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東方潮聖書 ~ Sapphire Panlogism./设定与剧情/博丽灵梦
本词条含有 美索不达米亚楔形文字 。 可能会因阅览环境的不同而丢失字符。 |
Stage 1
Seafoam Pixie Downpour | 海沫之妖精,如雨般倾泻 | |
Just what were the endless droves of fairies planing? A never-ending rain hung overhead. | 无尽之妖精所谋何事? 不息的雨幕高悬头顶。 | |
Rain on Phantom Meadow | 雨落的幻草原 | |
BGM: The Sky Wander Closer | BGM: 渐行渐近的蓝天 | |
阿祖尔·斯沃尔登场 | ||
阿祖尔·斯沃尔退场 | ||
博丽灵梦 | All this rain is starting to be obnoxious. Honestly, if it was just normal rain that'd be okay... | 这雨下得真是糟心。 如果是寻常的雨也就算了,可是… |
??? | Good afternoon, there. | 午安。 |
阿祖尔·斯沃尔 登场 | ||
??? | I apologize for the rude greeting earlier. | 我为方才的无礼问候致歉。 |
博丽灵梦 | Oh, uhm. It's okay. (It's really not...) | 喔,没关系。 (其实倒也不是…) |
??? | Do you happen to be the "Shrine Maiden" of "Gensokyo"? | 莫非你就是「幻想乡」的「巫女」吗? |
博丽灵梦 | Yeah, purification rod and all. Y-you, uh, don't have to talk like that. | 是啊,你看,这是驱魔棒,应有尽有。 另外,呃,你其实没必要这么讲话。 |
??? | I was under the impression that this was the proper way to request an "incident" resolution. As a leader of fairies, it would be shameful to simply demand something... | 原以为这样请求「异变」解决会礼貌些呢。 我毕竟是妖精的领导者,直白地提出自己的要求会让我蒙羞的… |
Child of the Great Saltwater Sea アジャースワール Azure Swirl | 咸水大洋之子 阿祖尔·斯沃尔 Azure Swirl | |
博丽灵梦 | Oh! I see now! I knew that salty smell of yours was fishy. | 喔,原来如此! 我就知道,你身上有股可疑的盐的气味。 |
博丽灵梦 | You're the leader of all these fairies causing this wet mess? It seems like this incident won't last nearly as long as I expected. | 所以就是你领着一群妖精搞出了这滩麻烦事? 看来这次异变不会持续那么久了嘛。 |
BGM: Fae Rising From Seafoam | BGM: 海泡中浮现的妖精 | |
阿祖尔·斯沃尔 | Huh? | 欸? |
阿祖尔·斯沃尔 被击败 | ||
阿祖尔·斯沃尔 | G-goodness gracious, that was rather rough treatment. I, erm, shouldn't have approached you... | 天、天哪,你待人真粗暴。 本来不该找上你的… |
博丽灵梦 | Pretty resilient for a fairy... Now (kindly) get rid of the rain! | 作为妖精来说倒算是挺顽强的… 那现在,就(请你)把雨停下来吧! |
阿祖尔·斯沃尔 | If by rain, you happen to mean the "Seawater Made Precipitate", I am not the cause of it. | 如果你所说的是这场「海水降雨」的话, 那并不是我引发的。 |
博丽灵梦 | 'Sea'water? We really have an incident then. | 「海」水? 这还真是异变了啊。 |
阿祖尔·斯沃尔 | Yes, that is what it happens to be. From a place up in the clouds. E-er, by the way. Do I really smell of salt? | 嗯,或许恰是如此。 从云上的某处倾泻而下。 呃,说来, 我身上真有沾着盐的气味吗? |
Stage 2
A Raigō-zu Painted Pink | 粉染的来迎图 | |
Straight up, just as the fairy told her. What was the source of the rain lying behind the clouds? | 扶摇直上,一如妖精所告。 云层掩蔽,雨水自何而来? | |
Skies above Gensokyo | 幻想乡上空 | |
BGM: Seeping Through the Blue Canopy | BGM: 穿越苍色天穹 | |
??? | Er, you there... Shrine maiden, yes. | 呃,你是… 没错,是巫女啊。 |
金吉利利 登场 | ||
A Hazy, Foregone Conclusion 金 じりり Jiriri Kim | 有耶无耶的预断 金 吉利利 Jiriri Kim | |
金吉利利 | I need you to exterminate someone...suspicious. | 希望你能去退治一个…可疑的家伙。 |
博丽灵梦 | (This again?) On it. | (又来?)1 行吧。 |
金吉利利 退场 | ||
??? | Refrain. Please. | 请你。 克制。 |
八百目实 登场 | ||
博丽灵梦 | Oh, you must the one I'm supposed to exterminate. ...Those weird creepy heads say you're an Ama-nyudo. You don't see those too often around here. | 喔,你就是那个该我退治的妖怪吧? …好多诡异的头颅,看来你是个尼入道啊。 这附近可见不太着这些。 |
??? | ..... | ..... |
博丽灵梦 | ..... Uhhhhh. You're kind of uncanny. | ..... 哎哟。你是有点古怪。 |
