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東方潮聖書 ~ Sapphire Panlogism./设定与剧情/Character profiles
- 以下文档是ver1.00a的Omake中的Character profiles(角色设定)。
--------------------Shrine Maiden of the Red Rain-------------------- 博麗 霊夢 Reimu Hakurei Species: Human Abilities: Capable of flight in the sky. The all-too-familiar shrine maiden of the Hakurei Shrine. She treats everyone the same. However, since her job is youkai-hunting, she acts particularly strict with youkai, but she doesn't really care much about humans or youkai. Normally, when there's weird weather, she pays no real mind. Actually, she didn't really notice when the youkai started disappearing from her shrine either. She probably drew the line when the rain hadn't stopped for an entire week. Or when it killed her plants, perhaps? Either or, she prefers when it's sunny. | --------------------红雨的巫女-------------------- 博丽灵梦 Reimu Hakurei 种族: 人类 能力: 主要拥有在空中飞翔程度的能力 人人都熟悉的博丽巫女。 她对每个人一视同仁。然而,由于她从事妖怪退治的工作,所以对妖怪尤其严格,虽说她并不真的介意是人类还是妖怪。 一如往常,异常天气发生时,她毫无反应。实际上,她并没有注意到妖怪是何时从神社里消失的。她的出动,或许是因为雨下了整整一周还未停,或许是因为雨水让她的植物枯死了,大概? 也有可能,她只是喜欢晴天。 |
--------------------Magician of the Blue Monsoon-------------------- 霧雨 魔理沙 Marisa Kirisame Species: Human Abilities: Capable of magic. An ordinary magician living in Gensokyo. She also has a mania for collecting things. She seems a bit rebellious, but she's the most straightforward in reality. She always wears black clothing because she thinks that's what magic users should wear, and because it hides dirt very well. Very straightforward. Normally, she would bother Reimu instead, but she happened to drop by Alice's house. Then she realized that she wasn't there-- and that the Three Fairies of Light also weren't there, nor the more forgettable ones. She actually enjoys the rain, but the saline content is so high it's starting to interfere with her magic. That's bothersome. | --------------------深蓝季风的魔法使-------------------- 雾雨魔理沙 Marisa Kirisame 种族: 人类 能力: 使用魔法程度的能力 居住在幻想乡的普通魔法使。她还有收集东西的癖好。 虽然看上去有点叛逆,但实际上她是最坦率的。她之所以穿着黑色衣服,既是因为觉得魔法使用者该这么穿,也是因为不显脏。非常直截了当。 通常她会去叨扰灵梦,但这一次正好在拜访爱丽丝的家。这时她注意到爱丽丝不在家——光之三妖精也不见踪影,更不用说许多记不得名字的。其实她很喜欢雨水,但是含盐量过高会干扰到她的魔法。 真是烦死人了。 |
--------------------Avatar of the Golden Sun Shower-------------------- 寅丸 星 Shou Toramaru Species: Youkai of Legendary Tigers Abilities: Capable of gathering treasures. A tiger youkai working as a priest of Myouren Temple. Actually, a youkai of stories of tigers. As befitting a priest, she's very honest and collected. As unbefitting a priest, she's actually an alarmingly heavy drinker. With this in mind, one wonders how she manages to be an avatar of Bishamonten. Normally, she'd disregard her subordinate Nazrin going off on treasure hunts. It's simply something Nazrin does. But when her and several other youkai worshippers at the temple simply disappeared, it was clear something was amiss. Then, Bishamonten started sending her all sorts of odd messages. He compelled her towards the skies. | --------------------黄金天气雨的权化-------------------- 寅丸星 Toramaru Shou 种族: 妖怪 能力: 收集财宝程度的能力 一只以命莲寺僧侣的身份工作的虎妖。确切地说,是承袭虎之怪谈的妖怪。 作为一名合格的僧侣,她诚实而冷静。作为一名不合格的僧侣,她其实惊人地嗜酒。因为这一点,人们好奇她是怎么成为毗沙门天的化身的。 通常,她对自己的下属,娜兹玲的寻宝行为从不加以管束。这只是娜兹玲常做的事罢了。但当娜兹玲和其他几位寺中的妖怪信徒消失的时候,显然有什么不对劲。随后,毗沙门天向她传达了一堆奇怪的信息。 毗沙门天命她飞上天空。 |
--------------------Goddess of a Hell over the Rainbow-------------------- ヘカーティア・ラピスラズリ Hecatia Lapislazuli Species: Goddess (of several things) Abilities: Capable of using three independent bodies. An old goddess who keeps up with the newest trends. Also governs Hells in conjunction with a quite a few other people. She's certainly eccentric, sometimes to the chagrin of both her older and newer coworkers, but she's also certainly lighthearted. While mostly she's a goddess of the Underworld, she's talented in quite a few areas. Geographically speaking. She might seem airheaded, but really she's a very wise thinker and dauntingly powerful at full force. Normally, she'd be wandering through some Otherworld or Hades or Yomi or the like, but she's actively trying to avoid the other gods up there with her in the hierachy. There's some ridiculous political nonsense being tossed around, and really, Hecatia doesn't quite care for that. Gensokyo would be the perfect vacation spot-- if it wasn't for the fact Nereids were spilling out of the sky. Added onto that was the fact that Clownpiece went missing. Connecting the dots, Hecatia set off to hit two birds with one stone. | --------------------虹之彼方的地狱女神-------------------- 赫卡提亚·拉碧斯拉祖利 Hecatia Lapislazuli 种族: 神明(各种方面) 能力: 拥有三个身体程度的能力 一位紧追潮流的古老女神。 她和许多其他人一起支配着地狱。 她确实很古怪,有时会让自己的前辈和新人都感到气恼,但她又确实自由自在。尽管她主要是冥界女神,但在许多其他领域也颇有才能。也许她看上去心不在焉,但其实她是个睿智的思考者,而且拥有惊人的力量。 通常,她会漫步于冥界或诸如此类的世界,但她积极地试图避开与她同一层级的其他神明。那些荒唐的政治废话被她抛到脑后,而且赫卡提亚根本不在乎。幻想乡是个完美的度假胜地——不考虑海仙女们从空中涌出的话。 再加上另一个情况,克劳恩皮丝失踪了。考虑到这点,赫卡提亚打算一石二鸟,把事情解决。 |
