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vexation [04:12]
社团:Pearls Before Swine
原曲:人形裁判 ~ 人の形弄びし少女
  • 歌词语言:英文

I am not me.
the person who could not cross the remorse , who glared at spangles of stars.
I spend more or less good life. my guffaw is more than once in a day with tight friends.
that's why , it might be disorder that I felt something odd.
this world is in my hands. I have never thought about fear.
but, this body is cold. so I didn't know the pain.
possibly , I am not me. may be , my body is being controlled.
I want something than ever before.
since I noticed that here was an artifact.
wave an arm although it's painful as if escape from the tangled strings.
I know all thing is fake until now.
voice of somebody. I hang my head down on back alley.
but, I feel the real. the boy shed beautiful tears of vexation.
that's why , it might be disorder that I felt something odd.
this world is in my hands. I have never thought about fear.
but, this body is cold. so I didn't know the pain.
The way which I go dishonor. I thought wrong that this world was in my hands this before.
I am feeling the pain , now , but I don't feel uneasy.
this body with the real.
I remembered him who shed tears under the spangles of stars.
There is feeling which I want in my front.
wave an arm although it's painful as if escape from the tangled strings.
I know all thing is fake until now.
voice of somebody. I hang my head down on back alley.
but, I feel the real. the boy shed beautiful tears of vexation.
possibly , I am not me.
may be , my body is being controlled.
I want something than ever before.
There is something which I want in my front.
wave an arm although it's painful as if escape from the tangled strings.
I know all thing is fake until now.
voice of somebody. I hang my head down on back alley.
but, I feel the real. the boy shed beautiful tears of vexation.