Youkai Bodhisattva in Pink 八百 目実 Sakkagumi Yamomo | 身裹粉色的妖怪菩萨 八百 目实 Sakkagumi Yamomo | |
八百目实 | You cannot proceed further. It is non-permissible. | 你不能再前进了。 这是不被允许的。 |
博丽灵梦 | Says who? | 谁说的? |
八百目实 | ..... | ..... |
博丽灵梦 | It's just like that time on the moon... Well, there isn't a point in staying shut. At this point, I'll beat you up either way. | |
BGM: Vow of Pink Silence | BGM: 粉色的沉默誓言 | |
八百目实 | ...P-please. Refrain. | …请、 请你克制。 |
博丽灵梦 | Please. Get out of my way. | 请你。 让开。 |
八百目实 被击败 | ||
八百目实 | So strong... I-I was warned this would happen... My boss told me to cover up what we were doing. Really, what they were doing! In the ocean in the sky. Up there! In the clouds right there! I'm just someone who got caught up in all of this... Well, the idea was, I'd be an active boddhisvatta. And you know, most people like raigo... I was thinking doing this and playing along could help them reach Nirvana, but... Ugh... I'm such a useless bodhisattva... No one's gonna listen to a full-fledged youkai except youkai. But they didn't even try in the end... I've said too much. | 真强啊… 我、我预先就被这样警告过… 上头吩咐说,要把我们在干的事情掩饰好。 实际上,应该说是他们在干的事情才对!就在这片空中的大洋里。 在那上面!在那里的云中! 我只是个被牵连着卷进来的而已… 其实,我只想当个好菩萨。 而你看,大部分人也都希望能得接引往生… 当时我想,如果我配合他们的行动, 或许就能助他们抵达涅槃,但是… 唉… 我真是个没用的菩萨… 除了别的妖怪,还有谁会听从一个大妖怪的教诲呢。 但他们也从没试过按我说的那样去做… 我有些太唠叨了。 |
博丽灵梦 | Er, thanks for the info, I'll be, uh, going now.. | 呃,谢谢你的情报, 我得,走了。 |
八百目实 | Ah... Nevermind... ..... | 啊… 别在意… …… |
Stage 3
Transmutation Contract | 变身契约 | |
Behind the clouds was an ocean in the sky. This Nirvana could be hidden no longer. | 云层背后是天上之洋。 这片乐土已无以隐藏。 | |
Sea of the Expanse | 苍穹洋海域 | |
BGM: A Mermaid Chasing a Shrine Maiden's Tail | BGM: 追逐巫女之尾的人鱼 | |
眩萨迦 登场 | ||
??? | Oh, someone unexpected. Hm, I wonder what a mermaid in a shrine maiden outfit would look like... Might as well find out! | 喔,一位不速之客。 唔,有点好奇穿着巫女服的人鱼 看起来如何呢… 赶紧试试看吧! |
眩萨迦 被击败 | ||
??? | Wow, uh! Real strong kid right here! Impressive stuff. Bye now! | 哇哦,这孩子还真厉害啊! 不错不错。 那就先拜拜咯! |
博丽灵梦 | Hey! Wait! | 喂!站住! |
眩萨迦 退场 | ||
翼彩波 登场 | ||
翼彩波 退场 | ||
眩萨迦 登场 | ||
??? | Oh, hey! Y-you're, uh, still around! Man, you're one tough cookie. ...Welcome to the sea above the Firmament. | 喔,你好呀! 你、你还在这儿啊! 还真是个硬茬子。 …那么,欢迎来到这片苍穹之上的海域。 |
博丽灵梦 | One tough cookie who'd like you out of her way, please. And what was with that whole "mermaid" thing? | 是啊,这个硬茬子希望你别挡着她的道。 另外,你说的「人鱼」啥的是什么意思? |
Wicked Fairy Godmother 眩 さが Saga Kuramu | 邪恶教母之妖精 眩萨迦 Saga Kuramu | |
眩萨迦 | W-well, it was a joke. Kind of. I'm a witch, among other things. I could turn you into a mermaid if I wanted. But only if you broke a magical contract with me. Like, if your true love married someone else or something or the other. One second a human, next second one ugly fish. | 那、那个啊,算是在开玩笑吧。 你看,我是个女巫。 如果我想的话,我可以把你变成一条人鱼。 不过,前提是你违背了与我的魔法契约。 比如,如果你的真爱和别人结了婚,之类的。 上一秒仍是人类的你,下一秒就会变成条难看的小鱼。 |
博丽灵梦 | Go on. | 你继续。 |
眩萨迦 | I-I was only trying to scare you off! I mean, you didn't seem like you wanted a contract. Besides, only youkai come here for contracts... You're a human. But, that means you're meddling in our plan, aren't you? It seems like I do have to take care of that. So, sorry. | 我、我就吓唬吓唬你而已! 毕竟你也不像是想签什么契约的样子。 而且,只有妖怪才会为了签订契约找来这里… 你可是个人类。 不过,这也就意味着你是来捣乱的,对吧? 那我恐怕就得好好料理一下了。 对不住咯。 |