--------------------Stage 1 Boss - Child of the Great Saltwater Sea-------------------- アジュアスワール Azure Swirl Species: Fairy (Nereid) Abilities: To control the ocean's currents. She wandered a biiit too far. Oops! A fairy with the ability to control the ocean waves. It's actually an incredibly potent power. Combined with the fact Azure's actually quite competent for a fairy, she's capable of being quite the threat. Well, that would be so if Reimu and company encountered her anywhere near an actual ocean, anyway. You can't quite make due with saltwater rain, you know. Normally very friendly towards humans, it seems she and her fairy compatriots are only acting on the will of their superiors. She somehow expected those incident-resolvers to somehow help her, but... She'll find her way back in the end, at the very least. The massive bluebell she's holding is fake, in case you didn't notice. | --------------------1面Boss - 咸水大洋之子-------------------- 阿祖尔·斯沃尔 Azure Swirl 种族: 妖精(海仙女) 能力: 操纵海流程度的能力 她有点太太太走神了,Oops! 拥有操纵海浪能力的妖精。 这种力量令人难以置信。 加之阿祖尔作为妖精能力不俗,所以颇具威胁性。 嗯,如果灵梦她们在真正的海边遇到她,确实如此。 要知道你对盐水雨无可奈何。 通常对人类很友好,似乎她和她的同伴都只会奉上级命令行事。 最终她会找到回去的路。 也许你没注意到,她手里的风铃草是假的。 |
--------------------Stage 2 Mid-boss - A Hazy, Foregone Conclusion-------------------- 金 じりり Jiriri Kim Species: Aka-kuchi Abilities: To produce omen-signifying clouds. A strange red tongue in the clouds. They say she's a bad omen, but really, she's simply someone with a very good sense of morality. She attempts to warn the human village of any possible danger regularly, but most of the time simply frightens quite a few superstitious people. Most humans just see strange, but not particularly worrying, black clouds. She had a natural intuition that's something was up. She's a natural navigator of the skies, but she isn't much of a fighter, so she wasn't able to overcome Sakkagumi. To be quite honest, she only fought Reimu and company because they were so insistent on fighting her. | --------------------2面道中Boss - 有耶无耶的预断-------------------- 金吉利利 Jiriri Kim 种族: 赤舌 能力: 产生预兆云程度的能力 一只居于云中的怪异赤舌。 人们都说她是不祥之兆,但事实上,她单纯只是个有良好操守的妖怪。 她试图定期警告人类村落任何可能的危险,但大多时候只吓到了一些迷信的人。 大多数人只是看见了奇怪、但并不值得在意的黑云。 她凭直觉发现有什么事在发生。 在空中她是个天生的翱游者,但并不是个厉害的战斗者,所以无力击败目实。 老实说,她只是在对抗灵梦一行,因为她们坚持要退治自己。 |
--------------------Stage 2 Boss - Youkai Bodhisattva in Pink-------------------- 八百 目実 Sakkagumi Yamomo Species: Ama-nyuudou Abilities: To gather and condense grief. The cloudy visage of a long dead nun. The grief of a dreadfully long life seems to have made itself manifest upon her death, and (reluctantly) continues to feed upon the nun's long, long list of unresolved sorrows. Curiously enough, this visage of hers is a Buddhist as well. Even as a youkai, she manages to act as a perfect model of Buddhist detachment from physicality. She's attached just enough to act as a Bodhisattva. Perhaps it's because she's a cloud? She's able to gather the "grief" of both human and youkai and condense it into something physical. She could hypothetically instantly grant someone Nirvana by taking all of their grief with (read: attachment to) the world, but that would perhaps defeat the purpose of working towards Nirvana. She's usually quite quiet, but oftentimes can burst out loads of information under duress. Thankfully, her own incredible detachment from the world ensures that she hasn't too much information to provide. Her idea in concealing the Expanse for Saga was that, if she helped, then quite possibly Saga and her associates might listen to her. She probably hadn't taken into account the fact they were already of their own, certain religious affiliation. Nor did she realize quite how untrustworthy Saga could be at times. Whether this was a result of her severe detachment from this mortal plane or simply bad judgement on Sakkagumi's part remains to be seen. She practices a form of Buddhism from the mainland, and as such, presents herself as an entity separate from those at Myouren. Though, presented with little youkai success and the shock-induced death of at least one human, she's considered simply caving in and joining them. ...It seems that as of recent, some other source of grief has begun to flow into her. To cope with the resulting overflow of power, she manifested two rather morbid items in her hands. She has a hunch on why they appear the way they do, but like most things, she doesn't seem to want to talk about it. It certainly doesn't help minimize the shock-induced deaths. | --------------------2面Boss - 身裹粉色的妖怪菩萨-------------------- 八百目实 Sakkagumi Yamomo 种族: 尼入道 能力: 收集和压缩悲伤程度的能力 一位死去多时尼姑的阴云面容。 漫长人生的悲苦似乎在她死后显现了出来,并且(不情愿地)继续以老尼一长串的未尽遗恨为食。 稀奇的是,她也有一副佛教徒的容貌。 尽管是妖怪,她努力表现得像是个佛教徒超脱肉体的典例。 她恰如其分地和菩萨联系起来并加以表现。大概因为她是一朵云吧? 她能够收集人类和妖怪的“悲伤”并将其压缩成某种物质。 通过带走此世所有的悲苦(读作留恋)她可以让人在假想中体验涅槃,但那么做或许会削减人们通过努力达到涅槃的向往。 她通常沉默寡言,但时不时会在压迫下迸出大量信息。 幸好,她与世间的脱节相当严重,并不能提供多少信息。 她之所以为萨迦隐藏了苍穹洋,是因为倘若提供帮助,萨迦及其同伴或许会听她说话。 她大概没有考虑过萨迦她们已有自己的宗教信仰。 也没有意识到萨迦是多么不靠谱。 究竟是因为她和凡间过度脱节,还是单纯因为目实糟糕的判断力,尚无定论。 她修习着传自大陆的一派佛教,并且以其身份,把自己表现为独立于命莲寺那一派的实体。 尽管如此,受到弱小妖怪获胜的影响以及令不止一个人类休克而死,她考虑着放弃抵抗加入那一派。 ……似乎最近,有一些源于别处的悲伤开始流入。 为了抑制溢出的力量,她手中显现出两种十分病态道具。 她虽然预感到为什么它们会以这种形式出现,但和大部分事情一样,她并不愿意提起。 当然这对减少休克致死毫无帮助。 |
