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歌词:Dance violently and Dance!

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Dance violently and Dance! [04:47]
東方EUROBEAT ARRANGE Vol.2 (2013-04-29)
Titolo Originale:妖々跋扈
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  • Lingua del Testo:日文,英文

隙間拡げ景色見る日常が いつも同じ繰り返しでつまらない
Ah 何か楽しい事が起きたらいいな ぶつぶつと呟きながら目を放す
いつの日にか自堕落な日常に 飽きて行動を頭に詰め込んで
そう、プログラムを算段し組み込んで 胡散臭い笑み浮かべて動き出す
雲ひとつない晴れ渡る空 長閑な景色を
一瞬で様変わりする それが異変の始まり
Does he notice sure enough? そこに罠があると
It's useless not to notice? 見破るまでやるわ
probably, it understands immediately -- since ?
intuition is sharp, it's found right now, and escape also hides, and there is nothing
誰もこない間見てひっそりと おやつ食べながら高みの見物を
そう、まだここには着く筈が出来ないの だって…簡単じゃ味気がないでしょう?
Now, dance violently and dance 舞台の幕はもう
It's your defeat when stopping 下がる事は出来ない
It is not made to solve absolutely.
This is a game.
Since it is so pleasant, it is not made to finish immediately.
隙間拡げた先には既に 僅かな距離へと
迫りはじめるこの気迫 …終わるわけにはいかない
Now, dance violently and dance 舞台の幕はもう
It does not already fall 私を倒すまで
It is not made to solve absolutely.
This is a game.
Since it is so pleasant, it is not made to finish immediately.
it is only I and you that are here now
it will be easy to do only by not requiring an obstacle?
Now, do I begin, or do you consider it as a skill look first of all,
and can win and me that manipulate a boundary?

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