BGM: Circe Sitting in the Clouds | BGM: 喀耳刻坐于云中 | |
眩萨迦 | Be reduced to seafoam! | 化为海沫吧! |
眩萨迦 被击败 | ||
博丽灵梦 | For someone so melodramatic, you aren't that strong. "Be reduced to seafoam"? Really? You're a super wishywashy character, too. | 还以为是哪个戏里蹦出来的大反派呢,结果实力完全不够看啊。 “化为海沫吧”?你认真的? 也真是个没意思的家伙。 |
眩萨迦 | Snap. You gotta be that shrine maiden, huh. | 哎哟。 你肯定就是那个巫女了。 |
博丽灵梦 | Sure am. (How did she know that?) | 自然。 (她咋知道的?) |
如果这是体验版 | ||
眩萨迦 | Well, that's too bad. You're going to have to stop right here. | 那可真是不巧。 因为你不得不止步于此了。 |
博丽灵梦 | What? What gives? | 啥?这又算啥? |
眩萨迦 | Because this is the... Demo version, of course! | 那当然是因为… 这是体验版啦! |
博丽灵梦 | That's a pretty commonplace answer. I thought Gensokyo got past this kind of thing a while ago... | 真是个老套的回答啊。 不久之前幻想乡里好像也有过类似的事… |
如果这是正式版 | ||
眩萨迦 | Well, I guess I might as well surrender. Follow me. | 好吧,看来我也得举手投降了。 跟我来吧。 |
眩萨迦 | To Nakanotori Castle. | 去那中鸟城。 |
Stage 4
The Sands of Time, Through Sleepless Eyes | 时之沙,映于不眠之目 | |
She had lost the witch as they made their way across the sand. Ganges Island had slid smoothly into fantasy. | 穿过沙滩时魔女消失不见。 中鸟岛已然缓缓流入幻想。 | |
Edge of Nakanotorishima | 中鸟岛边境 | |
BGM: Lazy Sands of Nakanotorishima | BGM: 中鸟岛的怠惰之沙3 | |
翼彩波 登场 | ||
翼彩波 | H-hey, stop ignoring me! I keep telling you to wait! | 喂…喂,别无视我啊! 我一直在说让你等等的! |
博丽灵梦 | It'd be great if you'd all just stop talking, but it's not like any of you have—— | 如果你能把嘴就这么闭上,那真是再好不过了。 不过,你们中大概没有人—— |
Milky Way Will-o-Wisp 翼 彩波 Iroha Tsubasa | 天之川的鬼火 翼 彩波 Iroha Tsubasa | |
翼彩波 | I keep trying to tell you, there's this "Padma" keeping all these people somewhere. If you're not careful, she'll—— | 我只是想告诉你,这儿有一位“钵特摩” 把那些人全关进某处了。 如果你不小心点,她会—— |
博丽灵梦 | As I was saying, it's not like any of you have any idea what I'm capable of. | 就像我刚想说的,看上去你们中没有人 明白我能够做到什么。 |
翼彩波 被击败 | ||
博丽灵梦 | Damnit, I should have known that witch would just get me lost... | 该死,我就该明白那个女巫 会让我迷路… |
风岚梅姬 登场 | ||
风岚梅姬 | Oh, Saga? Yeah, she's a bit of a mess. | 哦,你是在说萨迦? 是啊,她确实有些搞不清。 |
Draconic Rain Dance 風嵐 梅姫 Umehime Kazarashi | 龙之祈雨舞 风岚 梅姬 Umehime Kazarashi | |
风岚梅姬 | Employed a bunch of people to really try and pull off what we're doin' here. Of course, that didn't work to stop you, apparently. | 我找了一大群人来帮忙推进 我们正在这儿做的事情。 但是显然, 他们没能挡住你。 |
博丽灵梦 | You must be her friend. Yeah, they weren't much of a problem. | 你一定是她的朋友了。 啊,这肯定没错了吧。 |
风岚梅姬 | (Friends...) Co-workers. We're co-workers. She handles business, I guess you could say, and I handle services. The real ones. So, whatta ya 'ere for, anyway? Here in Nakanotori Castle. Or Chateau, as I like to say. 'Been beating our lil' small business all up, from the bottom to the top. | (朋友…) 同事,我们是同事。 她来处理事务,我想可以这么说, 而我来进行业务。那些实实在在的事。 所以,不管怎么说,你来中鸟城做什么? 或者用我喜欢的说法,这座庄园。 你可是一直在破坏我们的小小计划, 自下而上。 |
博丽灵梦 | To stop whatever you're up to, obviously. You're all super shady. Oh, and the rain. Nearly forgot about that. Uh, and what's with the things with horns? | 很显然,我是来阻止你们完成计划的。 你们都很可疑啊。哦,还有这场雨。 差点儿就把这事给忘了。 额,还有,那些长着角的家伙是什么? |