--------------------Stage 3 Boss - Wicked Fairy Godmother-------------------- 眩 さが Saga Kuramu Species: Oceanid Abilities: To create magical binding contracts. A witch who goes uninvited to the christening. Really, more of a lawyer you wouldn't like influencing your child. A fickle, but outstandingly clever sort of person who does a lot things for her own amusement. An Oceanid, she swims in the sea encircling the world, metaphorically speaking. In actuality, she lives in the Expanse. Actually, she's a mermaid, a daughter of the air, and a sea witch, but that all quite conveniently sits under "Oceanid." Saga, as a sea witch, is able to develop magical contracts. Thus, she's able to grant magical wishes to a certain extent, as long as her client manages to give something in return. In addition, there's all sorts of conditions in her contracts one has to fulfill to avoid an unfortunate end. In a way, they're like installational payments, but where one's physical person is at stake. If it wasn't for the fact she only serviced youkai, Reimu would have exterminated her several times by now. In the past, she used to develop all sorts of impossible contracts simply for her own amusement. But after some outside pressure, she's had to be more lenient. Right now, she's an underling of Umehime, but that doesn't mean much. She acts mostly with autonomy as she always has. Her most recent contract was with Sakkagumi. If Sakkagumi fulfills the terms of the contract, then Saga promises to become a devout practitioner of Buddhism. Which, unsurprisingly, isn't happening, since the sole terms were to prevent people from finding the Expanse. | --------------------3面Boss - 邪恶教母之妖精-------------------- 眩萨迦 Saga Kuramu 种族: 水仙女 能力: 订立有效魔法契约程度的能力 一位不请自来的女巫。 真的,比起律师你更不想让孩子接触的人。 一位反复无常,但聪明绝顶的人,她为取悦自己做了不少事。 一位水仙女,打个比方,她遨游在环绕全世界的大海中。 实际上,她居住在这片苍穹洋中。 事实上,她是人鱼,天之女儿,以及海之女巫,所有这些都可以很方便地概括为“水仙女”。 作为海之女巫,萨迦能够订立魔法契约。 只要她的客户愿意给予回报,她就能在某种程度上用魔法实现其愿望。 此外,她的契约中有许多附加条件需要遵守,以避免悲惨结局的发生。 某种意义上,这类似于分期付款,但要用自己的身体为抵押。 若不是因为她只向妖怪提供服务,灵梦早就要把她多次退治了。 过去,她单纯为了找乐子,订立了许多不可能的契约。 但在外界的一些压力下,她不得不放宽条件。 如今,她成为了某个高位者的下属,但那毫无意义。 她还是一如既往,自说自话。 她最近一次订立契约是与目实。 只要目实履行了约定,萨迦承诺成为虔诚的佛教信徒。 她这么做不足为奇,因为唯一的条件是阻止任何人发现这片苍穹洋。 |
--------------------Stage 3 & 4 Mid-boss - Milky Way Will-o-Wisp-------------------- 翼 彩波 Iroha Tsubasa Species: Amabie Abilities: Manipulation of phantasmal flame Legends tell of sprites and youkai that wander and lurk in the ocean depths. Some are benevolent, some are not. Iroha is benevolent. She has a cheerful disposition, though being strangers, the protagonists see little of it. Her clumsy and delicate nature doesn't help that matter. Her cheer is a (well-meaning) ploy to fight off her anxieties of being eaten or something of the sort. They're not quite unfounded. She's rather wise for her age, though her anxieties typically prevent her from sharing her wisdom. Her preferred method of communication are her fire dragons. These typically scare off possible offenders. Being a product of her ability, however, they're simply illusions. She's well-practiced, nonetheless. As an Amabie, she's able to sing beautiful songs of prophecy. She’s actually closely associated with the Kazarashi household. Like most, she finds their resident shrine maiden rather... unsettling. | --------------------3、4面道中Boss - 天之川的鬼火-------------------- 翼彩波 Iroha Tsubasa 种族: 尼彦 能力: 操纵幻之火焰程度的能力 传说中,有各式的灵体与妖怪在海洋的深处漫游潜伏,伺机而动。 它们中的一部分是友好的,而另一部分不是。 而彩波则属于前者。 她被认为是性格开朗的,虽然有作为陌生人,我们的主角并不能全面认识她的原因。 她笨拙而细腻的天性并不能在这件事上起到任何作用。 她的乐观或许也只是一种用来战胜她对于被吃掉或者其他这类糟糕事情的(善意的)策略罢了。而这并非毫无根据。 就她的年龄来说,她相当聪明,尽管她的不安使得她无法与其他人分享她的智慧。 她更倾向于选择的交流方法是她的火龙。这可以有效地震慑所有潜在的威胁。 作为她能力的产物,这些火龙实际上只是幻象而已。尽管如此,她也已经习惯了使用这种手段。 作为一位尼彦,她能够唱出美妙的预言之歌。 实际上,她与风岚家的关系十分密切。 与大多数人一样,她对突入了苍穹洋的巫女感到十分的不安。 |
--------------------Stage 4 Enemies - Baa Echoing Across the Water-------------------- はもん Hamon Species: Phantom (Etemmu) / Sheep? Abilities: Capable of causing rain(?) The last, scattered remnants of a horned divine spirit. Not so much an individual entity as much as a classification at this point. They wander the surface of the Expanse’s water, gobbling up whatever they can and generally are just sort of a nuisance. They’re in dying numbers, however. In the end, there was no faith to be left for this spirit. Because of the manner in which they received faith, there came a time where their worship became taboo. The spirit eventually became fragmented, and perished like a mortal. Umehime keeps one as a pet. Actually, they’re somehow able to help her cause rain. For some reason, they enjoy the smell of fire. | --------------------4面敌人 - 回响于水面的咩咩声-------------------- 哈蒙 Hamon 种族: 幽灵(Etemmu)/羊(?) 能力: 降雨程度的能力(?) 它们是一位有角的神明最后的残灵。 哈蒙比起说是指代某一个单独的个体,实际上更接近一个分类的名称。 它们在苍穹洋的水面上漫无目的地闲逛,吞咽着任何可以食用的东西。 它们在大部分情况下都只是个不大不小的麻烦而已。然而,它们的数量却在不断减少。 由于获取信仰途径的原因,有一段时间对它的信仰成为了禁忌。 到了最后,所剩无几的信仰再也足以使这位神灵维持自身的存在。 它最终化成了碎片,如同凡人一般迎来了它的死亡。 梅姬收养了一只哈蒙作为宠物。实际上,它们在她祈雨的时候能起到辅助作用。 不知为何,它们喜爱火焰的味道。 |
