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東方潮聖書 ~ Sapphire Panlogism./设定与剧情/赫卡提亚·拉碧斯拉祖利EX
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Stage Extra
Her Botched Annunciation | 她的拙劣告知1 | |
The Heavenly Host had descended, in search of a runaway Gabriel. She found herself drawn towards that place in the clouds once more. | 天军降临,搜寻着出走的加百列。2 她发觉自己又一次沉醉于,云层深处的那个地方。 | |
Outskirts of the Expanse | 苍穹洋外围 | |
BGM: A Drowning Man's Dreamscape ~ Sinking Star | BGM: 溺死者所见之梦景 ~ Sinking Star | |
阿祖尔·斯沃尔 登场 | ||
Nymph of the Great Saltwater Sea アジャースワール Azure Swirl | 咸水大洋之海仙女 阿祖尔·斯沃尔 Azure Swirl | |
阿祖尔·斯沃尔 | Oh? So you've returned here? I presume you're pursuing that character, but... I apologize. I can't allow for that. And on this occasion, in this place, I can reinforce that. | 哦? 所以你又回到这里来了? 我猜你也在追赶那家伙,但是…… 对不起,我不能让你这么做。 而且,在此时此地, 我的力量可是大大增强了哟。 |
阿祖尔·斯沃尔 被击败 | ||
赫卡提亚·拉碧斯拉祖利 | Waiting around here in silence, huh? Gives me some deja vu, for sure. Though I'm not fighting some human sent by Lunarians this time, right? | |
绊锣币顷 登场 | ||
绊锣币顷 | I am sent here by gods, nonetheless. | 然而,我却是被神明送到了这里来呢。 |
赫卡提亚·拉碧斯拉祖利 | That really so~? And who are they sending? | 是吗~? 让我看看被送来的是谁呢? |
Heraldic Alien Martyr 絆鑼 幣頃 Nusakoro Pandora | ||
绊锣币顷 | The Kamuy of envoys, and of the dead's wishes, Nusakoro. | 传达故人遗志的 使者之卡姆伊5,绊锣。 |
赫卡提亚·拉碧斯拉祖利 | Of envoys and of the dead, huh. You, like, remind me of a certain Hermes friend of mine. | |
绊锣币顷 | You talk as if you're familiar with both divinities and divinity. Should I worry that you're allied with the divinities pursuing me? | 听起来,你对众神 和他们所司掌的权能很是熟悉呢。 我是不是该担心,你就是 那帮追杀我的众神中的一员? |
赫卡提亚·拉碧斯拉祖利 | Divinities "pursuing" you?-- Oh, are you like, the thing that got out of Hell? No, but if you're an envoy, that can't be... And I think the problem was about an object, right? Are you a thief or something then? Is that what all the panic's about? | 追杀你的,神吗? 难道说,你就是从地狱中逃出来的那个家伙? 不对,如果你是使者的话,那就说不通了…… 从地狱中被带走的,应该是样东西才对啊? 或者说,你是那个窃贼吗? 然后这场失窃就引起了众人的慌乱? |
绊锣币顷 | It's true that I escaped from somewhere awful, but the only thing I've stolen is my freedom. | 我确实是从“地狱”中逃了出来, 但我取走的除了我的自由别无他物。 |
赫卡提亚·拉碧斯拉祖利 | Ah, I think I got it. If you're an envoy sent here, you tried to get the goddess sealed here to stop. Then I guess you like, failed or something, and now some other gods are pissed? Geeze, political. | 啊——我想我明白了。 你就是那个,试图阻止苍穹洋中女神复苏的使者吧。 然后,然我猜猜看——你大概是失败了, 然后就被愤怒的众神追杀——啧,果然又是政治那一套。 |
绊锣币顷 | ...That's truly the case, as you've managed to deduce quite swiftly. How unfortunate. | …的确如此,分毫不差。 我可真是不幸啊。 |
赫卡提亚·拉碧斯拉祖利 | Eh~? Unfortunate? No, no, like-- I'm not planning to tell anyone else. | 诶~不幸吗?不不不—— 我可没有向其他人泄露你的行踪的打算。 |
绊锣币顷 | This tone is... This is the tone of a liar! | 这个语气… 你明明在说谎吧! |
赫卡提亚·拉碧斯拉祖利 | Oh, uhm. Okay, you're right. Well, I might've just told a friend or something. Is that like, really all that dangerous? | 哎呀,好吧好吧,你说得对。 唔,我其实只告诉了个老朋友之类的。 有……那么危险吗? |
