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歌词:Oblivion(Solair Echoes)

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本文介绍的是:歌词:Oblivion(Solair Echoes)。关于其他含义,详见「歌词:Oblivion(消歧义)」。

Chrysalid Reverie
Oblivion [04:46]
Chrysalid Reverie (2016-12-29)
社团:Solair Echoes
原曲:幽雅に咲かせ、墨染の桜 ~ Border of Life
  • 歌词语言:英文

I can hear
Wind calling
Me from the abyss
Sweet words of deception
Frozen in my ears
I can hear
My name being
Whispered by the void
Concealed in static
A madness-coloured noise
In the end
Our own past
Doesn't matter anymore
Now it's the
Time when we
Tear our minds apart
Forgotten voices
The shadows lie down
I can't feel my own heart being grinded to dust
My eyes are in coma
In the endless night
Why won't you help me get up?
Through constant doubt my soul ends up in a cage
A cage for which the key was never really made
It seems that the bars are impossible to break
Might as well just give up and accept my fate
Sleep covers
My vision
Cutting all the pain
When I wake up
Will it all remain the same?
Darkness is singing a silent lullaby
Laughing at monsters that hide behind my eyes
Look me in the eyes
We're long forsaken
Scattered across the vile world
Close your eyes
It's always been too late
Now it's time to shatter your soul
Forever / I'm falling down
In my heart / Falling apart
In this hopeless nightmare filled with doubts and lies
With my eyes / Forever more
Dripping blood/ It's all the same
I can't see no future beyond that door
Hold my hand / In solitude
And 'til the end / We don't exist
I wish I could rip the reality surrounding
my own heart / a mundane dream
In the night / is this the end?
As the static rings in my ears
I can hear
My name being
Whispered by the void
Concealed in static
A madness-coloured noise
In this delusion I can see only redemption
In madness my way of resurrection


