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歌词:Whispering Sign

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Track Informations
東方幻奏響UROBOROS参 ~とある魔法と幻想の無限螺旋~
Whispering Sign [03:40]
東方幻奏響UROBOROS参 ~とある魔法と幻想の無限螺旋~ (2015-05-10)
Original Title:ブクレシュティの人形師
Other Versions (click to show/hide)
Whispering Sign
Whispering Sign
TOHO COMPLETE BOX2 (2016-12-29)
  • Lyrics Language:英文

There is a gun in my head
I'll cast a spell on you
(Blast off)
All my friends are dead and gone
But I still hear their voices in me
Untill their spirits walk away
Every trace will guide me somewhere
So I am not alone
Lost memories filling my heart
are not just a pain
Every word, every doll, every lie has its own meaning
Our show will go on
We'll open up the path
This is the final day of war
I'll tear up the darkened cloud
This is the final day in fear
No more will the nightmare haunt you
Rejection was waiting for me
On the road to triumph, I became the other thing
Lost voices are filling my dream
They are just a phantom
Whispering of someone once I knew is still a sign for me to light
(Blast Off)
All my friends are dead and gone
But I still hear their voices in me
Untill their spirits walk away
Every trace will guide me somewhere
So I am not alone
This is the final day of war
I'll tear up the darkened cloud
This is the final day in fear
No more will the nightmare haunt you
This is the final day of war
I'll tear up the darkened cloud
This is the final day in fear
No more will the nightmare haunt me