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歌词:scream until a wish comes true

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scream until a wish comes true [03:43]
EXCEED (2014-05-11)
社团:Pearls Before Swine
  • 歌词语言:英文

do you wanna destruction?
you have dissatisfaction for you are keeping yourself
I see it like that
how do you feel in this room red like the boold
and are you destroyer?
or are you creator? a easy question
rise more your tension
the story was drawn with your hand, we follow
scream until a wish comes true. and we will never give up
It is not permitted retaking it. well, open your eyes
cross over, cross over. we will ever dive
promise me, you give it everything
cross over, cross over. they haven't thinking time
Do you show me your answer?
Do you wanna come back?
I give you a chance one more time. so no escape from me
We attract attention
It became common to be surrounded by ghosts
scream until a wish comes true. and we will never give up
It is not permitted retaking it. well, open your eyes
cross over, cross over. we will ever dive
promise me, you give it everything
cross over, cross over. they haven't thinking time
Do you show me your answer?
well, open your eyes wide

