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歌词:Something Less Pessimistic

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The Border (of life and death)
Something Less Pessimistic
The Border (of life and death) (2015-01-02)
编曲:Mikheil Matlock
演唱:Mikheil Matlock
作词:Mikheil Matlock
  • 歌词语言:英文

The sun shines still
The air flows still
The fights go on still
The corpse of mine
It's still
I need only ten seconds
To get my life seconds
Though they're seconds
For someone like me
That's essence
Never will I get bereft
For that forbidden gift
With it I became deft
Just as a staghound
After a theft
I had missions undone
To make someone gone
But before long I found
A single severe problem
About wounds
She ain't dying at all
However hard we brawl
I had to admit my fault
Of underestimating
That dope
So I reckon that things have changed
Life shall go on albeit there's hatred
Compare it, my enemy, my friend
To the eternity we both possess
Days woven with blood are the past
Days woven with love are the present
It's not a dream-come-true
It's an imperishable illusion of mine


