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東方潮聖書 ~ Sapphire Panlogism./设定与剧情/Readme
- 以下文档是ver1.01a的Readme。
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 東方潮聖書 ~ Sapphire Panlogism. Shooting game for Touhou Danmakufu ph3sx, brought to you by the staff of Team Urban Magic*: Stormplush: Team founder, main artist & character designer. (Twitter: @plush_storm) Frogmask: Main composer, scenario writer. (Soundcloud: @frogmask) Fraz: Programming lead, danmaku programmer. (Twitter: @FrazBright) Natashi: Danmakufu ph3sx developer, system & VFX programmer. (GitHub: @Natashi) Spectral Nexus: Team coordinator, composer. (Twitter: @Spectral_Nexus) Naudiz: GUI & sprite artist, composer. (Twitter: @Naudogs) Airi: Character designer, artist. KUROHA: Composer. (Twitter: @kuroha_wada2umi) Kirbio & Lunarethic: Programming assistants. (Twitter: @kirbio123) (Twitter: @Lunarethic) raz & Loann: 3D artists. (Twitter: @raz74224426) (Twitter: @MrsByakuren) RaysonWilliams & GizmoTheDragon: Sprite artists. (YouTube: @RaysonWilliams) (YouTube: @xGizmoTheDragonx) Gilde: Japanese translator. (Twitter: @stellarcanopy) Mino: Main playtester, difficulty balancer. (Twitter: @Mino_TH) Grayvy Guy, Chipbeam & Lollipop: Playtesters. (Twitter: @GrappyGuy) (Twitter: @Chipbeams) (Twitter: @Lollipop_314) *No relation to Team Shanghai Alice. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Greetings Hey! This is Fraz. Thank you for giving this game a try! I sincerely hope our efforts will be worth your time. It took longer than expected, but despite our ups and downs, we were able to make something rather special. 2. How to Install Simply extract the game to a place that makes sense and run th_sp.exe. If you wish to change the settings first, run config.exe. 3. How to Uninstall Just delete the game's folder. Really. That's all. 4. Contact Us Our team is reachable on Twitter via @plush_storm. 5. Two executables? Which one should I use? The standard one is "th_sp.exe", but if your PC can't run it, use "th_sp_legacy.exe". What if you can't run both? Well then, get in contact with Natashi. 6. Changelog 2021/08/??: v1.01a - Fixed replay desync issues. - Increased the size of bullets and numerous other improvements to visibility. - Added options: "Colorblind Mode", "Item Opacity", and "Background Opacity". - Added the ability to start Stage Practice from various points in the stage. - Improved resource loading time. (Faster loading time on Retry) - Fixed controller issues with Hecatia. - Rebalanced some patterns. - Rebalanced player shots and spells damage. - Minor changes to scoring. - Improved visual effects. - Fixed some graphical effects not working properly on devices using AMD chips. ** Save data is able to be imported from v1.00a. 2021/05/31: v1.00a - Initial full release. 2018/06/xx: v0.01b - Patch release with difficulty and shottype balance improvements, missing sounds added, etc. 2018/06/13: v0.01a - Initial trial release. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 東方潮聖書 ~ Sapphire Panlogism. 基于东方弹幕风ph3sx的弹幕射击游戏,由Team Urban Magic*的成员为您献上: Stormplush: 社团创立者,主美&角色设计。 (Twitter: @plush_storm) Frogmask: 主曲师,剧本编写。 (Soundcloud: @frogmask) Fraz: 主程序,弹幕设计。 (Twitter: @FrazBright) Natashi: 弹幕风ph3sx开发,系统&视觉效果编程。 (GitHub: @Natashi) Spectral Nexus: 组内协调,曲师。 (Twitter: @Spectral_Nexus) Naudiz: 游戏界面&点阵图绘制,曲师。 (Twitter: @Naudogs) Airi: 角色设计,画师。 KUROHA: 曲师。 (Twitter: @kuroha_wada2umi) Kirbio & Lunarethic: 程序协力。 (Twitter: @kirbio123) (Twitter: @Lunarethic) raz & Loann: 3D美工。 (Twitter: @raz74224426) (Twitter: @MrsByakuren) RaysonWilliams & GizmoTheDragon: 点阵图绘制。 (YouTube: @RaysonWilliams) (YouTube: @xGizmoTheDragonx) Gilde: 日语翻译。 (Twitter: @stellarcanopy) Mino: 主测试玩家,难度平衡调整。 (Twitter: @Mino_TH) Grayvy Guy, Chipbeam & Lollipop: 测试玩家。 (Twitter: @GrappyGuy) (Twitter: @Chipbeams) (Twitter: @Lollipop_314) *与上海爱丽丝幻乐团并无关联。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 问候 嘿!我是Fraz。 感谢你能尝试这个游戏,我衷心希望我们的努力成果值得你为此花费时间。 虽然用了比想象中更长的时间,但在经历了一段波折之后,我们还是做出了些相当特别的东西。 2. 如何安装 解压游戏至任意目录并运行th_sp.exe即可。 如果要先配置一下,就运行config.exe吧。 3. 如何卸载 删掉游戏文件夹。 真的,就这样。 4. 联系我们 可以通过Twitter账号@plush_storm来联系本社团。 5. 为什么有两个可执行文件?我应该打开哪个? “th_sp.exe”是标准的游戏文件,但如果你的电脑无法运行它,请使用“th_sp_legacy.exe”。 如果两个文件都不能运行? 那样的话,请联系Natashi。 6. 更新履历 2021/08/??: v1.01a - 修复了Replay播放出错的问题。 - 增大了弹幕的尺寸,并进行了大量的改进以提高可视性。 - 增加了选项:“色盲模式”“道具透明度”与“背景亮度”。 - 在单关练习中追加了从多个可能的节点开始练习的选项。 - 缩短了资源加载时间。(重试游戏时加载耗时更短) - 修复了赫卡提亚机体的一些控制问题。 - 调整了部分弹幕的难度。 - 平衡了机体的火力与符卡伤害。 - 在分数系统上进行了微调。 - 优化了视觉效果。 - 修复了部分在使用AMD显卡时显示情况不正确的图像效果。 ** 可继承v1.00a的游戏数据。 2021/05/31: v1.00a - 正式版初发布。 2018/06/xx: v0.01b - 补丁发布:难度、自机性能平衡修正,补全丢失的音效等。 2018/06/13: v0.01a - 体验版初发布。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |