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歌词:Into The Heavens

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Into The Heavens [05:39]
TOHO EURO MISSION 02 (2020-05-05)
编曲:DJ Timotei
原曲:有頂天変 ~ Wonderful Heaven
  • 歌词语言:英文

With a flash and a bang, you came falling down out of the deep blue sky
Right outside my doorstep, you look on up at me with a bashful smile
From one look I can tell you’re quite shy, but there’s a twinkle in your eye
You want to return home, but it seems like you’ll be stuck here for a while
The way that you laugh, your voice when you sing
Truly you’re my angel
You take me higher and higher straight on up into the boundless heavens
Never could I have imagined the world that exists here
As much as I wish to spend my life here, there is just no way
But you tell me “Do your best, maybe someday”
Since the day that you left, some months have passed, but I won’t forget your words
I can see clearly now that this is it - this is the path I must take
One of these days I’m sure I’ll join you singing and flying with the birds
Bringing joy and laughs to the people and letting them forget heartbreak
I’m just beginning, keep on watching me
Someday I will reach you
Every day, little by little, I can fly a bit closer towards you
It’s still a work in progress but the way is clear to me
Though my wings may be held together by strings, I can still sing
And I wouldn’t trade this away for a thing
You took me higher and higher straight on up into the boundless heavens
Never could I have imagined the world that exists here
As much as I wished to spend my life here, there was just no way
But you told me “Do your best, maybe someday”