--------------------Stage 4 Boss - Draconic Rain Dance-------------------- 風嵐 梅姫 Umehime Kazarashi Species: Wani Abilties: Manipulation of phantasmal weather phenomena Long ago, great storms would overtake sails above the seas of earth. The wani have a complex, high-developed hierarchy that benefits their rather majestic auras. They often spend their days in rather formal, intelligent engagements with themselves or others, and engage offenders with an air of intimidation. A human tale is passed down of an entire clan of wani ravaging a deceitful rabbit that had once deceived them ages ago. The wani also have a simple sort of lifestyle that benefits their hedonistic pursuits. They also often waste their time collectively trying to prove something to themselves or to others, and engage visitors with an air of kindness. A human tale is passed down of an entire clan of wani that had once gathered to play a clever game with a cunning rabbit ages ago. They’re really a conflicted sort of people, to be honest. Umehime likes to pretend the former narrative is the only one. Umehime is a tycoonlike sort of individual. She has a certain talent for business, but really only that. By using the sacred Kazarashi sake, she's able to conjure incredible tempests of terrible force that bend to her very will. Of course, these are simply childish to cause in the eyes of most wani. Still, she has great skill when it comes to water. The face of the Kazarashi clan made a shrine for their god within Nakanotori Castle, one surely fitting for a god of youkai. Even though Saga's strategy of collecting things was sort of convoluted, the fairies of the Expanse were ultimately as incompetent as any other, and Padma was, simply put, mad, she had great faith in this plan. The success of this arrangement would promise something great for the Kazarashi family. She decided to manage both the youkai drawn to follow their god, and the youkai drawn to combat that god. Besides, it makes all those divine spirits running aimlessly around the expanse actually useful. She speaks in a Kansai-ben accent. | --------------------4面Boss - 龙之祈雨舞-------------------- 风岚梅姬 Umehime Kazarashi 种族: 和迩 能力: 操纵天气幻象程度的能力 很久很久以前,巨大的风暴会在海面之上掠过行船的风帆。 与这一种族庄严肃穆的气氛相适应,和迩们有一个复杂而高度完善的等级制度。在一天中,他们常常以正式而充满智慧的方式与他们的同族互动,而以恐吓、威胁的态度对待冒犯者。人类的传说中,记载着很久之前,一群和迩惩治了一只欺骗了他们的狡猾的兔子的故事。 和迩也拥有着与他们的享乐主义追求相适应的,简单的生活方式。他们常常浪费时间集体向他们的同族证明一些事情,并以友善的态度对待来访者。人类的传说中,记载着很久之前,一群和迩与狡猾的兔子玩了一个有趣游戏的故事。 实际上,和迩是一个矛盾的种族。 而梅姬希望表现出她仅仅只有前者的性格。 梅姬是一位企业高管式的人物。她确实有着商业上的天赋,但也仅仅只有这方面的天赋而已。 通过使用风岚家的神酒,她能够用可怕的力量召唤出令人难以置信的暴风雨,并使暴风雨屈服于她的意志。 当然,这对于大部分和迩来说只是小儿科的运用。话虽如此,她对水的控制十分精通。 作为风岚家的权力者,她在中鸟城的深处建造了供奉她们神明的神殿,那是一座与“妖怪之神”之名完美匹配了的神殿。 尽管萨迦收集物品的策略有些弯弯绕绕,苍穹洋上的妖精们实际上和其它的妖精一样起不到任何作用,而钵特摩,简单说来,有些疯狂,但她却仍然对这个计划有着十足的信心。毕竟,这个计划的成功将会把风岚家推向繁荣。 她决定把跟随那位神明的妖怪们与对抗那位神明的妖怪们都作为她的对手。 此外,在苍穹洋上漫无目的地游荡的神灵们也许会起到作用吧。 对了,她说话时用的是关西腔。 |
--------------------Stage 5 Mid-boss - Antagonist of Hermits Everywhere-------------------- 王 じゃみ Jami Wang Species: Jami Ability: To escape from any trap An obnoxious, rude sort of creature. A mountain youkai that managed to get locked up for wandering into the Expanse. Actually, she wandered into the Expanse after being pursued by a Hermit living on Youkai Mountain. Which is simply something that happens when one finds an unhealthy amount of joy in disturbing the peace. She doesn't comprehend politeness, in a sense. She's made it a hobby to antagonize hermits and celestials wherever she wanders. Jami isn't quite strong enough to actually put an end to any, but that isn't at all her goal. She simply gets a kick out of seeing a devotee flustered. If she weren't here right now, and not in chains, she'd probably be trying to find a way to harass the Taoists. She doesn't actually know how to get into the Otherworld they live in, but she's pretty intent on learning so. | --------------------5面道中Boss - 诸仙人之敌-------------------- 王邪魅 Jami Wang 种族: 邪魅 能力: 从一切陷阱中逃脱程度的能力 邪魅是一种令人厌恶的粗俗无礼的生物。 她是一只因误入苍穹洋而被困在城堡内的山中的妖怪。实际上,她是在被居住在妖怪之山上的一名仙人所追赶时不慎闯入了苍穹洋的。而这对于通过惊扰和平来取乐的她来说是一件很经常会发生的事情。 在某种意义上,她也并不理解什么是礼仪。 她的兴趣是为她所到之处每个遇见的仙人与天人带来麻烦。 邪魅并没有强大到能够真正破坏任何一场修行,但这本就不是她的目标。她仅仅是想要看到修行者慌张的样子罢了。 如果她现在不是被困在这里,也没有被锁链束缚,她或许正在尝试找到骚扰道士们的方法吧。 她并不知道应该如何侵入到道士们所居住的仙界之中,但她笃定了学会这门技术的决心。 |
