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東方潮聖書 ~ Sapphire Panlogism./设定与剧情/博丽灵梦CF
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Stage Carrefour
Where Lifelines Intersect | 生命线交织之处 | |
This eight-scene bunraku was nearing its climax. A string of bullets attached the hearts of Gensokyo to hers. | 八幕的净琉璃将近高潮。 一串弹幕将她与幻想乡的心紧紧相连。 | |
Festival in the Human Village | 人类村落的节日 | |
BGM: A God That Shouted 'Love' at the Heart of the World | BGM: 在世界中心呼唤爱的神明1 | |
水混祐毋 登场 | ||
True Goddess Metempsychosis 水混 祐毋 Tsumazaru Ummu | 真女神转生 水混 祐毋 Tsumazaru Ummu | |
水混祐毋 | Oh, little Reimu Hakurei! It's wonderful seeing you at the festival. | 哦,这不是博丽灵梦小姐吗? 在祭典上见到你真是太棒了。 |
博丽灵梦 | Woah, you? This close to the village? Yeah, well, you see, I need to put a stop to... | 啊,是你?在离村庄这么近的地方? 啊,就是,那个,你知道的,我得去阻止…… |
水混祐毋 | This "pandaemonium?" "Daemon" in the sense of a god, of course. As a goddess reborn, I should participate in it. And as a shrine maiden, you should too. | 那场“天灾”? 不过,以我作为神明的眼光来看,那是一场“神佑”。 作为重生的女神,我理应参加这场盛会。 而且作为巫女,你也应当这么做。 |
水混祐毋 被击败 | ||
博丽灵梦 | ...They managed to have a danmaku festival in the Human Village even though they're outsiders... Gods are really like that, I guess. | 她们居然在人类村落里 开办弹幕祭典? 还真是不把自己当外人啊…… 要我说,神明大概就是这副德行吧。 |
??? | That's the magic of connecting hearts. | 那是互相连接的心灵的魔力。 |
八衢明伎 登场 | ||
博丽灵梦 | Man, I like incidents where the culprit just shows up super fast. Want me to beat you up now or later? | 不错,我真喜欢这种黑幕一上来就自投罗网的异变。 你是想让我现在就教训你一顿,还是等一会再把你退治了? |
八衢明伎 | You're so harsh! And yet you're connected to so many hearts in so many places. | 你也未免太残忍了吧! 不过……你的心灵在许多地方 与众多其他心灵产生了联系呢。 |
博丽灵梦 | People I beat up tend to become my friends. It's troublesome, 'cause a lot of them are youkai. ...Does that mean I'll have to be friends with you? Gosh. | 被我教训过的家伙们最后总是能和我变成朋友。 还真是件麻烦事啊,毕竟她们中不少是妖怪呢。 ……你这意思,是要我和你做朋友? 省省吧。 |
Line Drawn Between Heaven and Earth 八衢 明伎 Yachimata no Akiwaza | 连缀天地之线 八衢 明伎 Yachimata no Akiwaza | |
八衢明伎 | I’m afraid that by meeting, we’re already connected as people. That's the way of the world. So? A shrine maiden eager to fight a god? You must be Reimu Hakurei. | 恐怕在我们见面的那一刻起, 人与人的联系就已经在我们之间建立起来了。 这就是世界的法则。 所以,区区巫女居然想挑战神明? 那你一定就是那位大名鼎鼎的博丽灵梦吧。 |
博丽灵梦 | Yeah. Most people just call me "that shrine maiden," though. (What's with all the gods from outside Gensokyo being so funny?) | 正是。 尽管很多人都只称呼我为 “那个巫女”。 (这帮从幻想乡外面来的神明, 一个个都是来搞笑的吗?) |
八衢明伎 | You should know that your actions on the Moon and in Hell have made you notable amongst certain circles. And I'm supposing you wanted to join in on the festival we arranged? When I first witnessed the danmaku here-- To be honest, well, I was entranced. | 你得知道,你在月都和地狱的所作所为 可是让你在某些圈子里声名大噪呢。 也许,我想你会想要来参加 我们举办的祭典吧? 当我第一眼看到这里的弹幕时—— 讲真,我可是被迷住了呢。 |
博丽灵梦 | Really, it's an everyday thing for us here. We've had danmaku festivals before, actually. Though, by the way, an outsider "connecting" the whatevers of the human village and partying is pretty rude. And chasing some other person around, and being a total nuisance about it too, is also rude. | 是吗?弹幕与我们这里的人而言只是平常事物罢了。 事实上,我们之前也举办过弹幕祭典。 但是,不论怎么说, 一个外来者一边扬言“把人类村庄的一切连接起来” 一边举办起弹幕祭典什么的,也未免太没礼貌了吧? 还到处追杀别人, 在这件事上你的表现可真是彻头彻尾得令人厌恶啊。 真是太没礼貌了! |
