Basic Informations | ||
Title | 东方远空界 ~ Ultimate Vitality of Imagination Soundtrack | |
Producer | 神心飘游堂 | |
Release | 2022-02-07 | |
Type | 原声集(东方远空界 ~ Ultimate Vitality of Imagination的原声集) | |
Rating | 一般向 | |
Discs | 1 | |
Tracks | 20 | |
Length | 01:31:49 | |
Genre | 游戏音乐 | |
Price | Mail Order Price: 9人民币 | |
Website | https://store.steampowered.com/app/1866050/__Ultimate_Vitality_of_Imagination_Soundtrack/ |
通贩信息 | ||
官方通贩 | Steam |
飘游轻风旅 | Tr.1-20 |
01 | 沉于水底的不尽想象 | 03:35 | |
Compose | 飘游轻风旅 | ||
02 | 看不透的雾霭 | 04:15 | |
Compose | 飘游轻风旅 | ||
03 | 流光溢彩之降临 | 03:15 | |
Compose | 飘游轻风旅 | ||
04 | Erratic Swing | 04:06 | |
Compose | 飘游轻风旅 | ||
05 | 迷迷糊糊的时空表演 | 03:44 | |
Compose | 飘游轻风旅 | ||
06 | 浮向远空的云与心 | 04:49 | |
Compose | 飘游轻风旅 | ||
07 | 飞驰于天空的废铁浪漫 | 04:56 | |
Compose | 飘游轻风旅 | ||
08 | 神思,融入星夜 | 05:25 | |
Compose | 飘游轻风旅 | ||
09 | 远方的指引者 | 05:24 | |
Compose | 飘游轻风旅 | ||
10 | 在变幻莫测的境界中漂流的意识坠向中心 | 06:18 | |
Compose | 飘游轻风旅 | ||
11 | 万物凝心的太阳使者 | 05:53 | |
Compose | 飘游轻风旅 | ||
12 | 穿越纷繁的虚与实 | 04:47 | |
Compose | 飘游轻风旅 | ||
13 | 空想信仰的神造耀光 ~ Effulgent World of Consciousness | 08:29 | |
Compose | 飘游轻风旅 | ||
14 | 神欲的无限未来 | 03:05 | |
Compose | 飘游轻风旅 | ||
15 | 秋雪一夜落山林 | 06:09 | |
Compose | 飘游轻风旅 | ||
16 | 隐世的超越者 ~ Hidden Desire | 07:48 | |
Compose | 飘游轻风旅 | ||
17 | 入眠 | 02:31 | |
Compose | 飘游轻风旅 | ||
18 | 寂静的远空 | 02:00 | |
Compose | 飘游轻风旅 | ||
19 | Player's Score | 01:32 | |
Compose | 飘游轻风旅 | ||
20 | Bonus Track 无名神祗的世界探索 | 03:48 | |
Compose | 飘游轻风旅 |
本专辑收录了「东方远空界 ~ Ultimate Vitality of Imagination」的全部19首音乐以及一首附加的Bonus Track,均为风格近似于东方原作的游戏音乐。