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Chrysalid Reverie
忘れ物の生甲斐 [06:50]
Chrysalid Reverie (2016-12-29)
社团:Solair Echoes
  • 歌词语言:英文

At the end of time here in this counterfeit paradise
I am doomed to sing until I perish into nothing
I sing about a vast sky, but even birds summer songs decay down here.
Locked up, I am doomed to see the fortune and fate of this world.
I am just one diva in the long line of vain deaths
Born to sacrifice my life and soul for the worlds sake
I sing about the warm sun, but my darkness cant be enlived by light
Voices from past and future resounding in me, my only company
I always wished to see the world my voice tells of, but I´ll never see again.
my owners are the priests in this shrine of fate, I am their sacred jailbird.
I want to run away
and escape this dark circle
I dont want to be reborn
not even one time again
Every case they give me
every young new body
Every time Im reborn
they taint me once again
Always used as their play thing
to bring them satisfaction
satiate their vile cravings
My immortal soul and voice
just want to finally die,
and subside forever.
Please let me die
set my soul free
My voice shall be
the subtle singing
within warm summer winds
Once again I´m sitting in this disgusting sactuary of fate
I can hear the fates whispering voices ordering me to sing.
I sing about my past lifes, I cant remember but I´ve been told of
Singing about the warmth that I used to feel when I was not yet chosen.
In my darkest hours of solitude, when the silence crushes me,
I try to think of what my mothers hands mustve felt like.
I was just taken from her, as the new Diva chosen to sing of fate,
brought to this shrine that crushed my eternal soul again in this lifetime.
I´m trying to remember what the world looked like I know I saw it once
back then when I was not blind and couldnt see only the cruel worlds fortune
My hands are reaching out
up to the linen stitches
that keep my eyes tigh shut
If the seheress opened her eyes
then the black vow against god
would be finally sealed.
Then the world would fall apart
and only the god cursed child
would survive the foreseen end.
And so this live
is my duty
I have to live
in this darkness
helpless I cry
I wish at least for
colorful dreams.