八衢明伎 | Oh? So you met Nusakoro? Well, it really is only my responsibility. I’m the one who had the idea of unsealing her in the first place. So, given that she failed... I'm actually fairly upset about it. We had no idea that titan in the Expanse would be so steadfast. | 哦?所以你已经见过绊锣了? 好吧,那只是我的职责而已。 我是第一个提出要解开她的封印的, 所以说,接到她任务失败的消息后…… 我也感到挺不安的。 我们没想到那位苍穹洋中的泰坦意志如此坚定。 |
博丽灵梦 | The Ummu lady? Oh, so you were trying to handle that problem... Well, we already took care of it. She's pretty content just being here in Gensokyo. And, er, can you not put Nusakoro back in the box? If you can help it. I already beat her up. | 那位叫祐毋的女神? 你们是来解决这件事的? 那,我可是已经把她搞定了啊。 看起来她待在幻想乡还挺心满意足的。 所以,你能不能别再把绊锣封印起来了? 如果你肯帮这个忙的话。 反正我已经教训过她了嘛。 |
八衢明伎 | Is that so? Really, you're an individual covered in connection. Perhaps I could pull some strings to make sure that girl goes free to return the favor... Of course, you'd have to convince me. | 是吗? 讲真,你可真是个为缘分所纠缠的孩子啊。 也许我是该干些牵绳引线的活, 让那些姑娘们尽情地报答你的恩情…… 当然,在这之前,你得让我能够信任你。 |
博丽灵梦 | Ugh, everyone talks way too much in the past two incidents. Just cut to the chase. It’s making my throat dry. | 啊,真是的。之前那两次异变的家伙都太能说了。 咱们还是赶紧直奔主题吧。 说了太多话,嗓子都要冒烟了。 |
八衢明伎 | That's how things connect. One second completely separate, next second completely inseparable. You're a shrine maiden that draws the line between god, man, and monster. | 事物就是这样连结的。 上一秒毫无干系, 下一秒紧紧相连。 而你,作为巫女, 将神,人与妖怪联系了起来。 |
BGM: Her Millennium Candy | BGM: 她的千岁饴2 | |
八衢明伎 | Draw me that line in beautiful danmaku. | 就让我看看,你是如何用弹幕绘出那条联系之线的吧! |
符卡 弹缘「命运的红绳」 发动前 | ||
八衢明伎 | You've done well to thread this network together. In this moment, red and white shrine maiden of Hakurei, evade the danmaku of your own connections! | 你出色地连成了属于你自己的联系之网。 现在,博丽的红白巫女, 请躲避由此而生的弹幕吧! |
八衢明伎 被击败 | ||
八衢明伎 | Absolutely stunning. Danmaku really is a beautiful thing. | 真是令人感到无比震撼啊。 弹幕真是种无比美妙的事物。 |
博丽灵梦 | I told you, it's really an everyday thing here. So, uh, you’re gonna comply, right? With what I asked? | 我告诉过你,弹幕在我们这里,再平常不过了。 所以,你会信守承诺的,对吧? 我所要求的那些事? |
八衢明伎 | Of course. I'll make sure we all stop chasing Nasukoro around Gensokyo. But, er, the festival has to go on. I connected all these hearts to mine, and... You can't simply dissolve a connection. People aren't quite like that. | 当然,我保证我们绝不会 再在幻想乡四处追杀绊锣了。 不过,嗯,祭典还是得继续进行啊。 我已将这些心灵与我的联系在了一起,所以说…… 这缘分可不能就这样被你所消解了。 人毕竟没那么薄情。 |
博丽灵梦 | That so? You're the one managing this, hm... Well, maybe that's okay. On one condition. | 是这样吗? 嗯,毕竟你可是司掌这些事的神明呢…… 好吧,这样也行。 不过我还有个条件。 |
八衢明伎 | What's that? | 什么条件? |
博丽灵梦 | I get to set up a booth here. | 让我也在这里摆个摊吧! |
Carrefour Ending No.1
- 剧透提示: 以下内容包含详细故事情节,请自行决定是否继续阅读
BGM: Bouquet of Irises | BGM: 鸢尾花束 | |
The Human Village. A festival of mesmerizing proportion. The ritual of human and youkai antagonism proceeded gracefully. Reimu got her booth, just as promised. | 人类村落。 令人着迷的节日祭典。 人类与妖怪的战斗仪式以优雅的方式进行着。 正如被许诺的那样,灵梦也在其中得到了自己的摊位。 | |
茨木华扇 | ...Really. She found a half-decent way to extort money. | 真的吗,她好像找到了个半吊子的捞钱门路。 |
本居小铃 | Miss Reimu! You're really gonna do danmaku exhibitions, right? How much for 5 minutes? | 灵梦小姐!你也在这里参加弹幕祭典对吗? 表演五分钟要多少钱? |
博丽灵梦 | Oh, Kosuzu? Well, if it's for you… then how about for free? | 哦,小铃?如果是你的话……不要钱也是可以的。 |
本居小铃 | E-eh? | 诶? |
