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歌词:Reign this Time

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Track Informations
Reign this Time [02:45]
M (2012-08-11)
Original Title:眠れる恐怖 ~Sleeping Terror
  • Lyrics Language:英文

(Regin this Time all the past)
Right now, I yearn to the painfull
Won't be lost,whatever paid the cost
Hey,get the hell out mine
I don't wanna hear your mouth
Who calling me inside?
So,leaving all the past
Sometimes feels it fade to...
Now,Everything has felt so blindness and vain
Love,hope and faith remained me still your pain,
Your death and Your world pray
Crawl through and turn to the silence
May my end exist anymore
Since your death,night has no ending
I don't wanna live to die
Behind the one of heart
If Call me last he can?
Howling this one,fake through
Now,Everything has felt so blindness and vain
Love,hope and faith remained me still your pain,
Your death and Your world pray
Yes,this song reach to the sky again and again
Now,Everything has felt so blindness and vain
Love,hope and faith remained me still your pain,
Your death and Your world pray
(Regin this Time don't wanna hear your mouth)