--------------------Stage 5 boss - Undead, Molting Zeal-------------------- パドマ・ラクササ Padma Raksasa Species: Vetala Abilities: Changing the nature of inanimate objects She's a thing that shouldn't be. Following the end of Sakoku, all sorts of trinkets and things were traded between the Japanese and foreign entities. The Japanese were both mystified by and fearful of the West, and thus became their own imperial power not so long after Gensokyo was created. Foreign trinkets and tools flowed throughout the land. A hundred years later, a damaged birdcage was forgotten in a landfill. Originally, Padma was a tsukumogami. She was an aimless spirit, amusing herself with her power to “change” objects. Of course, she could only "reform" objects uninhabited by kami. As her power soon turned out to be so limited, it eventually lost its charm. There wasn't much to do for a thing like her. Somewhere along the way, she wandered into the Expanse. The religion of the inhabitants of Nakanotori Castle was charming. Their god manifested herself before her followers, and their interactions were rather casual. She was able to make "change" within youkai, able to alter some part of their innate nature-- something Padma couldn't. Approaching her, she asked for a simple, strange wish. It was granted. And so Padma was entranced. Padma became a follower, with a simple ambition: To receive a real body. She became devoted, doting upon the goddess's every need, no matter how small. She became her judge, her prophetess, her avatar. One day, her god told her that she had found a way to breathe genuine life into objects, but that she needed something simple. Padma would help her find it. Even if that birdcage became ripe with maggots and flies. When heathens tried to interfere, coming from that mountain on the dirtied land below, she swiftly locked them up. When even her fellow worshippers denounced her faithfulness, she ignored them. The god had transferred the source of her magical energy into an artificial body her god crafted, exactly as Padma asked. After all, if they successfully carried out their plot, her god could simply grant that decrepit, stiff corpse life. Through virtue, she would be the Child of God. | --------------------5面Boss - 脱胎换骨的不死狂信-------------------- 钵特摩·罗刹娑 Padma Raksasa 种族: 起尸鬼 能力: 改变无生物性质程度的能力 她是一种本不应该存在于世间的妖怪。 在闭关锁国的年代结束后,日本与外国的各式商品与小物件贸易迎来了繁荣期。 当时的日本人对西方普遍抱持有困惑、恐惧的态度,但却也感受到了西方的魅力。因此,在幻想乡建立后不久,他们便拥有了与那些帝国相近的力量。外国的商品与道具在这片土地上大肆流通。 一百年后,一个破损的鸟笼被遗弃在了垃圾填埋场中。 最初,钵特摩是一位付丧神。作为灵体的她并没有什么目标,只是漫无目的地用她改变物体的能力取乐。 当然,这种能力只对没有神明寄宿的物体有效。当她意识到能力的作用范围如此受限后,这种行为最终也失去了吸引力。 由于她并没有什么要去做的事,她便在四处晃荡的途中意外走进了苍穹洋。 中鸟城中住民的宗教信仰是如此的令人着迷。他们的神明常常在她的追随者前显现,而她们之间的互动又显得那么的随心所欲。她可以为妖怪带来内在本质层面的改变——而这是钵特摩能力所不能及的。她尝试接近这位神明,许下了一个简单却奇怪的愿望。这个愿望实现了。 那一刻,她为之而狂喜。 钵特摩成为了那位神明的从者。她只有一个简单的理想:获得一个真正的身体。 她完全地献身于那位神明,无论神明的要求是多么的微小,她都会尽心回应。她成为了神明的裁判官,预言师,乃至于化身。 一天,她的神明告诉她,神明已经找到了向物体中注入真正的生命的方法,但为了完成它,还需要一件物品。 钵特摩决定,她会尽全力帮助神明找到这件物品。就算她的鸟笼腐烂,还有蛆虫与苍蝇在其中生长。 当异教徒们聚集在下界那片污秽大陆的山上,尝试干涉她的行动时,她迅速地将他们囚禁起来。 就算与她崇拜同一位神明的同伴谴责她的忠诚,她也视如无物。 这位神明将钵特摩魔能的来源转移到了由她制作的人造躯体之中,正如同她所祈求的那样。 毕竟,如果她们成功执行了她们的计划,为那具衰老而坚硬的尸体注入生命将易如反掌。 或许在那之后,她的美德会让她成为“神之子”吧。 |
--------------------Stage 6 boss - Saltwater Madonna-------------------- 水混 祐毋 Ummu Tzumazaru Species: Wakemitama Abilities: Harnessing the power of salt water In the days of old, the waters above were made separate from the waters below. In the days of old, her corpse was torn between the waters above and the waters below. She had a very different name then. There was a point in time during The Age of the Gods where the gods did as they pleased and carved the world around them to their very whim. They were absolute titans. Ummu, together with her husband, was one of these gods. Through mixing freshwater and saltwater, they were able to use an implement that let gods act even without faith. This tool was the "Tablet of Destinies." The Tablet of Destinies was an ancient tool handed through generations of gods, usable only under the most pristine conditions. In return, it promised powers of creation and destruction unimaginable. These conditions, however, were easily fulfilled by Ummu and her consort back then. And so they carved their testament into the world of the divine, bringing about even more gods to that fantastic, phantasmal world. In a family drama passed down in an old human legend, it eventually came to be that the very children Ummu parented came to be the murderers of Ummu's husband. Ummu, in rage and sorrow, fashioned a myriad of demons and youkai to slay the very gods she had birthed. She had become mother of both monster and deity. This poetic act of vengeance ended in her failure, and in her death. And so those ancient gods, as a final insult, split Ummu's corpse and sealed it across a series of esoteric worlds, splitting her very divinity in the process into a multitude of Bunrei. What soon followed was a series of petty, embarrassing squabbles over the Tablet of Destinies. And so her name and the names of her children faded into the memory of humans, and so did her divine person. Except, dozens of centuries later, it was recovered. Sheer acknowledgement managed to spark activity back into one of Ummu's Bunrei. This was the most massive one: the tail of her old body, sealed into that mystical saltwater sea that separated Orihime and Hikoboshi sitting above the Firmament. Modern humans, tired of the