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This page refers to: 歌词:Pray(IRON ATTACK!). For other uses, see 歌词:Pray(Disambig).

Keep Your Faith
Pray [04:25]
Keep Your Faith (2017-05-07)
  • 歌詞の言語:英文

Pray to god, trust the god
god's force that change the world
in rainy fall, shrine make us reaklise
in face of fighting fields everyone go ahead in line
shadow and sun will sting your impious heart
wind blow in the sky, it makes delusion of your faith
when you lost your way, you will see the devine wind
when you find the right way to top of the mountain of faith
inflame you again, shrine make us reaklise
in face of fighting fields everyone go ahead in line
Dao-zhao taoism will sting your impious heart
wind blow from the sea, it makes delusion of your mind
when you lost your way, you will see the devine wind
and you pray…
just forward to thousand fields
trust your god!
faith is still living in the mountain of god and evil
keep your faith, trust the god
god's force that save the world
with Autumn leaves, shrine make us reaklise
in face of fighting fields everyone go ahead in line
shadow and sun will sting your impious heart
wind blow in the sky, it makes delusion of your faith
when you lost your way, you will see the devine wind
and you pray…
just forward to thousand fields
trust your god!
faith is still living in the mountain of god and evil