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歌词:Live on Dead

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The Border (of life and death)
Live on Dead
The Border (of life and death) (2015-01-02)
编曲:Mikheil Matlock
演唱:Mikheil Matlock
作词:Mikheil Matlock
原曲:懐かしき東方の血 ~ Old Worldプレインエイジア
  • 歌词语言:英文

Nobody told you that you can live as you like
Because they cannot live as they like
But it's not a reason for you to live on dead
I'm not a serious dreamer when I'm awake
While there are times when I feel so fake
To see you die, revive, right before my eyes
History was once written by the winner
Now that the winner has become a sinner
I'd like to wipe that page out of everything
It is my sense of duty more than my curiosity
That's driving me to fulfill my responsibilities
But I can't help glancing at all your deaths
Stop this ridiculous life you now are leading
It's not a demand, but more like a begging
There must be a way for you to quit
All these meaningless slaughters, massacres,
Slaughters and massacres within less than an acre
One kill is one death, though no one really dies
You can laugh at my idealism, my unrealism
I won't give up my dream of pacificism
Dream of history without wars of any kind
But the sad thing is clear as daylight
You won't get away from your daily fights
In the end you'll continue to live on dead


