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歌词:A long song about something sophisiticated

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The Border (of life and death)
A long song about something sophisiticated
The Border (of life and death) (2015-01-02)
编曲:Mikheil Matlock
演唱:Mikheil Matlock
作词:Mikheil Matlock
  • 歌词语言:英文

It is my passion, it is my desire
To begin to sing, to set out to recite
A song of the dead, a story of the gone
To comfort their souls, and those of our own
I am not a storyteller with good stories
What I sing is what I saw, and also what I feel
Not so grand as these of the old minstrel
Not so delicate as those of a playwright
Once there was this lady who thought
That all killing is simply evil
And she sold her power, sold her soul
For a pact with a priest of death
When everything got settled and dusted
Came the manipulator from a gap
She said that all must stop at once
But as it turned out it was a late effort
And so years went by, flew was the time
It was a tale so dreadful that no one would tell
One day after the erection of walls
Again the peace went away from the land
Snow kept falling, Spring lay asleep
No one knew the reason, no one had a clue
Three went out searching to find out the truth
Petal-like snowflakes caressed them all
The red shrine maiden, a carefree one
She ran out of donations, so she set out
To see and to discover, what evil on earth
Dragged her into a whole new crisis
The silver head maid, a steadfast one
Her masters consumed too much tea
'The stock'll be gone', she said, to herself
And she went out to replenish their stowage
The black magician, an ordinary one
She'd no particular motive at all
It might have been simply too much boredom
Or it was she hated being left behind
The three set their steps on a trip
Neither to heaven, nor to hell
As their destination has the distinction
For accommodating all dead souls
As they each paved their ways through the snow
Cleared all confusions, and got above
Dealt with the border of noise and music
They reached the gate of the netherworld
A half-human-half-ghost, a determined gatekeeper
An attentive gardener, a sinewy sword-bearer
She was feisty as the Spring that was lost
And cold as the Winter that hadn't gone
Her master, a princess, of eternal youth
A dead soul awaken, a ghost, two-foot
Had smuggled the Spring, secretly stored it
Inside of her archaic cherry tree
The cherry tree, in full bloom, a boon companion
Guarded her corpse alongside her powers
But under the lively look on the surface
It was a lighthouse leading to death
An intensive conversation, an intense battle
A clash between different innocent desires
So long did it rage in the world of the dead
That it eventually made the flowers go wild
There are plenty accounts that tell
How the incident came to an end
While most of these focus at the process and battles
Little was said about the story after
Then, all the snow halted falling
Spring got free of its captivity
On a bright and warm new day
The resurrected princess made a request
She didn't talk a lot about her past
But an old friend of her was brought up
That friend, she said, was as always
Lying firm for another endless hibernation
She wanted someone to give her friend
Her greetings, regards, and a kick
First to inform about their reunion
Then to get her out of her bed
So the three went back from the reign of the dead
Returning to life in every sense
And went to search for a certain person
Residing in the boundaries of everything
Some petty disputes, a little malentendu
After all the hostess was fully awaken
The wily weasel, seventeen years old
Went out to her friend for a rendezvous
With the dead got revitalised
And the sage reclaimed her passion
Spring spread through the land
The story came to its end
And as things they all got settled
The land of illusions again was in peace
While none may ever fathom all the facts
A song about these lasses would glide on


