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歌词:knocking your heart

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Barrage Am Ring 4 Arrange/side
knocking your heart [04:03]
Barrage Am Ring 4 Arrange / side (2014-05-11)
社团:Pearls Before Swine
原曲:今昔幻想郷 ~ Flower Land
  • 歌词语言:英文

she doesn't never look back to me in any way.
now I say "...ever". got a beat.
she will grow bud of someone somewhere again.
It would be a strange story, by all odds.
It will be a one point.
In the awfully muddy scenes, there are begging guys.
my voice a coward was not transmitted.
there is a monster aiming at those who live downstream.
my heart appealed for the truth.
Is the encounter of people necessity?
her words awakened the heat of parties.
I believed her who was not God.
she doesn't never look back to me in any way.
now I say "...ever". got a beat.
she will grow bud of someone somewhere again.
It would be a strange story, by all odds.
It will be a one point.
the world that scatters anger. get away from that way.
you must not become only the prey of monster.
the wind is knocking your heart.
If so, soon you wake up.
(you must not be sacrificed. believed me!)
the mind that is polished in interchange. I feel it.
(my heart appealed for the truth.)
Is the encounter of people necessity?
her words awakened the heat of parties.
I believed her who was not God.
she doesn't never look back to me in any way.
now I say "...ever". got a beat.
I'll do your behalf.
she will grow bud of someone somewhere again.
It would be a strange story, by all odds.
It will be a one point.
I believed her who was not God. but time has come
The bud grows up by the trifling change surely.
do not miss a chance.
you don't away.'cause you don't wait without doing anything.
I push you up. you aim at the upstream.
you don't away.'cause you don't wait without doing anything.
I push you up. you aim at the upstream.