风岚梅姬 | Oh, Hammon? Or, er, the Hammons? Divine spirits. Kinda. Don't try to pay too much attention to 'em. ...You don't really care about all the youkai we've been taking, do ya? Sorta like that shrine maiden I heard 'em talk about. Rough gal. | 哦,哈蒙?或者说,额,“哈蒙们”? 它们是圣灵,某种意义上说。 别太在意它们好了。 …你其实不在意那些, 被我们带走的妖怪,不是吗? 有点儿像他们说的那位巫女。 真是个暴力女啊。 |
博丽灵梦 | Well, I am that shrine maiden. I'm not supposed to like them. Some are okay, though-- Wait? Did you say taking? Aaah, then, seems like I gotta beat you up. From the looks of it, you caused the rain, too. So I'll go double hard. | 好吧,我就是那位巫女。 我可不应该喜欢那些妖怪。 虽然,有些妖怪还不错—— 等等?你刚刚是不是说了带走? 哇啊,那么,看起来我要把你打一顿了。 看上去,你也是引发这场雨的罪魁祸首。 所以我会用上双份力气的。 |
风岚梅姬 | Wow, smart girl you are. Really are the "youkai shrine maiden." Plucky! Too bad I'll have to lock you up too. | 哇哦,真是个聪明的孩子啊。 不愧是“妖怪巫女”啊。 真有魄力! 可惜我不得不把你也关起来了。 |
博丽灵梦 | You're a lot of talk, you know that? And your spirits are starting to piss me off. | 你说的太多了,你知道吗? 而且,你的态度开始让我生气了。 |
风岚梅姬 | Aw man, just had to be you. Time to rumble. | 喔,还真就是这么个人啊。 是时候来打一架了。 |
BGM: Watatsumi's Wadaiko Deluge | BGM: 绵津见的和太鼓洪水4 | |
风岚梅姬 被击败 | ||
风岚梅姬 | T-this place was prime real estate, I'm tellin' you, so if it's banged up like this... | 这…这个地方可是最高级的地产, 我跟你说,所以,如果它被破坏成这样的话…… |
博丽灵梦 | Spill it. Everything I need to know. | 全说出来吧。 所有我需要知道的事。 |
风岚梅姬 | Urk... When we opened the gate between the Expanse and Gensokyo, tons of your folk interfered... So, with the resources we had, uh, we locked most of them up in a certain place... ...And, uh that "rain" we're pouring on your Gensokyo... It's the water of this sea. I used some stuff I had and... There's something special about the ocean water of the Expanse. Yeah. Something holy. When the old, old, old gods made this sea with all the waters of the ancient floods, well... They built the firmament to plug it up. 'Cause they were scared of something. They put something else in this ocean. A god. | 呜啊... 当我们打开那扇 连通着幻想乡与苍穹洋的大门之时, 你们这儿许多的原住民进行了干涉... 所以,凭借我们所拥有的资源,呃, 我们把他们中的大多数关在了某个地方…… …以及,那场向幻想乡 倾斜而下的“大雨”… 是这片海洋的海水。 我使用了我拥有的一些物品,另外… 苍穹洋的海水有些特殊之处。 是的,某些神圣的东西。 当那些非常非常古老的神明们 以上古之洪水造就这片海洋时, 他们建造了这片苍穹来封印它。 因为他们恐惧着某些东西。 他们在这海里加入了一些别的东西。 一柱神明。 |
博丽灵梦 | ... A god sealed by other gods? That's... not unheard of. Into water? | …… 一位被其他神明封印起来的神明? 那真是…倒也不是没听过。被封入水中? |
风岚梅姬 | That's right. A god of youkai. Of saltwater. They put her in the ocean of the Expanse. They also put her in Hell, in Makai, in the Netherworld... But she's back now. She's the reason we're doing all of this. She's a god of youkai, so... She'll give us somethin' good. | 是的。 一位妖怪们的神明。一位咸水的神明。 他们将她封入苍穹洋。 他们也将她封印于地狱, 于魔界,于冥界…… 但她已经归来。 她就是我们所为之事的动因。 她是妖怪们的神明,所以… 她将为我们带来恩惠。 |
博丽灵梦 | Sealed into multiple places... And she's back now? Jeez, this is gonna be a lot to deal with again. All split up... Sorta creepy if you think about it. | 被封印于多个场所…… 而她现在归来了? 哎哟,又得有一大堆事情要处理了。 四分五裂… 仔细想想还蛮恐怖的。 |
风岚梅姬 | Nah. She's great. "Ame-no-Ummu-no-Mikoto." That's her name. If you wanna see her, go right ahead. She's probably being attended to by Padma... Jeez, she's a real youkai shrine maiden. Oof. You can't miss her. She's in a self-made prison of cages and lanterns. |
