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歌词:Pushing you away

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Track Informations
Pushing you away [03:38]
東方幻奏響UROBOROS弐 ~fAIRYtAILoVERdRIVE~ (2014-12-29)
Original Title:妖魔夜行
Other Versions (click to show/hide)
Pushing you away
TOHO COMPLETE BOX2 (2016-12-29)
  • Lyrics Language:英文

My time has been pausing
Blindfolded with your words
I believed in you but now
I believe in my own voice
((You let me dream it and you confined me
But the darkness you’re afraid of saved me))
The night will hold me, take me to a new day
I’ll turn a page…
((I’ll turn a page I want to get it back, get it back))
I don’t want you any more
Never turn back, I slam the door
Get myself back, I’ll push you away
Want to find the light again
In the darkness I made
Open my eyes and push you away
Your words are my chains
Promises are still pretending
to be innocent but now
I start to walk away
((You let me dream it and you confined me
But the darkness you’re afraid of saved me))
The night will hold me, take me to a new day
I’ll turn a page…
((I’ll turn a page I want to get it back, get it back))
I don’t want you any more
Never turn back, I slam the door
Get myself back, I’ll push you away
Want to find the light again
In the darkness I made
Open my eyes and push you away
Then you’ll see
I can get what I want without you
((I can get what I want without you))
The waning moon, set me free
((I don’t want to waste my time any more
I am not your good doll any more
I’m incomplete, Tonight will swallow
Fake stars, break down old me now
It’s about to time to go
What am I waiting for? Go!))
I’ll turn a page…
((I’ll turn a page I want to get it back, get it back))
I don’t want you any more
Never turn back, I slam the door
Get myself back, I’ll push you away
Want to find the light again
In the darkness I made
Open my eyes and push you away
Then you’ll see
I can get what I want without you
((I can get what I want without you))
The waning moon, set me free