mundane things around them, began searching through their own, once mysterious history. The hands of mankind’s longing, reaching back into the past, attempting to find an unbroken line into the present, had begun to raise her up. It wasn't as if she came back in full force. She couldn't, of course, if her former power had been sealed in places she had no chance of reaching. But she was still something that could be worshipped. She began gathering a following. In an ironic twist, she sought out children. Fairy, youkai, tsukumogami. She would be mother to all of them. Using the saltwater of the Oceanic Sky she was able to grant simple, yet profound things to those who would grant her requests. A new amount of power. A new capacity for knowledge. A new purpose in life. The youkai called her "Ame-no-Ummu-no-Mikoto." Her actual name was, in a sense, incomprehensible to them. At the very least, they crudely rendered it in kanji. And that was how things were. But one day, the Tablet of Destinies somehow slipped back into the hands of Ummu. The anguish all those centuries ago flashed through the crevices of her mind. The new gods she had seen rise after her did as well. She concocted a plan. She would use the Tablet of Destinies. Umehime would create a place where saltwater and freshwater mingled. Padma would recover a divine script for Ummu to write in. Saga would find a way to collect even more fragments of Ummu's broken body. In this new god, the recovered and imagined things of the past would combine. Yes, truly it was a magnificent plan. Ummu had collected enough pieces of her old self by now. Soon, she would be whole again, and once more wield the power of life itself. Soon, she would be their mother again. | --------------------6面Boss - 海水的圣母像-------------------- 水混祐毋 Ummu Tzumazaru 种族: 分御灵 能力: 运用盐水力量程度的能力 在古老的年代,上层水与下层水分离开来1。 在古老的年代,她的尸体在上层水与下层水之间撕裂四散。 这之后,她获得了一个完全不同的名字。 在神代中的某一段时间,神明凭借自己的兴致肆意地改造这个世界。这些神明被称作“巨神”。 祐毋,与她的丈夫一样,都是巨神中的一员。通过将淡水与海水混合,他们能够使用一件让神明不需要信仰也能够行动的道具。这个道具被称为“天命石板”。 天命石板是被为数众多的神明代代相传的上古道具。它只能在最为原始的环境中才能够使用。 作为苛刻条件的回报,它为使用者提供了难以想象的创造与破坏之力。 然而在当时,这些条件对于祐毋与她的配偶来说很容易就能实现。 因此,他们将他们的圣约刻在了神界之上,将更多的神明带到了这个奇异而梦幻的世界中。 在人类的一条流传已久的古老传说中,给出了这场家庭剧的结局。最终,祐毋生养的孩子们成为了杀害了她的丈夫的凶手。 愤怒而悲伤的祐毋,创造了数不胜数的恶魔与妖怪报复她生下的那些神明。 她同时成为了怪物与神明的母亲。但这一场诗意的复仇最终以她的死亡宣告了失败。 于是,作为对祐毋最后的侮辱,这些古代的神明将她的尸体碎裂,封印到了各式各样不同的异界之中。她的神性也在这个过程之中碎裂成了众多的分灵。在这之后,紧接而来的就算一系列有关天命石板的琐碎而令人为难的争吵。 最终,她与她的子女的名字,乃至于她的神格,都消失在了人类的记忆深处。 只是,在数十个世纪之后,它复苏了。 对自身的完全认知成功激活了她的一个分灵。那是她的分灵中最为巨大的一个:她那被封印在那分开了织女星与牛郎星的神秘的咸水大洋之中的,曾经身体的尾巴的分灵。 现代的人类厌倦了平凡的世俗生活,再次探索起了他们自己的那一度神秘的历史。 他们的手伸向了遥远的过去,尝试找到一条完整的通向现代的线索。而这唤出了她的存在。 她并不是以她全盛时期的力量回到人世的。当然,由于她过去的力量被封印在了她无法触及的地方,她也无法获得这样的力量。但是,她仍然能够接受人们的敬奉。 她开始渐渐发展她的信徒。讽刺的是,她找到的信徒都是她曾经的孩子。 这些妖精,妖怪,付丧神将她认作它们的母亲。她也使用苍穹洋的海水来为那些愿意满足她的要求的个体提供简单而意义深远的恩惠:有时是新的力量,有时是新的知识,有时是新的存在理由。 妖怪们亲切地称呼她为“天有无命”。 而她真正的名字,在某种意义上,是他们所无法理解的。最终,他们使用汉字大致拼写出了她的真名。 事情就是这样的。 但是有一天,天命石板不知为何回到了祐毋的手中。 数个世纪中遭受的痛苦,以及在她死之后获得了权力的新神从她心灵间的缝隙闪现而过。 她制定了一个计划。为了实现它,她需要使用那块天命石板。 梅姬将创造一片咸水与淡水融合的地域; 钵特摩将还原出属于神明的文字供祐毋书写; 萨迦将找到一种进一步收集祐毋身体残片的方法。 当新神诞生之时,已被复原的与幻想之中的“过去”就将合二为一。 是的,这确实是一个宏大的计划。 如今祐毋已经收集到了足够多的属于她曾经身体的碎片。 很快,她将再次成为完整的自己,并再一次使用属于生命的力量。 很快,她将再次成为他们的母亲。 |
--------------------Stage EX Mid-boss - Nymph of the Great Saltwater Sea-------------------- アジュアスワール Azure Swirl Species: Nereid Abilities: Control of the Ocean Currents She's back now. The Kazarashis are relying on her to filter out any intruders going after "that other goddess" that are currently barging into the Expanse. That "fairy" with the ability to control the ocean waves. It's an incredibly potent power. Combined with the fact Azure's actually quite competent for a fairy, she's quite the threat. Actually, given her maturity and her unrestrained power, she's much more human than fairy at this point. It's imaginable she's now as capable of death as one, anyway. This time, Reimu and company encountered her right in the heart of the Expanse. She thinks that putting in the effort is only being polite, but really, she's just acting as a huge roadblock. She's still as cordial (and needlessly formal) as ever. The massive bluebell she's holding helps channel currents, in case you didn't notice. | --------------------EX面道中Boss - 咸水大洋之海仙女-------------------- 阿祖尔·斯沃尔 Azure Swirl 种族: 海仙女 能力: 操纵海流程度的能力 她又回来了——风岚家族雇佣了她来阻挡任何想要闯入苍穹洋, 追击“另一位神明”的入侵者。 这位拥有控制海流能力的所谓“妖精”,是一股无可置疑的强大力量。 再综合上阿祖尔在妖精中也算是比较能干的事实,她确实还是有一定威胁性的。 实际上,考虑到她成熟的性格以及不受限制的能力,现在的她相比起妖精其实更接近于人类。 总之,她现在能像人类一样死亡也是可以想象的。 这一次,灵梦一行人在苍穹洋的正中心遇到了她。 她认为付出全力将对方赶出去是出于礼貌,不过实际上仍然是个阻碍就是了。 她依旧像平常一样的热情亲切,虽然有着一些不必要的拘谨。 怕你没注意到所以提醒你一下,她手上拿着的巨型风铃草是用来辅助引导洋流的工具。 |
--------------------Stage EX Boss(?) - Avian Augur -------------------- ハンサ Hansa Species: Bird Abilities: Collection of Information(?) Nusakoro's (divine?) bird friend. Nothing more, nothing less. | --------------------Ex面Boss(?) - 卜鸟 -------------------- 桓娑 Hansa 种族: 鸟 能力: 收集情报程度的能力(?) 币顷的(神?)鸟朋友, 仅此而已。 |