Stage 5
Insectoid Galatea | ||
From wall to wall, youkai were imprisoned. A wingbeat echoed in the distance. | 层层墙壁,众妖囚禁于此。 渺渺远处,传来振翅之音。 | |
Nakanotori Castle Corridor | 中鸟城中回廊 | |
BGM: Futile Is the Fight Against the Fetters of Fear | BGM: 抗击恐惧之枷无济于事 | |
钵特摩·罗刹娑 登场 | ||
钵特摩·罗刹娑 | Look! A stranger's here~! | 看啊! 一个陌生人在这儿~! |
钵特摩·罗刹娑 退场 | ||
王邪魅 登场 | ||
Antagonist of Hermits Everywhere 王 ジャミ Jami Wang | 诸仙人之敌 王 邪魅 Jami Wang | |
王邪魅 | Hey, outta the way! I'm making a break for it! | 喂,让开! 我要突破这儿的封锁! |
王邪魅 退场 | ||
钵特摩·罗刹娑 登场 | ||
钵特摩·罗刹娑 | Oh, hey, it's you again. | 哦,嘿,又是你啊。 |
博丽灵梦 | Your friend was right. Can't miss you. | 你的朋友还真说对了。 我不会错过你的。 |
钵特摩·罗刹娑 | Say co-worker. She likes it better that way. It's so mean of her. Obviously, she's just jealous of how close I am to Mother. | 说同事吧。她更喜欢那么说。 还真是个卑鄙的家伙。 很显然,她只是嫉妒我 能够与母亲如此接近。 |
博丽灵梦 | Uhm, what? | 嗯,什么? |
钵特摩·罗刹娑 | Oh yes! You must be a new convert! One that doesn't have to be kept in a cage, how nice! | 哦,太棒了! 你一定是位新的皈依者! 一个不用被关进笼子的家伙! 真棒! |
博丽灵梦 | I'm a shrine maiden, thank you very much. Very happy with Shinto. And er, your "converts" don't seem as happy as I am. | 我是位巫女,谢谢。 我对于神道教非常满意。 以及,呃,你的那些“皈依者”好像 不像我那么开心。 |
Undead, Molting Zeal パドマ・ラクササ Padma Raksasa | 脱胎换骨的不死狂信 钵特摩·罗刹娑 Padma Raksasa | |
钵特摩·罗刹娑 | They just haven't been reborn the same way I have. Saga's helping with that. Oh yes-- and that's a Shinto much rattled, obviously... What I want to give you is Koshinto. | 他们只是没有以与我相同的方式 获得重生。萨迦正在帮忙完成这件事。 哦是的——很显然,神道正在恐惧着…… 我想为你们带来的,是古神道。 |
博丽灵梦 | You lost me again. Big time. A weirder Shinto doesn't sound better than the regular Shinto I already have. | 你又把我搞糊涂了。相当糊涂。 一种更诡异的神道信仰听起来 可不会比我的常规神道信仰要更好。 |
钵特摩·罗刹娑 | Koshinto is a pure, immaculate religion. The way of the ancient antediluvian gods. Our god here... She is truly a Mother of this Koshinto. If you're a shrine maiden, you know what Tokoyo is, yes? The Eternal World? She is a god who hails from it. She is a Mother who can grant many things... Mother of both god and youkai, of angel and demon, of man and monster... Like an Izanami ever-beautiful... An eternal divine mother... | 古神道是一种纯粹高洁的信仰。 它是上古的古神明之道。 而我们的神明…… 她是古神道真正的母神。 如果你是一位巫女,你肯定知道常世是什么,是吧? 或者说,永恒世界? 她正是从那儿降下的神明。 她是一位能够创生万物的母亲。 她是神明与妖怪共同的母亲, 她还是天使与恶魔,人类与怪物的母亲… 像一位永葆美丽的伊邪那美, 一位永恒而圣洁的母亲。 |
博丽灵梦 | You're starting to unsettle me. No, seriously. How about I just make a branch shrine and this could all be water under the bridge? Actually, speaking of water, could you stop it with the rain, too? | 你开始让我心烦了。 不,我是认真的。 我能不能就用树枝搭个神龛, 然后就让这些都过去吧? 说实在的,说到水, 你能把这一切和雨水一起停下吗? |
钵特摩·罗刹娑 | Very soon, this will all be water. Because, she's going to clean house. | 很快,这里便会充满水。 因为,她要开始清理屋子了。 |
博丽灵梦 | Come again? | 你再说一遍? |
钵特摩·罗刹娑 | Mother. With a great deluge. She's going to cleanse Gensokyo. | 母亲。她的身边有滔天洪水相伴。 她将要涤净幻想乡。 |
博丽灵梦 | Are you saying she's going to flood Gensokyo? | 你是说, 她要把幻想乡淹没? |
钵特摩·罗刹娑 | Yes! And how wonderfully! If our next ritual is complete, Mother's tool can finally be used-- To its fullest potential! To think, the Jidai Moji from Gensokyo... | 是的!这多棒啊! 如果我们的下一场仪式完成了, 母亲的工具就终于能被利用—— 完全发挥出它的潜力! 想想,自幻想乡而来的神代文字… |