绊锣币顷 | ...I've come to hate being manipulated by other gods, being heaven's helpless pawn. God you might be too, but you're no Kamuy. We know a certain vengeance I'll let you hear. A vengeance beyond the limits of language. | |
BGM: Arcane Augur | BGM: 深晦的占卜师 | |
绊锣币顷 被击败 | ||
赫卡提亚·拉碧斯拉祖利 | It even was like, sorta two-on-one kind of battle like that other time, huh~! Though I ended up on the receiving end. | |
绊锣币顷 | My dear friend Hansa here is more powerful collector of information than one would ever think. ...Are you to be my new master now, then? He comes along with the package. | 我的朋友桓娑是这世上 最得力的情报收集者。 也许你不介意的话…… 我和它可以为您效劳。 |
赫卡提亚·拉碧斯拉祖利 | I, like, really have my hands full with my current set of underlings, so I won't take you up on that. I prefer volunteerism anyhow. | 我手下已经人满为患了, 所以大概用不着你来效命。 更何况,我希望你是真心想来帮忙。 |
绊锣币顷 | If your divine power doesn't claim me, I feel as if another one eventually will. There's one out there hunting me down, seeing what chance she has to put me back into an inau box. | 如果你不收留我, 那别人就会对我下手了。 比如那位正在四处搜寻我的踪迹, 试图再度把我封印的那位—— |
赫卡提亚·拉碧斯拉祖利 | I'm guessing that person's in charge of the divine spirits, too? Another god, then. | 我猜,你指的是那位 操控着这些暴走的灵的神吧? |
绊锣币顷 | Yes, another deity, causing ruckus amongst the world of man. One pulling strings. "A God Of Pathfinding." Such phrasing suits her, I think. | 是的,那一位在幕后 操纵着一切,引发了骚动的神。 我想应当这样称呼她—— “道路之神”。 |
赫卡提亚·拉碧斯拉祖利 | Strings, pathfinding, trouble-making... Aw, geeze. I have a hunch about who you're talking about. Not a surprise to me, at all. | 联系,道路,四处生事…… 哦,天。 我大概明白你说的是谁了。 真是,一点都不出意外呢。 |
绊锣币顷 | Ah? I'm not very sure what you mean by that. | 诶? 我倒是不大明白你在说什么…… |
赫卡提亚·拉碧斯拉祖利 | Tell you what, I'll go send her crashing down into Hell, or something like that, and-- After that, I think she'll agree to let you do as you please, alright~? It'll be fun for me, no worries. | 这么说吧,我已经有种想要 把她打入地狱的冲动了,然后—— 然后我想,她大概就会 同意放你自由了吧。听起来如何? 放心好了,于我而言这可是久违的娱乐。 |
绊锣币顷 | Jigoku... Hell. "Earthen Prison." Those experiencing the truest torments of hell, I reason, are bound to an earthbound existence, unable to move. ...If you're truly able to free me from such a punishment, does that mean you're a god of Hell? | 地狱…… 不过是地下的牢狱罢了。 我想,那些像我一样为地所缚,无法动弹的人, 才是经历了地狱最真实的折磨的人吧。 …如果你真的能够放我自由, 难道说,你其实是地狱的神明? |
赫卡提亚·拉碧斯拉祖利 | A god of that and other things, now that you ask. Don't sweat it, I'm thinking what I'll do next is gonna end up as like, quite a party. | 如你所言,我是地狱,还有其他诸事之神。 别担心。我正在想 怎么把接下来的事情弄得像派对一样有趣。 |
绊锣币顷 | Quite the party... I think at this point, your party has turned into a "festival." Er, or so my bird friend is telling me. | 派对?我想 现在它已经成为了一场祭典了吧。 至少,我的朋友桓娑是这样告诉我的。 |
- ↑ 「Annunciation」指基督教中,天使向圣母玛利亚告知其将诞下神子之事,一般称为「受胎告知」、「天使报喜」。
- ↑ 「The Heavenly Host」在基督教中为米迦勒统领的负责战斗的「天军」、「武天使」。
- ↑ 指东方绀珠传中,赫卡提亚遵循纯狐指示,潜伏于梦境世界中,等待与月之民的交手。
- ↑ 「警跸」指古代君王出行时,于所经路途边侍卫警戒,清道止行。
- ↑ Salta a: 5.0 5.1 「カムイ」(Kamuy,卡姆伊)是阿伊努神话中用来指代「神明」的词。
- ↑ 赫尔墨斯(Hermes,Ἑρμῆς),古希腊神话中奥林匹斯十二主神之一,雄辩与欺骗之神。
- ↑ 指东方绀珠传Stage7中赫卡提亚与纯狐和自机之间的车轮战。