--------------------Stage EX Boss - Heraldic Alien Martyr-------------------- 絆鑼 幣頃 Nusakoro Pandora Species: Kamuy Abilities: Creation of Kotodama It used to be that she was appreciated. One of the heralds of the gods of long ago, of the long forgotten countries that once sat upon the islands of Japan. She was one who monitored the communications between mortals and gods. She was a guardian of the bridge between the present world and the world of the eternal. As a close associate of the powerful deity who ferried messages across said bridge, she gradually learned how to invoke the power of words herself. Anything she said would be understood. Anything she said would be appreciated. Impact upon the listener was, of course, a simple fact. That was the nature of Kotodama. She was, simply put, a master of it. There was a point in time when the gods of the land were warring. The war of the imperial gods against the local gods, and the war of the Yamato against the people at their borders. During this time, Nusakoro had been forced to fight fiercely, and at times, without mercy. It wasn't her will to do any of this, but she had no choice. It was either that she fought for her gods, or they would be dominated. In the end, it seemed that none of that truly mattered. The imperial gods won out. Naturally, for Nusakoro’s resistance, she would of course have a suitable punishment. It didn't matter what her intentions were. She was sealed into an inau, and bound by Shimenawa. She could do naught but watch over her people from afar. There came a time when it became known among the gods of the world that a certain powerful artifact had been unsealed. The cosmos itself entered a sort of panic, and sent all of sorts of people to resolve the matter. Realizing that, if the artifact were used correctly, their adversary would be almost invincible, the thought of peaceful negotiation was brought up. They had no idea who in particular they would have to combat, so a sort of "universal omniglot" had to be sent. The inau was unsealed. She was to calmly negotiate a retrieval of the artifact from whoever held it. If she succeeded, she would be permanently freed. If she failed, she would be re-sealed. It should have been a simple thing, really. But then she failed. Nusakoro had made the intentions of the gods quite clear to Ummu. Those words should have done something to a god, such a power was in Nusakoro's nature, but-- Ummu somehow was left unphased. It was another crushing defeat. In fact, it seemed as if Nusakoro had just made the problem worse. Through her, Padma recovered a language to be paired with the Jindai Moji. She couldn't go back. Not like this. So she fled into Gensokyo, seeking out someone who could help her. | --------------------EX面Boss - 警跸的异域殉道者-------------------- 绊锣币顷 Nusakoro Pandora 种族: 卡姆伊 能力: 使用言灵程度的能力 她曾经也受到过其他人的崇敬。 作为曾坐落于日本诸岛上的一个早已被忘却的国家的,从属于古代神明的使者之一, 她曾经作为掌握着神明与凡人之间交流、联系途径的“大人物”, 守护着跨越现世与常世的桥梁。 作为拥有强大力量的,负责通过言语之桥传递信息的神明的近侍,她也渐渐掌握了唤起自身话语力量的能力。 她所说的每一句话,都能够被准确的理解并认可。 对于听者来说,她的话语就如同“事实”一般。这就是“言灵”的本质。 而她,简而言之,就是言灵这一领域的专家。 曾有一时,这片土地无处不燃烧着神战的烟火。 那是大和诸神对土著神明发起的战争,以及大和民族对居住在其领土边境上的人民发起的战争。 在这期间,币顷也不得不偶尔抛下自己所有的仁慈,参与这场残酷的战争。 她并不希望这么做,但她没有其他选择。一旦她放弃为她的神明战斗,她所在的国度就会被入侵者所统治。 然而,最终看来,她们所做的这一切似乎都是徒劳无功的。大和诸神赢下了这场战争。 自然地,由于币顷作出了抵抗的缘故,不论她的动机如何,受到合适的惩罚都是理所应当的。 她被封印在了一根缚上了注连绳的币束中,只能从遥远的地方守望着她的人民。 那之后的某个时点,某个“拥有恐怖力量的古遗物”即将解除封印的消息传到了此世所有神明的耳中。 他们陷入了恐慌,派出了各式人等,尝试找出解决这个问题的方法。 意识到如果这件古代遗物被正确使用的话,她们的敌手将无可阻挡的事实, 他们提出了“和平谈判”的想法。但由于不知道他们所将要面对的对手究竟是谁, 她们需要派遣一位“通晓所有语言的万能者”进行交涉。 因此,币束的封印被解除了。 她需要通过谈判从这件遗物的所有者处将其取回。如果她成功了,她就能永远地获得自由, 但是一旦失败,就将被重新封印。实际上,这本应是一件很简单的事情。 然而,她却失败了。在币顷对祐毋说清了那些神明的意图之后, 这些话语本应在她的能力之下对这位神明造成一些影响的,但是——祐毋不知怎么,却丝毫没有动摇。 这是她遭受的第二次惨败。 实际上,币顷似乎将整件事情弄得更糟糕了一些。 由于她的到来,钵特摩重新掌握了一种能与神代文字一同使用的语言。 她已经回不去了。至少不能像这样一事无成地回去。 于是,她飞到了幻想乡,寻找能够帮助她解决这个问题的人。 |
--------------------Stage CF Mid-boss - True Goddess Metempsychosis-------------------- 水混 祐毋 Tzumazaru Ummu Species: Mikumari no Kami (?) Abilities: Harnessing the power of salt water In the days of old, the waters above were made separate from the waters below. There was no uninterrupted line to the past for humans to find, and in its place, humans from the Outside World had unintentionally pulled Ummu from the depths of the abyss. But it would be alright if she reinvented herself, she presupposed. Even with her old titanic body left to legend and history, Ummu learned to appreciate her current self. After all, Gensokyo was a Land of Fantasy, an ultimate syncretism. For even gods to be able to do such things was what the sages wanted. She seemed like she had fun in the incident immediately following the one she herself caused. | --------------------CF面道中boss - 真女神转生-------------------- 水混祐毋 Tzumazaru Ummu 种族: 水分神(?) 能力: 运用盐水力量程度的能力 在古老的年代,上层水与下层水分离开来1。 她从未在过去的历史中留下连续不断的供人类所探知的线索,取而代之的是, 外界的人类不经意间,将祐毋从深渊的深处召唤了出来。 但是,或许重新认识并构建自己,也是一件好事吧,她这样假定着。 祐毋尝试接受了她现在的身躯,甚至将她曾拥有的那个巨大的躯体的记忆深埋进了历史与传说之中。 毕竟,幻想乡是一片幻想之地,一个包容着一切的“大杂烩”。 每个神明都能用自己的方式影响幻想乡,而这正是幻想乡的贤者们所希望看到的。 似乎她对这场紧接在她引发的异变之后发生的异变很感兴趣的样子。 |