博丽灵梦 | ...Jidai Moji? The god script or whatever? That sort of thing doesn't-- | …神代文字?神明的文字之类的? 那种东西并不—— |
钵特摩·罗刹娑 | Oooh, but it does! | 喔哦,但它确实存在! |
博丽灵梦 | Wait, this is something Rinnosuke told me about... When they say something doesn't exist in the Outside World. It can become real in Gensokyo. | 等等,之前霖之助也告诉过我的…… 当某种东西从外界消失, 它就会在幻想乡成为真实。 |
钵特摩·罗刹娑 | Why do you think we came to your Gensokyo? Well, the clean fresh water you had was convenient. | 你觉得我们为什么要来到你们幻想乡? 好吧,你们清洁的淡水方便得很。 |
博丽灵梦 | Clean water? What do you need-- Wait! None of that actually matters-- I can't just have you wreck Gensokyo with a flood! The rain was enough as it is. | 净水? 你们需要什么——停! 这些都并不重要—— 我不能容许你们 用一场洪水毁灭幻想乡! 这雨水已经足够了。 |
BGM: The Primadonna's Burnt Wings ~ Walpurgis Nightmare | ||
钵特摩·罗刹娑 | Really? So can you defeat a Child of God? | 是吗? 所以,你能击败一位神之子嗣吗? |
钵特摩·罗刹娑 被击败 | ||
博丽灵梦 | I've beaten other shrine maidens before, if that's what you're thinking. And I've fought gods before too. Who is "Ame-no-Ummu-no-Mikoto?" She's not a Shinto god, that I know. If she's so exalted, then you wouldn't have to explain who she is. | |
钵特摩·罗刹娑 | Really... Umehime was right... She was a foreign god. You know what a bunrei is, correct? Normally, it's like a candle lighting a candle. But with our God... Her bunreis are like... Are like breaking glass. Long ago, Mother was broken up. She told me that. | 真的…梅姬说的是对的…… 她是一位异国之神。 你知道什么是分灵吧? 一般来说,那就像一支蜡烛点亮另一支。 但是对于我们的神来说… 她的分灵就像是… 像是破碎的玻璃。 很久以前,母亲被击碎了。她这么告诉我。 |
博丽灵梦 | Bunreis like breaking glass...? You're not supposed to be able to "break" a god. ...The Eight Million Gods are able to divide themselves infinitely. A bunrei is a whole in and of itself, while being a split. | 如同碎玻璃一般的分灵…? 你可不能“打碎”一柱神明。 …八百万神能够 无限地分割他们自己。 一个分灵是一个从属于它自己的整体, 同时又是神明的一个部分。 |
钵特摩·罗刹娑 | Then, she's not one of the Eight Million Gods. She's something special. How spectacular. I would expect nothing less from Mother. You know, if you met her, you'd realize how wonderful she is too. | 那么,她就并非八百万神中的一员。 她是特殊的。 多么令人惊奇啊。 我对母亲的期望从未降低。 要明白,一旦见到了她, 你也会知道她是如此的神妙。 |
博丽灵梦 | ...Sure. Let's go with that. It's not like I wouldn't have to eventually, It seems. | …好吧。 那就继续吧。 我最后多半会见到她的, 看来。 |
Stage 6
Revere the Theotokos | 敬奉神之母10 | |
A god hid in the depths of the ocean in the clouds. The waters above would mix with the waters below. | 神明藏身于云上之海的深处。 上层水将与下层水混而为一。11 | |
Consecrated Altar | 神圣祭坛 | |
BGM: Callisto Matrix | BGM: 卡利斯托基质12 | |
Lunatic难度下 风岚梅姬 登场 | ||
风岚梅姬 | Oh, uh, y'know... Her name ain't actually "Ame-no-Ummu-no-Mikoto." We only call her that, because her real name... we can't say right. | |
Lunatic难度下 风岚梅姬 退场 | ||
钵特摩·罗刹娑 登场 | ||
钵特摩·罗刹娑 | The path to hell is paved with good intentions. But the path to heaven... | |
钵特摩·罗刹娑 被击败 | ||
博丽灵梦 | Man, if a "broken" "god" can rally all of that... What can she do put-together? This must be her altar. ...It's kinda creepy, just having to wait here. | 嘿,如果一位“破碎”的“神明” 能聚集起这些…… 那么当她被拼合完整时能做到什么? 这一定是她的祭坛了。 …有点儿惊悚, 就算只是在这儿等着而已。 |
??? | Wait no longer. | 你无须再等待了。 |
水混祐毋 登场 | ||
