏」
Normal 172
Hard 173
Lunatic 174 Paradox "Sphere Duplication" 悖论「分球怪论」
Overdrive 175 Paradox "A Pea and the Sun" 悖论「豌豆和太阳」
Normal 176 "Proof of Existence" 「存在性证明」
Hard 177
Lunatic 178 "Proof of Nonexistence" 「不存在性证明」
Overdrive 179
Lunatic 180 Mathematical Logic "Set Theory" 数理「集合论」
Overdrive 181 Mathematical Logic "Set of All Sets" 数理「全集合的集合」
Easy 182 Aspect Shift "Supernaturally Efficient Swordplay" 相位转换「超然疾剑术」
Normal 183
Hard 184
Lunatic 185
Overdrive 186
Easy 187 Aspect Shift "Subconscious Vigilance" 相位转换「无意识的警戒心」
Normal 188
Hard 189
Lunatic 190
Overdrive 191
Stage 4F 射命丸文本居小铃 Easy 192 Language Sign "People and Goods Traveling the Silk Road" 语符「丝绸之路上的人与货物」
Normal 193
Hard 194
Lunatic 195 Language Sign "People and Ideas Traveling the Silk Road" 语符「丝绸之路上的人与意念」
Overdrive 196
Easy 197 Linkage "Abstract Thoughts and Concrete Words" 联想「抽象的思考与具体的言语」
Normal 198
Hard 199
Lunatic 200 Linkage "Scatter the Message to the Wind" 联想「付讯于风」
Overdrive 201 Linkage "Scatter Your Thoughts to the Wind" 联想「付思于风」
Normal 202 "Supernatural Voynich Decipherment" 「超自然伏尼契手稿解读」
Hard 203
Lunatic 204 "Auratic Voynich Decipherment" 「灵感的伏尼契手稿解读」
Overdrive 205
Lunatic 206 Secret Code "Encrypted Communication" 暗号「加密通讯」
Overdrive 207 Secret Code "Encrypted Danmaku" 暗号「加密弹幕」
Easy 208 Aspect Shift "Inescapable Megapixel" 相位转换「不可避之百万像素」
Normal 209
Hard 210
Lunatic 211
Overdrive 212
Easy 213 Aspect Shift "Learning Curve" 相位转换「学习曲线」
Normal 214
Hard 215
Lunatic 216
Overdrive 217

Last Word

使用者 编号 符卡原名 符卡译名 说明文本原文 说明文本译文
雪村布返 321 Crane Romance "Blessing of the Love Sweater" 鹤之浪漫「爱之毛衣的赐福」
"Let's see the results of Aimi and Kiseki's spell card training I've been helping with! Clear the Extra Stage midboss battle without being hit or using an Aspect Shift."
夜花铁子 322 "The State of Being a Wallflower"1 「壁花形态」
"I guess I wouldn't mind spending a little more time with the people I met...if you make it through stage 2 while letting the timer count down to 0 on every attack, that should be enough."
卡特琳娜·铃 323 Impalement Art2 "Astounding Knife-Avoiding Act" 杂技「惊艳的躲刀表演」
"You're a thrill-seeker too, huh? If you can capture all 10 of my attacks—that's a nonspell and a spell card for each difficulty—I'll let you be my target girl."
埃塞托塔 324 "Enemy of Life" 「生命之敌」
"Um...I guess I'm supposed to find a way to be in conflict with humans without harming them. How about a danmaku challenge? Can you earn 100,000 in point item value from a single Aspect Shift?"
博丽灵梦茨木华扇 325 "Cyclical Danmaku Barrier" 「廻·弹幕结界」
"Watching numbers go up gives me such primal satisfaction. Especially when it's donations to the shrine."
"I don't have donations, but why don't you try raising the point item value to 1,000,000?"
雾雨魔理沙风见幽香 326 Magical Algebra "Insane Fractal Kaleidoscope" 魔法代数「狂暴分形万花筒」
"The Aspect Shifts we designed are workin' pretty well if say so myself."
"Let's put that to the test. Activate an AS before the first fairies appear in stage 4, and keep it going all the way to the boss!"
十六夜咲夜铃仙·优昙华院·因幡 327 "3D Positive Curvature Universe" 「三维正曲率宇宙」
"Understanding the Aspect Shift system is the key to scoring high."
"If you really understand it well enough, see if you can score over 10 billion!"
东风谷早苗鬼人正邪 328 Danmaku Amanojaku "Opposite Day" 弹幕天邪鬼「相反日」
"If you're looking for some bragging rights, try setting arbitrary challenges for yourself."
"Like making it the entire game either without being hit, or without using a single Aspect Shift!"3
魂魄妖梦古明地恋 329 Triple Switch "Brain-Busting Logic Puzzle" 三重转换「烧脑逻辑题」
"Some spell cards are more straightforward than others, but there's a strategy of all of them."
"It would sure be impressive if you captured 100 spell cards in total!"
射命丸文本居小铃 330 "Learn to Draw! Trace Our Example!" 「跟着我们学画画!」
"Did you know that Youmu's phantom slashes deal the most damage out of all our attacks?"
"Oh really? If we get our damage up to 129.5% with my Aspect Shift, we can match her!"
“真是这样吗?只要我们 (小铃) 的相位转换达到129.5%伤害倍率,我们的伤害就比得上她了!4
天白鹭剪世树 331 "Rectangular Rotational Razzmatazz"5 「四方可旋转拉兹马塔兹」
"Everyone's perspective contains a piece of the story's resolution. To know what happens to everyone, you will need to see all six endings."
“每个人的视角都包含了这个故事的结局的一部分。要了解所有登场人物身上都发生了什么,观看所有六个结局 (endings) 是必需的。”
灯笼坂爱美 332 "Ephemeral Unnatural Being"6 「倏然的反常存在」
"Admitting you were wrong is one of the hardest things someone can do. But is it as hard as clearing the game on Hard or above?"
“承认你做错了大概是一个人能做的最难的事之一。但这有生物学级 (Hard) 及以上的难度通关游戏那么难吗?”
天白鹭剪世树灯笼坂爱美 333 "Journey to the Ends of the Earth" 「世界尽头之旅」
"I'm really impressed by those Aspect Shifts all of you made."
"We will see much of them if you clear the secret game mode."
青草实夕 334 "Reawakened World"7 「再次唤醒的世界」
"You really do see things through to the end, huh? Capture every other Last Word, and I'll show you an extra spell I've been designing."
“你真是个善始善终的人啊。收取其他所有Last Word,我会给你展示我一直在设计的额外符卡。”


符卡原名 符卡译名 备注
Aspect Shift "Eastern Aspects of Existence" 相位转换「东方实在相」 仅在爱美的真终符的最终阶段会自动使用的自机符卡。具有绝大多数自机的相位转换符卡的效果。在爱美的真终符中,每一张自动释放的相位转换都会展示对应人物立绘。这张符卡则会连续快速展示12位自机的立绘。


  1. 应该neta了美国电影《壁花少年》(The Perks of Being a Wallflower)
  2. Impalement Art指的是由一人置身于靶子上,其搭档向靶子投掷飞刀或射箭等,避免伤害到同伴的同时击中靶子或是命中目标的表演。
  3. 在1.00a表述为"making it the entire game without being hit OR using a single Aspect Shift"(比之1.02a版本,1.00a版本需要NMNB,而不是NM或NB。本符卡也是唯一被削弱了解锁要求的符卡。)
  4. 文机体满P子机全部命中的情况下才可以达到妖梦满P子机全部命中的伤害,小铃在129.5%倍下还不行。
  5. Razzmatazz可能来源于razzle-dazzle的变形,用于表示某种活跃或者是喧哗骚动的情形。
  6. 取自东方逆妙乱的副标题Ephemeral Unnatural Balance。
  7. 本游戏的1面道中主题曲名Awakening of the Dream-logical World


