基本信息 | |
人物名 | 远堂丰海 |
日文名 | 遠堂 豊海 |
英文名 | Toyomi Endou |
种族 | 神明 |
能力 | Capable of making rain and flood 召唤暴雨洪水程度的能力 Capable of governing agriculture 司掌农业程度的能力 |
登场信息 | ||||
作品名 | 位置 | 类型 | 称号 | 主题曲 |
東方夢旧市 ~ Glory of Deep Skies. | 三A面BOSS | 游戏 | Former Queen of the Deep Sea 深海的旧女皇 | Dreamquest of the Forsaken Gods 梦寻被遗忘之神1 |
Previously a god of fertility and agriculture from the Middle East, she was also once a ruler. | 她过去是中东地区的丰饶与农业之神,也曾是一位统治者。 |
Back in the age of metal, humans survived mainly by growing crops. As such, gods of the rain and seeds like her have been worshipped to ensure that the crops grew well. Therefore, she had many temples and a number of cults worshipping her across the land. | 在金属时代,人们主要靠种植作物生存。 因此,人们崇拜像她这样掌控雨与种子的神明,以确保作物长势良好。 于是,她在陆地上拥有了许多祭祀自己的神庙和大量狂热信徒。 |
As a ruler, she governed many cities and once assisted the King with the first ever law of the world, too. She also had many connections with other water-related deities like local sea or river gods - Poseidon, Thalassa, Susanoo-no-Mikoto, the list goes on. Therefore, she was a very famous figure during that age. | |
However, her golden age was coming to an end, when the sinking of Atlantis and Mu began to cast fears on the locals - fear of the water deities in general. Her faith was in a steadily declining state. This was also affecting her power very badly. | 然而,她统治的黄金时代走向了终结。亚特兰蒂斯和穆大陆的沉没5在本地居民间引起了恐慌——一种对水中神祇的普遍恐惧。 她的信仰逐步消退,这也给她的力量造成了极为恶劣的影响。 |
When the last temple containing her cult center, Marneion, had been burned down to the ground by the people from the west, this was her breaking point. She had nothing left. The kingdom she had once ruled, her people, her faith - all gone. | 当最后一座祭祀她的神庙,马尔内昂,被来自西方的人夷为平地时6,她跌入了谷底。 她已一无所有,曾经统治的王国、人民和信仰都不复存在。 |
It was then, at that moment, that she recieved an invitation to join the Dream World Castle. It was a group consisting of gods who'd lost faith and had been driven out by newer gods and humans, and they were seeking new methods of gathering faith that were not only more reliable, but had less of a chance of conflicting with the newer gods that had taken over. By joining, however, it meant that she would have to lose all the faith she had currently, and all of her power along with it. Since she no longer had any to begin with, she decided to risk it, as it had more potential than trying to survive alone in an environment like this. | 也就是在这时,她收到了加入幻梦境之城的邀请函。 那是一个由失去信仰、且被新神祇和人类排挤的神明组成的团体, 他们正在寻找新的获取信仰的方法, 且少有与掌权的新神发生冲突的可能。 但是,加入其中意味着她不得不丧失所有信仰,以及所有从中获得的力量。 既然已经一无所有,她决心冒这个风险, 况且这其中蕴含着比独自在新环境下苟延残喘更大的潜力。 |
Her time living at the Dream World Castle was a pleasant one. While everyone was separated into each elemental department, each god also had their own separated "realm" within the castle in which they could do whatever they wished. Toyomi made hers into an underwater paradise that she has always loved. | |
During the time at the castle, the group was also enacting plans carried out by Mitsuru. The goal was to gather faith from humans without moving out of the Dream World, using remote devices and other such things. | 在城中的这段时间,团体还制定了一个由鸣上光执行的计划。 目的是借助远程设备或类似的东西, 从人类身上收集信仰,自身却不离开幻梦境。 |
Although Mitsuru carried out plan after plan, they all seemed to be inevitable failures. It began to cast a shadow of doubt in Toyomi's mind as to whether this was really working or not. | 尽管光执行了一个又一个计划,但它们都不可避免地失败了。 这使得丰海心中产生了怀疑的种子:这一切究竟有没有用。 |
As her power grew weak, she fell into despair. No longer trusting her fellow gods, she thought that the plans were just a farce. Therefore, when an opportunity came, she escaped to a place where she could rest peacefully as she faded away. | 当力量趋于衰弱,她陷入了绝望。 她不再相信那些神明,而觉得所有计划都不过是一场闹剧。 于是,她借机逃匿到一个地方,一个自己能不为人知地消逝的“安息之地”。 |
A marvellous place called Gensokyo, tucked away in an Eastern land... | 一个隐藏在東之国一隅,名叫幻想乡的壮丽之地…… |
中文名 | 英文名 | 出现位置 |
怪符「越窗的弹幕」8 | Strange Sign「Damaku Though the Windows」 | Easy/Normal |
异界者「窗户!窗户上的弹幕!」89 | Otherworldly「The Window!The Window Danmaku!」 | Hard/Lunatic |
曲符「海王的高次元」10 | Warp Sign「Neptune Superdimension」 | Easy |
曲符「海王的超次元」10 | Warp Sign「Neptune Hyperdimension」 | Normal |
曲速引擎「海王的新次元」10 | Warp Drive「Neptune Megadimension」 | Hard |
曲速引擎「海王的神次元」10 | Warp Drive「Neptune Ultradimension」 | Lunatic |
魅符「塞壬之歌」11 | Haunted Sign「Siren's Song」 | Easy/Normal |
轧亡12「悲剧奏鸣曲」13 | Fallen to Death「Tragic Sonata」 | Hard |
染血摇篮曲「在各各他山上」14 | Sanguine Lullaby「On Mount Golgotha」 | Lunatic |
未解之谜「迪斯比纳15的几妙宝珠16」 | Unsolved Mystery「Despina's Exquisite Jewels」 | Easy/Normal |
未解之谜「迪斯比纳的沉没梦中都市」 | Unsolved Mystery「Despina's City of Sunken Dreams」 | Hard/Lunatic |
「沉于深海的诅咒之宫」17 | 「Cursed Palace Sinking in the Deep Sea」 | Easy/Normal |
「亚特兰蒂斯的最后之夜」 | 「Last Night of Atlantis」 | Hard |
「印斯茅斯18涨溢」 | 「Innsmouth Overflow」 | Lunatic |
「渐入疯狂的尾声」819 | 「Coda Gone Wild」 | Impact |