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東方潮聖書 ~ Sapphire Panlogism./设定与剧情/游戏内Manual
- 本词条内容为东方二次同人游戏东方潮圣书的游戏内置Manual文档
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▶1. How to Play | ▶1. 游玩方式 |
In this game,you shoot down enemies while dodging their bullets. Each stage has a boss at the end,and when you shoot her down,you clear the stage. Even in a derivative work,it'll be good if you don't get hit. | 在本游戏中,你要在击落敌人的同时 躲避他们的弹幕。 在每个关卡的结尾都会出现一位BOSS, 将其击落以通过关卡。 虽说是玩同人游戏, 不过也最好不要中弹哦。 |
▶2. Story | ▶2. 故事 |
The rain really was that terrible. Living her life in Gensokyo,a landlocked world of fantasy,it hadn't occurred to her before. But it was true! It really was raining oceanwater. By the time she had realized that,the usual troublemakers from her shrine had already all disappeared. In exchange,droves of unfamiliar foreign fairies were descending from the sky. Magic all around Gensokyo was disrupted, the Human Village was anticipating crop failure, youkai-- the ones who hadn't vanished-- had to endure saltwater falling from the skies. And the rain wouldn't end. Really,this was an incident bigger than Reimu could have ever expected. | 这场雨真是太糟糕了。 生长在居于内陆的幻想乡的她, 自然不能想象这样的大雨。 但事情确实如此! 真的有海水如雨般落下。 当她意识到这一点时, 平日赖在神社里的那些捣蛋鬼 都已经消失不见了。 取而代之的是陌生的异域妖精, 成群从天空中飞降而下。 幻想乡全境的魔法都受到了干扰, 人类村落预备迎来一场歉收, 妖怪们——那些还尚未失踪的—— 不得不忍受咸水从天空中降下。 而这场大雨永无止息。 诚然,这是一场 远超灵梦预期的巨大异变。 |
▶3. Controls | ▶3. 操作方式 |
Arrow keys - Control your character Shot key(Z) - Shoot Special key(X) - Declare spell card(limited use) Slow key(Shift) - Focus movement Pause key(Esc) - Pause Other Controls: Skip dialogue - Hold down shot key Accelerate replay - Ctrl For character specific controls,refer to Special Systems. | 方向键 - 控制角色移动 射击键(Z) - 开火 特殊键(X) - 宣言符卡(数量有限) 低速键(Shift) - 低速移动 暂停键(Esc) - 暂停 其他操作: 跳过对话 - 按住射击键 加速Replay播放 - Ctrl键 角色的特殊操作方式,参见“特殊系统”章节。 |
▶4. HUD On-Screen Indicators | ▶4. 游戏界面 |
Lives Number of times you can mess up. (Pieces) Collect enough droplets and your remaining lives go up by 1. Spell Cards(Bombs) Number of spell cards you can declare. (Pieces) Collect enough droplets and your spell card count goes up by 1. Droplets Collect enough of a given color and you'll active a Rain Border. Power Power of your shot. Increases every 100 power items. You lose 0.50 each time you're hit. Value Maximum value per point item. Graze Number of times you've grazed enemy fire. | 残机 你能够失误的次数。 (碎片) 收集足够的雨滴后你的残机将增加1个。 符卡(雷) 你能够宣言的符卡数。 (碎片) 收集足够的雨滴后你的符卡将增加1枚。 雨滴 收集足够的同色雨滴以激活一个雨之结界。 灵力 代表射击的威力。 每收集100个灵力道具将提升一个等级。 每当你被击中时,你将失去0.50灵力。 最大得点 得点道具的最大分值。 擦弹数 你擦过敌人弹幕的次数。 |
▶5. Items | ▶5. 道具 |
