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用户Wiki:Demobanker/Tracklists for Gpop and CondorTalon's Touhou Pad Packs

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it's like the tracklists for the rhythm games but not official

yeah ok so i'm doing this list because it's honestly one of the pack series that's actually done well (i'm not going to do this for some random guy's low quality pack) and also because the song choices in the later packs are more diverse than the ones in any of the official rhythm games 1. in fact, all packs in the series feature at least one track from non-japanese arrangers and most of these arrangers have a connection to the rhythm gaming scene 2.

the first three packs were stepped mostly by gpop. from the fourth pack onwards the series became a joint effort between gpop and condortalon

track order is how they appear ingame. almost all of the tracks are cut from their original length

NOTE: some tracks are missing because they're either from the game soundtracks & ZUN's albums, or are not associated with any releases on the wiki. Unfortunately, the template that displays track info doesn't work with custom input anymore. This isn't a high priority for me so I'm not planning on displaying those tracks in a different way anytime soon.


every pack has their own subpage now because there's too many tracks and it's probably gonna give the server a bad time if you load them all at once

  1. or even osu
  2. surprised that kil wasn't in any of them, btw