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歌词:Hide and Seek(Karasu)

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This page refers to: 歌词:Hide and Seek(Karasu). For other uses, see 歌词:Hide and Seek(Disambig).

Hide and Seek [04:13]
Stargazing (2017-10-15)
  • 歌詞の言語:英文

Drop dead
And so the game begins
In ruthless eyes, in comforting smile
Please don't be afraid and break your chains
Your steps will drown you in pain
Again and again in her unforgiving grace
So keep your head down
Don't try to run away
It's far too late now
Listen to the neverending tone
Crimson lips, so cold it's burning
Shrouded in fragrance of hate
Face so grim, with no expression
Feast upon the light of hope
And so the game begins
In the moments you bleed
Crawl to escape oblivion
and watch your step, behind your back
lies a fate you can't comprehend
Consumed by the heart that craved love for so long
Abandoned for reasons unforgivable
Truth and lies all blend together into madness
Carried along by the lust for revenge
I've been lost for so long
Inside a cold scarlet mist
I'd reach out my hands once again
But my soul burns out in sunlight
Faith won't save you from despair,
just hold your breath until the end
Letting go of precious dreams
Will only sting until you breathe
Don't run away
Don't raise your eyes
Don't look behind
And kneel before the queen
Feel your mind decay away as hatred breaks inside your brain
Just keep standing in the night and don't give into mindless pain
Crimson lips so cold it's burning
Can you simply run away?
If you just give up and lay down
Will it hurt a little less?
Sadness, sorrow, solitude
and victims of hope carry on forever
Ruthless eyes, so kind it's painful
It's so hard to hold my breath
Lost inside a cold abyss
Do we end before we begin?
The game is rigged, there's no escape
Rules were set to twist your fate
When you're at ease, it comes
Crushing spirits, for her throne