博丽灵梦 | You're a very frank "god", aren't you? | 你是位非常坦率的“神明”, 不是吗? |
Saltwater Madonna 水混 祐毋 Ummu Tzumazaru | 海水的圣母像 水混 祐毋 Ummu Tzumazaru | |
水混祐毋 | As befits a Mother. You're a shrine maiden, yes? | 对于一位母亲来说这是很合适的。 你是一位巫女,是吗? |
博丽灵梦 | That's right. But I'm afraid I'll have to exterminate you. Maybe it doesn't matter if you're not a "god" god. | 你说得很对。 不过恐怕我必须要将你退治了。 如果你并不是一位“神性”的神明,那可能也没什么问题。 |
水混祐毋 | Oh my. You shouldn't speak to your Mother like that. A child is only a reflection of their parent, you know. | 哦,我的天哪。 你不应该这样对你的母亲说话。 你知道,孩子只是父母的反映罢了。 |
博丽灵梦 | Could you stop it with the "Mother" thing? It's a bit much. But first, I'd also like it if you'd stop it with the whole "rain" thing. And the "locking my friends up" thing, and the "creepy cult" thing... Oh. And definitely the "I'm gonna flood Gensokyo" thing. | 你能不能别再提 “母亲”啥的了? 已经够了。 但首先,如果你把那些和“雨”相关的事情停下, 我也会很开心的。 还有“把我的朋友禁锢起来”的事情, 以及“邪神崇拜”的事情…… 哦,当然还有 “把幻想乡淹没”这种事! |
水混祐毋 | Ohoho. Really, such a rambunctious child. | 呵呵。 实在是个爱闹腾的孩子啊。 |
博丽灵梦 | Yeah, well, those are pretty rambunctious things, you know. | 是的,是的,那些东西也都非常闹腾, 你知道的。 |
水混祐毋 | Maybe so. But you do such things when all you have are rambunctious children. They're the ones who made me like this, you know. | 也许是吧。 不过在你们都是些任性的孩子时 你们也做了那样的事。 他们就是使我变成这样的家伙, 你知道吧。 |
博丽灵梦 | Excuse me, what? (...I've been saying that a lot today.) | 抱歉,你说什么? (…今天我还真是说了很多次这句话啊。) |
水混祐毋 | My children. They broke me up into what your people call "Bunrei". And then they sealed me, quite a while ago. I'm close to what you call a "Wakemitama". Your people have such funny, pretty names for things. But I quite enjoy it. As a fraction of myself, I'm something different, so I got a funny name too. Felt like bit of a goddess reincarnation of sorts. | 我的孩子们。 他们将我打碎, 成了你们所称的“分灵”。 然后很久之前,他们将我封印。 我与你们所说的“分御灵”很接近。 你们人类总会给事物起很多有趣又好听的名字。 不过我很享受这一过程。 作为我自己的一个碎片, 我又是某种不同的事物,所以我也有了个有趣的名字。 有点儿像女神转生之类的。 |
博丽灵梦 | (So, a Wakemitama... but not quite.) ...A Wakemitama that isn't whole. | (所以,她是一个分御灵…不过并不完全是。) …一个并不完整的分御灵。 |
水混祐毋 | That's correct. But, I learned from someone I encountered that names can change everything. So, maybe this name makes me a little more whole. But even still... I have something to make me complete. | 正确。 不过,我从我所遇到的某人口中得知, 名字能够改变万物。 所以,也许这个名字 使我变得完整了一些。 但是即使如此… 我还需要一些东西来使我变得完全。 |
博丽灵梦 | ...Those things you're holding. They're all bunrei, aren't they? | …你正拿着的那些东西。 它们都是分灵,不是吗? |
水混祐毋 | All my bunrei. From when they chopped my old body into tiny little pieces. Frightful. But something else. Let me tell you a secret. All these things I had my sweet, sweet children do. Make a place where fresh and saltwater mix... Find a script of the gods... Pieces of my divine power... | 它们都是我的分灵。 从他们将我的旧躯体切成碎片开始就存在了。 有些吓人。但还有些别的东西。 让我告诉你一个秘密。 我让我可爱的孩子们所做的所有这些事。 创造一个淡水与咸水混同为一的场所… 找到神明们的言语… 寻找我的神圣力量的碎片… |
天命石板 出现 | ||
水混祐毋 | They were to make my Tablet of Destinies something more than an ancient thing a god once held. With it, I hold the powers of creation and destruction. Like any proper God would want. Of course, gods these days are such lazy children. And lazy children should be scolded. You know, more water produces a greater effect. After I flood Gensokyo, I'll use the mixing waters to... | 这些都是为了使我的天命石板 能够不仅仅是一件神明遗留的古物。 有了它,我就掌握了 创造与毁灭的力量。 像任何一位真正的神明都渴望的那样。 当然,当今的神明都是一群懒惰的孩子。 而懒惰的孩子是应该受到训斥的。 你知道,越多的水能够产生越好的效果。 在我淹没幻想乡之后, 我将用这些混合起来的水去… |