--------------------Stage CF Boss - Line Drawn Between Heaven and Earth-------------------- 八衢 明伎 Yachimata no Akiwaza Species: God (Kunado-no-Kami) Ability: Able to connect any two points A goddess who sprang from Izanagi himself. Yet another god whose raison d'etre is defending the roads of humans. Actually, as a goddess of roads, she's somewhat familiar with a certain someone. She's an easygoing but compulsive sort of person who sometimes speaks in a very business-like tone. For a god, she has a very earthly sense of compassion, but as a result is often rather stubborn towards her coworkers. She's easily won over by things she considers beautiful, and just the tiniest bit intrusive. Despite being an outsider, she's very much like the people of Gensokyo. Being a (mostly) responsible sort of person, some other gods have put her in charge of an innumerable fleet of rather unimportant deities. She's used both of these things to inadvertently cause another incident on her god-given "errand run". Like Nusakoro, she's actually quite old. She was born an earthly god, left abandoned by Izanagi as he made his way back to the heavens from Yomi. However, when imperial gods returned to make their conquest of the land with the humans that worshipped them, she kept her same few jobs. Thus, she's still maintained a decently high status through the years. This was accomplished by "connecting" her heart to those of other gods. Really, it was a skillful maneuver. But she felt obligated to do more. So, she guided the hearts of humans from point A to point B. It was already the nature of crossroad gods to be kind. Reuniting long separated families, carving a safe path for those searching for disappeared friends, drawing a line back home. But even that can change. With things like the "Social Network" in the modern age, it seems as if people don't need a god as much as they do a "Smartphone" or "GPS". But there were still some things even human technology could not remedy. Some time before the incident, she rushed through Hell in the midst of its ongoing conflicts and changes. Somewhere, deep, deep within it, she encountered divine spirits, longing to return something to someone they claimed to love... They themselves were sealed into hells depths, for whatever reason. She wasn’t. Longing for usefulness, she sought to resolve their plight. Her resulting interactions with Ummu (which she has managed to keep confidential) put the world of the gods into a state of panic. Even so, she's tried to clean up her mess. It's not in her nature to simply let others toil. Ever clever but cunning, she was the one who proposed to unseal Nusakoro. She was bound to have sympathy for another communicator. Though, as the one who suggested it, she's been put in charge of her for the time being. So, then, she was in charge of the hunt for her when it became evident that Nusakoro had failed. It was only a half-hearted search. It's good to make friends, after all. She also managed to charm the hearts of the Human Village, setting up a danmaku festival under the guise of doing something to lure Nusakoro out. Really, it was just another way for Akiwaza to connect the hearts of humans once more. She'll probably bum around Gensokyo. She’s done so before, so it’s nothing new, really. She's learned that she doesn't need to do anything too formal to see danmaku. For whatever reason, she considers it to be "the purest display of connection between two people." | --------------------CF面Boss - 连缀天地之线-------------------- 八衢明伎 Yachimata no Akiwaza 种族: 神明(岐神) 能力: 连接任意两点程度的能力 她是一位由伊邪那岐本人创造出的神明。 然而,她只是众多以保护人类的道路为存在理由的神明中的一位。 实际上,她作为道路之神的这个身份,反而比一个特定的神明个体要更加让人熟悉一些。 她是一位随和但有些较真的人,有时会用着公事公办的语气说话。 作为一个神明,她有着超乎常情的同情心,但也因此,她对她的合作者们有些固执。 她容易被她认为美丽的事物所吸引,并且有那么一点点探究心。 尽管她对于幻想乡来说是外来者,但她却与幻想乡的大部分居民却十分相像。 作为一个(在大多数情况下)有责任心的神明,她被其它神明委托以了管理数不胜数的琐碎神灵的工作。 正因为这两点,她在执行她的“例行差事”的途中无意中又引发了另一场异变。 与币顷一样,她实际上是十分古老的神明。 她是伊邪那岐从黄泉回到高天原的途中,被抛弃在尘世的国津神。 然而,当大和诸神与他们的信徒们征服这一片土地的时候,她却保有了她原有的神职。 因此,她在那之后的很长一段时间里依然保有着很高的地位。 这一切,都是她通过将她与其它神明的内心进行“链接”实现的。 说真的,这的确是一个巧妙的策略。 但是,她认为她需要利用她的能力去做更多的事情。 于是,她便将人类的内心从A点引导到了B点。 岐神本就是对人和善的存在。她们能够让分离许久的家庭团圆,为寻找消失的朋友的人们 建造一条安全的通路,并在之后指引他们回家的路线。但是,即使是这样的神明也是会发生改变的。 随着现代社会中诞生了社交网络这样的技术,似乎有了手机与GPS的人类就不再需要一位这样的神明了。 但是,仍然有一些事情,是人类的科技无法解决的。 在这次异变发生前不久,她正穿过地狱中那进行中的冲突与变化的中心。 在那深处的某个地方,她遇见了渴望把某件物品还给它们所爱之人的神灵们。 不知道是什么原因,它们被封印在了地狱的深处。 尽管她并不渴望能够奏效,但她依然决定寻找帮助它们解除困境的方法。 就算她尽可能地保密,但最终,她与祐毋的交流仍然导致整个世界的神明陷入了巨大的恐慌。 即使这样,她仍然决定试着解决她自己惹出的乱子。简单地把善后工作推给别人并不是她的风格。 聪明但狡猾的她,提出了解开币顷的封印的提议。毕竟,她对另一位交流领域的神明怀有同情之心也是很正常的事 然而,作为这一提议的提出者,她需要负责监视币顷的一举一动。 因此,在币顷的谈判破裂之后,寻找币顷的行踪便也成为了她的责任。 但她并没有在这件事情上用多少心思。毕竟,这是一个在幻想乡中交朋友的好机会。 她以“诱惑币顷出现”为借口,在人类村落中举办了一场弹幕祭典以吸引人们的注意。实际上, 这只是明伎再一次连接人类的内心的另一种方式罢了。 在这之后,她可能会在幻想乡之中四处闲逛吧。毕竟她曾经就这样做过,而这实际上根本就不是什么新鲜事。 她已经明白了,在幻想乡中看到美妙的弹幕,完全不需要她做出什么特别的事情。 不知因为什么原因,她认为弹幕是“二人之间羁绊的最为纯粹的展示方式”。 |