Power Item Makes your shot stronger. As ZUN says,"Lots of these will appear." Point Item Increases your score. As ZUN says,"Worth more the higher on the screen you collect them." Life Piece Appears after a Rain Border or after clearing a boss's spell card. Collect enough of them,and you'll get an extra life. Spell Piece Appears after a Rain Border or after clearing a boss's spell card. Collect enough of them,and you'll get an extra bomb. *When you move your character to the top portion of the screen, you'll collect all standard items automatically. | 灵力道具 增强你的射击。 就像ZUN所说:“会大量出现。” 得点道具 提高你的得分。 就像ZUN所说:“在越高的地方获得,价值就会更大。” 残机碎片 在雨之结界结束后 或者击破BOSS符卡后出现。 收集足够的数量后,你就会得到一个残机。 符卡碎片 在雨之结界结束后 或者击破BOSS符卡后出现。 收集足够的数量后,你就会得到一个雷。 *当操纵角色移动到游戏画面的上部时, 将自动收集所有的一般道具。 |
▶6. Gathering Droplets | ▶6. 收集雨滴 |
In this game,many enemies have a red or green aura. When defeated,they'll give you droplet items of the corresponding color. (More info on these in the next page) The aura will turn blue after a while; the enemies become much more vulnerable when this happens. Bosses have their own aura during spell cards. It cycles between the three colors. They also drop life pieces or spell pieces in addition to the droplets of the corresponding color. Time your attacks to get the resources you want! | 在游戏中,许多敌人带有红色或绿色的光晕。 当他们被击破时,会掉落对应颜色的雨滴道具。 (详见下页) 在一段时间后,光晕会变为蓝色, 此时敌人会变得脆弱得多。 在符卡阶段中,BOSS们同样带有光晕。 它会在三种颜色之间循环变换。 除了对应颜色的雨滴道具, 击破时还会掉落残机碎片或符卡碎片。 算准攻击的时机来得到需要的资源吧! |
▶7. Using the Rainbowl | ▶7. 使用虹色结界 |
When you collect 10 droplets of the same color,you'll activate a Rain Border. If you grab enough droplets of another type while it's active, it will be refreshed and the colors will combine. Release the fire key during a border to automatically collect all items on screen and get a corresponding score bonus. In addition,you'll get life pieces,spell pieces,or extra PIV items depending on the active colors. A single combined border will give you more resource overall than multiple singular ones. During boss encounters,the border becomes inactive. The item collection will automatically activate after the fight. Plan ahead for maximum effectiveness! | 当收集到10个同色的雨滴时,将激活一个雨之结界。 在此结界持续期间,如果收集足够数量的其它颜色的雨滴, 结界持续时间将被刷新,且两种颜色将会混合。 在结界持续期间松开射击键,你将自动收集画面中的所有道具, 并获得一次相应的分数奖励。 另外,取决于你的结界颜色, 你将获得残机碎片、符卡碎片或是额外的最大得点道具。 总体而言,单个混色结界将比多个单色结界 奖励更多资源。 在BOSS战中,结界的持续时间将停止流逝。 在战斗结束后,将自动收集道具并结算奖励。 为了最大的效益,请预先做好计划吧! |
▶8. Special Systems(&Character Abilities) | ▶8. 特殊系统(&角色能力) |
If(read:when) you get hit with more spell cards in stock than the default, your stock will drop back down to the initial value. Don't be afraid to use one every now and then. You also collect all items on screen when you declare a spell card, ignoring droplets. Each character has a set quirk: Reimu Hakurei - Smaller hitbox Marisa Kirisame - Lower point of collection Shou Toramaru - Wider collection range Hecatia Lapislazuli - Three different shot types(toggle with C) Also,if you fulfill certain special conditions, you might unlock something extra in Spell Practice. | 在持有的符卡数多于初始携带数的情况下中弹MISS时, 符卡数量将会滑落为初始值。 请时时积极使用符卡吧。 当你宣言符卡时,你也将收集画面上的所有道具, 雨滴道具除外。 每位角色都有着自己的固有特性: 博丽 灵梦 - 更小的判定点 雾雨 魔理沙 - 更低的道具收集线 寅丸 星 - 更大的道具吸取范围 赫卡提亚·拉碧丝拉祖利 - 三种不同的火力配置(按C切换) 此外,如果满足一定的特殊条件, 将在符卡练习中解锁某些额外内容。 |