博丽灵梦 | Wait, I don't get it yet, but... With that-- thing. You're not just planning to flood Gensokyo. | 等等,我还没懂,不过…有了那块石板, 你的计划不仅是淹没幻想乡。 |
水混祐毋 | But if those fragments are part of your body, then... Yes! I, the Mother of gods and witness to eight million more-- | 但如果这些碎片是我身体的一部分,那么… 是的!我,众神明之母, 超越八百万的见证人—— |
BGM: Sapphire Mothership ~ Thalassic Izanami | BGM: 青玉母舰 ~ Thalassic Izanami14 | |
水混祐毋 | When once again my body is whole, I-- I will be what overturns them all! | 当我的身体再次完满,我—— 我将成为颠覆万物之人! |
符卡 碎片「盖亚哲理」/碎片「盖亚假说」 发动前 | ||
水混祐毋 | This planet is lost and directionless. | 这颗茫然漂泊的迷途之星。 |
符卡 碎片「神之死」/碎片「众神之死」/碎片「诸神黄昏」 发动前 | ||
水混祐毋 | God and youkai hunger for belief, for fear of fading away. | 出于对消逝的恐惧, 神明和妖怪渴求着信仰。 |
符卡 碎片「侵食世界的提霍」/碎片「噬人的亚巴顿」/碎片「吞食婴儿的莉莉丝」 发动前 | ||
水混祐毋 | Humans struggle to keep living on a dying, finite earth. | 人类在干枯、逼仄的大地上挣扎生存。 |
符卡 碎片「给予生命的托南琴」/碎片「给予生命的帕梅托拉丽」/碎片「古之地母神亚舍拉」/碎片「伟大地母神颇哩提毗」 发动前 | ||
水混祐毋 | I will breathe life into them. A life more than survival. | 我将把生命吹向众生。 那生命绝不仅仅只意味着生存。 |
符卡 碎片「诸蛇之母达菲妮」/碎片「诸魔之母厄喀德那」/碎片「神圣娲皇」/碎片「神圣虹蛇」 发动前 | ||
水混祐毋 | I'll be the great mother they cling to… | 我将成为众生依偎的伟大母亲…… |
水混祐毋 被击败 | ||
This planet is lost and directionless. God and youkai hunger for belief, for fear of fading away. Humans struggle to keep living on a dying, finite earth. I will breathe life into them. A life more than survival. I'll be the great mother they cling to…15 | 这颗茫然漂泊的迷途之星。 出于对消逝的恐惧, 神明和妖怪渴求着信仰。 人类在干枯、逼仄的大地上挣扎生存。 我将把生命吹向众生。 那生命绝不仅仅只意味着生存。 我将成为众生依偎的伟大母亲…… | |
水混祐毋 复苏 | ||
BGM: Antediluvian Mothership | BGM: 上古方舟17 | |
水混祐毋 被击败 | ||
如果玩家续关完成游戏 | ||
如果玩家无续关完成游戏 | ||
Ending No.2
- 剧透提示: 以下内容包含详细故事情节,请自行决定是否继续阅读
Ending No.1
- 剧透提示: 以下内容包含详细故事情节,请自行决定是否继续阅读
- ↑ 东方神灵庙中多多良小伞委托灵梦退治宫古芳香。
- ↑ 指东方绀珠传中灵梦与稀神探女的对话。
- ↑ 中鸟岛是一座曾被认为存在于太平洋上的幻岛。其一度被划入日本领土,但在后续的探索中却没有再被发现。1972年,该岛屿最终被证实为不存在。
- ↑ 「绵津见」为日本神话中的海神,《日本书纪》中写作「丰玉彦」。
- ↑ 跳转到: 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 六面BOSS水混祐毋的别称,其名字「Ummu」,源自「提亚玛特」的别称「Ummu-Hubur」,「Ummu」有母亲之意,「Hubur」在苏美尔文化有河流、生命之河的意思。日语中「Ame」可以对应汉字「天」或「雨」,「Ame-no-Ummu」可能有「雨水之母亲」的意义,近似于「Ummu-Hubur」的含义。
- ↑ 「Insectoid」意为类昆虫的,在科幻作品中用来形容外观类似昆虫的外星生命。
- ↑ 「伽拉忒亚」(Γαλάτεια,Galatea)在希腊神话中为海仙女之一;而在《变形记》中,塞浦路斯国王皮格马利翁用象牙雕刻了一尊少女像,命名为「伽拉忒亚」,甚至爱上了这尊雕塑,最后美神阿芙洛狄忒被他感动,赋予了雕像生命。
- ↑ “Prima donna”一词语源为意大利语,意为歌剧的主要女演员或主要女歌手,也有“爱慕虚荣者、自负者”的意思。
- ↑ 副标题改自“Walpurgis Night”(瓦尔帕吉斯之夜)。在这一天,督伊德教的教徒们会举办仪式迎接春天的来临。由于这一本土宗教被天主教看作异教的缘故,因此这一祭典也被污名化,被称作“魔女之夜”。
- ↑ 「Theotokos」是神学用语,意为诞下神子的母亲、神的孕育者,对应为诞下基督耶稣的圣母玛利亚。
- ↑ 摘自《圣经》的创世纪部分:
[创1:8]神就造出空气,将空气以下的水,空气以上的水分开了。事就这样成了。 - ↑ 卡利斯托是希腊神话中的角色,由于与神王宙斯私通被宙斯的妻子赫拉变为了母熊,之后,在一场由其子阿尔卡斯发起的狩猎中,宙斯为了保护她不被儿子射杀,将她与其子升上天空,分别变为了大熊星座与牧夫座α的大角星。此外,她的名字也被用在了木卫四的命名上。
- ↑ 英国思想家哈耶克的名言,意为积极的意图可能会产生负面的结果。
- ↑ 「Izanami」即伊邪那美,是日本神话中的创世母神,与提亚玛特相近。
- ↑ 游戏中这几段文字大量出现,皆为之前战斗阶段BOSS的台词。
- ↑ 为阿卡德语(楔形文字)拼写的「提亚玛特」(Tiamat)。
- ↑ 「大洪水」神话最早在美索不达米亚平原流传,在古巴比伦神话中,风暴之神恩利尔降下洪水欲毁灭人类,恩基施以援手,安排人类登上大船避过灾难。一说古巴比伦神话中的大洪水传说是后来《圣经》中大洪水故事的原型。