For a dozen silver coins a minute, Reimu promised exhibitions of her own incident-solving danmaku. She wasn't the only vendor, of course. | 以每分钟十几个银币的价格,灵梦在祭典上表演着自己的异变解决弹幕。 当然,她也不是这里唯一的摊贩。 | |
雾雨魔理沙 | Mind if I come in here? Thinkin' the audience deserves some flashiness. | 介意我也过来玩吗?似乎观众们需要一些更炫酷的弹幕。 |
博丽灵梦 | M-Marisa?! | 魔……魔理沙?! |
雾雨魔理沙 | Hey, hey, it's fine! We'll just split the proceeds! | 嘿,嘿,这不挺好的!我们干脆合作分成如何? |
博丽灵梦 | --But I need the money more than you do! | 然而我可比你更需要钱! |
雾雨魔理沙 | Eh, whatever. We'll sell separately then. | 呃,那好吧,我们就各做各的生意。 |
"SEVEN MON FOR A STARDUST REVERIE! EIGHT FOR A MASTER SPARK!" | “七文钱表演一场星尘幻想! 八文钱表演一场极限火花!” | |
博丽灵梦 | What-- Hold on! Come on, I'm gonna be the last person you swindle! | 什么……等下!喂喂,我成了被你坑的最后一个人了! |
雾雨魔理沙 | That's the Reimu I like to see! | 这才是我想看见的灵梦啊! |
水混祐毋 | Oh my. Modern children really are something, aren't they? | 哦天哪。 现在的孩子们真是了不起,不是吗? |
八衢明伎 | Right they are. So, how has the tablet been working out? | 确实如此。对了,那块石板后来怎么样了? |
水混祐毋 | Good. It was going well, anyway. Still haven't been able to scold my children properly, though. | 挺好,至少看起来还不错。 然而我还是没法狠下心来责怪我的孩子们。 |
八衢明伎 | Even though they were the ones who wanted you to have it? Down in that Underworld. | 哪怕他们之中也有帮助你重获石板的人吗?他们就在下面的地狱里。 |
水混祐毋 | You really had to reconnect us like that, didn't you? Perhaps it would've been better if you never gave me it. It caused an awful lot of trouble for an awful lot of people. Even a Hell goddess showed up, you know. | 你确实将他们与我重新相连了起来。 当时你若没有将它交还于我,或许会更好一点吧。 它在一群糟糕的人身上引发了更为糟糕的事情。 要知道,连地狱女神都因此事现身了。 |
八衢明伎 | Ah, they'll get over it in due time. One never truly loses a connection anyway. | 啊,他们也算如期解决了这场麻烦。毕竟一个人不会真正失去他的联系。 |
水混祐毋 | Those two have a particularly strong one, don't they? | 两个人的力量总会比一个人强大,对吧? |
Two gods of old watched the mortals of modernity from the sidelines. If it was their turn to put on a show, it was only respectful to let them do so. | 两位古老的神明在一旁注视着现代的凡人们。 如果她们有加入这场祭典表演的动机的话,那唯有对此地的敬意而已了。 | |
博丽灵梦 | "Fantasy Heaven!" Be vanquished, foul one!" | “梦想天生!” 犯规!你输了! |
雾雨魔理沙 | There's no need to get all performative about it! --Wait, when did she show up? | 这种事上没必要这么有干劲啦! ……等等,她什么时候出现的? |
绊锣币顷 | Hey, did you forget me? Really, you seem without words. Is this really all humanity can do? | 嘿,还记得我吗? 真是的,怎么似乎没什么话想说。 这真的是人类干得出来的事情吗? |
博丽灵梦 | For the sake of humanity, I'll exterminate you, words or not! | 为了人类的愿望,让我来退治你吧!无需多言! |
茨木华扇 | They're overdoing it. | 做得太过头了吧。 |
本居小铃 | Y-yeah... | 是啊…… |
Girls carved a beautiful danmaku showdown into the night sky of Gensokyo. In a way, this was all yet another cash grab for Reimu at yet another festival. In another way, this danmaku exhibition served as a glimpse of something Reimu's heart yearned for. In the curtain fire, she saw a peaceful Gensokyo that celebrated without violence. The rest of Gensokyo witnessed some acting of questionable quality. But children liked it. Such was the strange everyday life of the flying shrine maiden. | 少女们在幻想乡的夜空举办了一场漂亮的弹幕祭典。 一方面,这次节日为灵梦带来了一笔很可观的收入。 另一方面,这场弹幕祭典也折射出了灵梦心中所渴求之物的一点掠影。 在弹幕的间隙中,她望见了一个以平和的方式庆祝着节日的,平和的幻想乡。 尽管幻想乡中的其他人也在见证着一些异样行为的发生。 但孩子们乐在其中。这便是飞翔于天空的巫女的每一个不可思议的日常。3 | |
Ending No. 09 ~ Eternal Shrine Maiden Congratulations! Seriously, how cool! Try LAST WORD mode! | Ending No. 09 ~ 永远的巫女 恭喜!你真是太棒了!试着挑战Last Word吧! |